What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion nerfs ceiling turret knockback, to make it either very minimal or half of what it is now. If that's not possible maybe just the turrets on the route to surface.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ SCPs will find it easier to breach to surface meaning researchers and site staff won't get slaughtered for an hour.
+ More things for CI to deal with rather than raiding and killing on surface
+ More research RP opportunities for surface based GoIs
+ Allows for more unique breaches, meaning E-11 could be deployed to surface every so often.
+ SCPs that can be 'terminated' can have a surface breach.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- More SCP breaches on surface means more disruption to surface RP.
- SCPs will find it easier to get into breach shelters and spawns (If every turret is nerfed).
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The current amount of knockback makes escaping to surface impossible without being 1%, this promotes a camping playstyle where SCPs will play around LPZ/LCZ to avoid these turrets and causing a massive disruption to foundation passive RP. Also I know that SCPs can disable turrets but that requires extreme coordination and 035/079 to be in every breach, both of which are rarely the case.
Also evidence of what I said about the knockback:
This suggestion nerfs ceiling turret knockback, to make it either very minimal or half of what it is now. If that's not possible maybe just the turrets on the route to surface.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ SCPs will find it easier to breach to surface meaning researchers and site staff won't get slaughtered for an hour.
+ More things for CI to deal with rather than raiding and killing on surface
+ More research RP opportunities for surface based GoIs
+ Allows for more unique breaches, meaning E-11 could be deployed to surface every so often.
+ SCPs that can be 'terminated' can have a surface breach.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- More SCP breaches on surface means more disruption to surface RP.
- SCPs will find it easier to get into breach shelters and spawns (If every turret is nerfed).
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The current amount of knockback makes escaping to surface impossible without being 1%, this promotes a camping playstyle where SCPs will play around LPZ/LCZ to avoid these turrets and causing a massive disruption to foundation passive RP. Also I know that SCPs can disable turrets but that requires extreme coordination and 035/079 to be in every breach, both of which are rarely the case.
Also evidence of what I said about the knockback:
Full health escape - Clipped with Medal.tv
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