Denied Nerf SCP-082

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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May 31, 2023
Des Moines, Iowa
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change his ability to having a longer cooldown instead of just 5 hits and you get it, lower his HP gain per head eaten, change to term instead of beamable

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
He isn't so overpowered to the point that he can solo ert by himself without losing any hp from healing

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
None, unless you like mass breaches

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This should get accepted, this fat ass scp is way to strong, SCP-082 can get to full hp from zero in like 10 minutes from his ability. Impossible to contain him by himself, let alone if he was apart of a mass breach.


Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2022
+support I was at 38 HP at one point but regened back up to 25k

I got 365 kills and wiped 2.5 full squads of ERT

My breach lasted 2 hours

Nerf his swing speed by 50%, Reduce his HP regen to 400 (from 1500), and make his swings give 10% gluttony meter (from 20%)
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Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2022
-support let the SCP cook for a bit counters will be made ( better than feeding yourself to it)
"Counters will be made" my brother in christ you very obviously were not on for that breach. ERT did everything right and I wiped 2 squads of em, and caused a 2 hour standoff.
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+Support It's basically impossible to contain because it's actually kinda fast so it'll just instakill you and gain health, then eat like 5 non-combatives and gain the rest back. I did 6K+ damage to it during one breach and it wasn't recontained for like 30+ minutes because it just gains all of it back.

Non-combatives are also like sheep most of the time (especially during the Halloween event) and will just run straight up to it and die, leading to it gaining back a bunch of health. At this point whenever I see somebody get too close to it deliberately I just kill them first rather than let it feed on them, because half the time we get random researchers and shit running up to it with a katana and dying. Then it goes into D-block and regains full health.
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