Accepted Naming rule

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Make it so we don't have to add a first and last name in our name. Recently staff on US started enforcing this in which a lot of players were upset about. When I ask in the where in the rules it says that Jules responded with it's "common sense" my issue here is that's not a excuse as many players on GMOD don't have common sense and enforcing a rule that doesn't exist shouldn't be allowed. If this suggestion gets denied at least add it into the rules please.

1.20(a) Naming Conventions - Names used when creating a character must be realistic and not contain any special characters, unnecessary letters, numbers, or resembling a famous celebrity or character - An exception is made for identifying squadrons, such as [LDR]

1.20(b) Code Names - If you use a code name (e.g. John "Cloak" Smith), the following rules apply: Code names should be 1 word and must be a real word, a portmanteau of two real words, or a place name, and must be something sensible. The exception to this is for all CL5 keycard holders (F/GOC/CI) and MTFs Omega-1 & Alpha-1, who may have a longer codename without a real name.

(Don't know where it says in these rules about this but yea this is the rule the staff team are referring too.)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Adds RP for interrogations as players should be allowed to interrogate high rankings of their name. Instead of just looking at there card.
Gives players freedom for their names as it shouldn't be required to have a first and last name as it makes it so names super long.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:None.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: I believe this should be accepted because us players should be able to choose on how we want to format our name as long as its realistic.


Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Make it so we don't have to add a first and last name in our name. Recently staff on US started enforcing this in which a lot of players were upset about. When I ask in the where in the rules it says that Jules responded with it's "common sense" my issue here is that's not a excuse as many players on GMOD don't have common sense and enforcing a rule that doesn't exist shouldn't be allowed. If this suggestion gets denied at least add it into the rules please.

1.20(a) Naming Conventions - Names used when creating a character must be realistic and not contain any special characters, unnecessary letters, numbers, or resembling a famous celebrity or character - An exception is made for identifying squadrons, such as [LDR]

1.20(b) Code Names - If you use a code name (e.g. John "Cloak" Smith), the following rules apply: Code names should be 1 word and must be a real word, a portmanteau of two real words, or a place name, and must be something sensible. The exception to this is for all CL5 keycard holders (F/GOC/CI) and MTFs Omega-1 & Alpha-1, who may have a longer codename without a real name.

(Don't know where it says in these rules about this but yea this is the rule the staff team are referring too.)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Adds RP for interrogations as players should be allowed to interrogate high rankings of their name. Instead of just looking at there card.
Gives players freedom for their names as it shouldn't be required to have a first and last name as it makes it so names super long.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:None.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: I believe this should be accepted because us players should be able to choose on how we want to format our name as long as its realistic.
+Support Rules dumb as shit, just more SC AND A1/O1 dickriding (Jokes ofc)
Jun 6, 2022
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Chad

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

This revision has been added, however there are still certain limitations. The main part being the full requirements for a first and last name have been removed, however names must still be sensible and appropriate to the persons job. E.G CL5 Keycard Holders are the only individuals who may have a name such as; "The Founder".

More information can be found within change-logs on SCP-RP Discord.

Bare in mind, the above example is merely that. An example.​
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