Denied New Humvees

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change the current NATO Humvee Addon, to a more detailed and nicer looking Humvee, and features more variations if needed

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, I previously suggested this and other vehicles, but this time I want try suggest each one indidually and explain better my point

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Nicer Vehicles
+ More Variation

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Performance Impact
- Time to get them working on Server

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This first addon introduces a variety of Humvees, it comes from this pack the total size for this pack is 313MB, while it's over the 300MB limit it can be cut down since not all 6 vehicles will be added, it also is good since the vehicles can come in different schemes/colors, and some of them fit perfect with the current map rotation (Disclaimer: A "Comment" made on the addon page says the following 'Made for a PGS server, use it if you want, but warn us about it!' other than that it should be free to use)

The second addon, introduces a "new type" of humvee, the M1043, M1097 and M1114/M1025 this one comes with a lot more vehicle variation, and also different schemes and paints, not all vehicles are gone be added, only one really would be M2 and No gun one (replacing the Ambu Humvee), this ones come from the total size is way smaller than previous one only around 200MB and seeing how it offers a much bigger range of vehicles could work better

Although based on this suggestion the issue stands that they are both Simfphys vehicles, that work with Gredwitch, and work with LVS, this may be a problem, and require some changes for them to work on the server properly

Edit1: I forgot to mention, that even tho this is to change the current Humvees, it can also be used by GMs and Event Team, for new stuff, since it offers a bigger range of vehicles to use
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