Denied Nerfing 7722

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds a cap on 7722 getting his armour back anywhere between 2-6k

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
7722 cant camp in very tight areas (Vents 076 chamber or any or CC) and regen fully basically putting him to 100%

Gives E-11 a way easier time dealing with him

Overall better as his kit is busted af right now.

All on the average E-11 player we have 100 health & 100 armour

3 hit sword
2 shot bow
Very fast
Regaining armour
Breach tool
Not a big target.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
7722 mains will defend it cause they dont want him nerfed

Will make him easier to RC

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

this should be accepted cause

It takes the entire regiment + more to even get him down 50%. and I've seen many times where ERT is called just on him.

Hes very annoying to go against and has virtually no draw backs

He is labeled high priority cause a 7722 can hide get 100% armour back (which takes 3-4 minuets) breach other scps and with a bug RRT shields cant block his bolts.

He is very "meta" as u would call it as people are always on him wanting to breach only him cause of how broken he is. This change will significantly make him easier but still a huge threat stopping camping and overall unfun gameplay.
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Active member
Jan 31, 2023

sounds a lot like a skill issue. 7722 is not that op like everyone thinks
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Deleted member 1285

No, the main 7722 player Rookie Janes was banned for two weeks and was the only good 7722 player. No need to nerf it


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
imagine considering camping as being a good player :skull:
imagine being unable to recontain a scp with 15K hp while you have over 60 mtf at your disposal best guns in the game a ERT spawn with the most broken guns in the server 400 hp 200 armor infinte ammo immunity to half the scps sheilds turrets nerve gas immune to biohazards etc

you have over 60 PEOPLE YET CANT RECONTAIN 1 man with a crossbow and 15k hp and he has to reload every shot not including if he misses shots


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
-support 7722 isnt strong mtf gotta switch up the tactics 7722 is a unique scp with regenerating 2k armor and a crossbow something no scp has as its clear most mtf mains are shit at combat 1v1s and rely on speed drugs to win fights as every scp in the game has to melee attack this is excluding 035 and 7722 912 if you wanna count the shitty pistol 912 gets

i see most mtf mains charging down hallways on speed drugs and get shot by 7722s crossbow and insta die then complain when i was in e-11 i didnt even really take speed drugs i took normal duloxitine and tried to evade the crossbow shots considering he has to reload each shot and limited ammo supply

literally normal duloxtine against 7722 and you can outrun him and keep shooting with a very small speed boost its not difficult ive said this many times its mtf fault they are too used to using speed drugs and using railings and are not good at pvp

ive seen this in ci where on many occasions ive literally 1v3ed mtf on alot of times and won its literally just do some trainings get a gm to slow a persons speed down give the person a crossbow and do a training 7722 is slowe than running speed and you can run away from him normally
Jan 6, 2023
imagine being unable to recontain a scp with 15K hp while you have over 60 mtf at your disposal best guns in the game a ERT spawn with the most broken guns in the server 400 hp 200 armor infinte ammo immunity to half the scps sheilds turrets nerve gas immune to biohazards etc

you have over 60 PEOPLE YET CANT RECONTAIN 1 man with a crossbow and 15k hp and he has to reload every shot not including if he misses shots
-support 7722 isnt strong mtf gotta switch up the tactics 7722 is a unique scp with regenerating 2k armor and a crossbow something no scp has as its clear most mtf mains are shit at combat 1v1s and rely on speed drugs to win fights as every scp in the game has to melee attack this is excluding 035 and 7722 912 if you wanna count the shitty pistol 912 gets

i see most mtf mains charging down hallways on speed drugs and get shot by 7722s crossbow and insta die then complain when i was in e-11 i didnt even really take speed drugs i took normal duloxitine and tried to evade the crossbow shots considering he has to reload each shot and limited ammo supply

literally normal duloxtine against 7722 and you can outrun him and keep shooting with a very small speed boost its not difficult ive said this many times its mtf fault they are too used to using speed drugs and using railings and are not good at pvp

ive seen this in ci where on many occasions ive literally 1v3ed mtf on alot of times and won its literally just do some trainings get a gm to slow a persons speed down give the person a crossbow and do a training 7722 is slowe than running speed and you can run away from him normally

you'll realize how fucked up 7722 really is if you have to deal with him everyday as any kind of MTF and not CI

camping HCZ straight hallways, parking his arrows down the corridor to 'recharge' his armor


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022

you'll realize how fucked up 7722 really is if you have to deal with him everyday as any kind of MTF and not CI

camping HCZ straight hallways, parking his arrows down the corridor to 'recharge' his armor
i have dealt with 7722 everyday i was in e-11 2 times and was a B1 cpl where i dealt with him alot and when iom playing foudnation jobs such as combat medics gensec ive fought 7722 hes not OP in the slightest

My personal suggestions:
- Increase time needed before armour can regenerate
- Add a hardcap on what armour can regenerate to based on how low 7722 gets, for example:
50% armour removed, cap regen up to 80%
100% armour removed, cap regen up to 25%.

This would encourage 7722 to back away more and stop trying to aggressively hold/"camp" places (especially HCZ bulkhead area).

I also recommend fixing the issue with his crossbow penetrating shields to allow shields to be more effectively used to combat his crossbow.

To balance this off, I also recommend giving 7722 an ability which can be called "God's Will", with a delay of 600 seconds. 7722 will reach up with his sword and a light will cast down upon him from the heavens, which grants a short boost of speed (only slightly) and damage resistance (or alternatively, a temporary boost in armour). This will allow 7722 to essentially escape sticky situations in the event he is being cornered by high-damage units.

Even if this idea of an ability isn't shared, please at the very least consider adding a unique ability that 7722 can access.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
i dont get the complaints from these people haev they even tried to close in the skill cap? like at all 7722 is not hard to rc ive done it as a cm with 3 other people alone its simple tactics dont bumrush him alone if 7722 is trying to get his armor back set up a firing line by the exit simple solutions its not that hard
i dont get the complaints from these people haev they even tried to close in the skill cap? like at all 7722 is not hard to rc ive done it as a cm with 3 other people alone its simple tactics dont bumrush him alone if 7722 is trying to get his armor back set up a firing line by the exit simple solutions its not that hard
I'm not sure what 7722's you have recontained, but I can list several different instances in which 7722 has been overpowered. I mean, I breached as 7722 once (alongside 9000s) and got ERT called on me by myself with atleast 10 E11 on, simply because I held down hallways and the 9000s fended off E11 whilst I regenerated my armor.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
I'm not sure what 7722's you have recontained, but I can list several different instances in which 7722 has been overpowered. I mean, I breached as 7722 once (alongside 9000s) and got ERT called on me by myself with atleast 10 E11 on, simply because I held down hallways and the 9000s fended off E11 whilst I regenerated my armor.
in my experience 7722 has always been very easy to rc you sure we talking about the same scp?
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