Denied NATO AND USSR - please bring it back

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Well-known Member
Sep 12, 2021
What do this suggestion change this will remove the current way the armies are in and now and change it back to nato and USSR or have nato and something else and I find it hard now to find what battalion they are like when it was nato with sas and jaf it was much easier to find what you were in

Possible Positives of the suggestion
it makes it a lot easier to find the tryout areas or to find the right battalion to join when you find as it is much easier to find or when looking for a shock army in the USSR

Possible Negatives of the suggestion well obviously the Russian and Ukrainian war is going on so there may be some controversy if the change was made however I do feel the change make it that bit more realistic

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
well back when I joined when it was the world war 3 server with the nato and USSR thing going on I was like this is such a brilliant idea and it was much easier to find the battalion that you are looking, for now, haven't got a clue on what is what but this is a controversial change during the Russian and Ukrainian war going on
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So I can give a bit of insight as to why the change was made.

At the time of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I was the leader of the USSR part of the server. I had a pretty large insight into players' reactions and how it affected the server. The majority of players were unfazed and didn't particularly care, that was until reports of rather horrific incidents coming out of Ukraine were released.

At that point, a fair amount of players had either announced their intention to switch sides or to leave altogether. This did warrant some consideration from NL but maybe not an entire rework of the system. The USSR/NATO dichotomy worked really well for the server, there was a clear bad vs good as soon as you stepped into the vast world of CG MRP.

I raised these concerns and my immediate decision as a Senior Gamemaster was to write a story around the Russian breakaway from the USSR, having the USSR actually be run from Ukraine and Poland in-game. This arc would eventually lead to another faction rising, but we didn't go with a new faction in the end as there were concerns that players just wouldn't understand what it was and what they stood for.

If it were to be reverted I believe it would negatively impact the NWO/USSR for the remainder of the server's lifespan. NWO/USSR were always struggling to find players, especially after the IRL invasion. We had a few weeks where we did outnumber NATO and we did go on a great spree of victories, but this was due to a resurgence of older players returning to the USSR, not because new players were coming in.

I've not played the server for a while now, but I saw all the hard work the devs did put in behind the scenes. To throw that away so soon would be a bit of a disappointment. I don't know what the current numbers are like, what the structuring is, who is winning more and so forth. What I do know is that the NWO struggled originally from the onset of the campaign due to the mismanagement of weaponry, although I am in belief that the numbers issue has slowly been levelled out.

There is a huge lore around the new campaign, far more than the old campaign, there's more individuality and a much more clear and concise identity of good vs bad in this campaign. All of this was intentionally designed to work this way. It might be a bit difficult for newer players to identity who is who and who does what, but that would not take a lot of time to actually work out.

A return to the old campaign would ultimately kill the server at this time given the lower player count and the tendency for the USSR to have had much lower numbers.


Well-known Member
Sep 12, 2021
So I can give a bit of insight as to why the change was made.

At the time of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I was the leader of the USSR part of the server. I had a pretty large insight into players' reactions and how it affected the server. The majority of players were unfazed and didn't particularly care, that was until reports of rather horrific incidents coming out of Ukraine were released.

At that point, a fair amount of players had either announced their intention to switch sides or to leave altogether. This did warrant some consideration from NL but maybe not an entire rework of the system. The USSR/NATO dichotomy worked really well for the server, there was a clear bad vs good as soon as you stepped into the vast world of CG MRP.

I raised these concerns and my immediate decision as a Senior Gamemaster was to write a story around the Russian breakaway from the USSR, having the USSR actually be run from Ukraine and Poland in-game. This arc would eventually lead to another faction rising, but we didn't go with a new faction in the end as there were concerns that players just wouldn't understand what it was and what they stood for.

If it were to be reverted I believe it would negatively impact the NWO/USSR for the remainder of the server's lifespan. NWO/USSR were always struggling to find players, especially after the IRL invasion. We had a few weeks where we did outnumber NATO and we did go on a great spree of victories, but this was due to a resurgence of older players returning to the USSR, not because new players were coming in.

I've not played the server for a while now, but I saw all the hard work the devs did put in behind the scenes. To throw that away so soon would be a bit of a disappointment. I don't know what the current numbers are like, what the structuring is, who is winning more and so forth. What I do know is that the NWO struggled originally from the onset of the campaign due to the mismanagement of weaponry, although I am in belief that the numbers issue has slowly been levelled out.

There is a huge lore around the new campaign, far more than the old campaign, there's more individuality and a much more clear and concise identity of good vs bad in this campaign. All of this was intentionally designed to work this way. It might be a bit difficult for newer players to identity who is who and who does what, but that would not take a lot of time to actually work out.

A return to the old campaign would ultimately kill the server at this time given the lower player count and the tendency for the USSR to have had much lower numbers.
will this possibility come back after the war is ended or is this what there sticking with now
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