Denied New Job: Epsilon 11 Data Collector

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Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 19, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Add a New E-11 Job, the E-11 Informant. ( CO Approved i asked 2 E-11 COs what they think about the Suggestion )

The E-11 Informant will serve as a Way for E-11 to find out where in HCZ or LLCZ any SCPs or any GOIS are trying to get in or out, in order to Call them out and give Information to the Site. Like what Body mass the SCP has, where it is. ect. ect.

He would have the model of the E-11 Operative, and a slightly Worse gun, considering that he can be faster in anyones Face, for that he would have a Base Movespeed between 1.3 to 1.5 , could be more or Less.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Well, i dont saw any Suggestions for this, only Suggestions for Medics, or Juggernauts,

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- It Brings E-11 to the same ammount of Classes as E-11 without Colliding or taking anything from them.
- Having an Class there to Call out Locations of SCPs o. GOIs makes finding and Coordinating against them a lot Easier.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- There could technicly be abuse with AA where they could act as Sucide Bombers and Blow themself up in Meele SCP face, dealing Huge Damage to them.
- It needs a lot of Balancing to find a Sweet Spot for the D-class between Speed and Gun

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

- SCP Chambers are Hard to Breach into, to take less time for CI or any GOI to set up in them, it is Important for E-11 to know where they are, having a fast Class, to call them out, acting as an Airhorn for us, would be Super Benefical, while they are annoying, they wouldnt be as big as a Problem, as a Juggernaut, or a Medic, they would simply be there as Scouts, to try and Harras CI and SCP and keep the whole Site updated on what is going on in HCZ that others know how to Respond.
- This Job is also completly Unique, since it isnt a Medic, Juggernaut, Reality Bender ect. It serves an Unique Purpose in HCZ, by assisting everyone by telling them where to go, where Hostiles are, telling them body Masses of SCPs ect. ect.

-Of course, the hardest part is the Balancing, becuse if it is to fast, he might Outrun 076 if he takes Potent, or Pokes CI so much they are all Dead before they make it halfway throught there Goal, but i am not sure if that even would be the case, since also a Weaker gun would be there, to Balance them and keep them as a Scout Class.

-Also they would be a Prime target for CI, becuse there Extra Speed on 035 would make him Probaly Johnsons Dream Host.

With this, Have a Great Day !

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Ima just say now, there is no way this is getting approved. E11 is meant to have numbers and its a more of an IC thing if E11 cant find CI hiding around in HCZ.

Having a guy with perma +30% speed is way too overpowered, just give someone potent like you always do and tell them to call out locs. This is already in function with your numbers and other assisting combatives like Nu-7.
There is literally no point in this class being a thing, it seems like a non-combative camera operator role, who, instead of operating cameras, runs around on a wild goose chase calling things out on comms.

This role will provide no benefit to Roleplay and can technically already be executed in-game through speed chems and an E-11 who can't be arsed doing checkpoint duty or patrols.
There isnt, but having a Class always on Speed Chems, is quite nice, and would be useful.
that just sounds like you’re lazy

You know what would also be nice? A job for every faction like this! Wouldn’t it be great?

I think it would also be nice if all CI jobs had snipers, it would be nice and useful for their surface combat
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Langstädtler ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: We dont believe this would be balanced, as the speed of the job is way to fast. Also it is not needed currently for the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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