Denied New Medical Job

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is to add a new role into the Medical Department. This would be a 2 slotted job which would be a "semi Combative" slot which will be made to be Medicals Biohazard unit.

The Medical Clean-up Crew Would be a Clearance 3 Semi Combative role that will essentially be a Combat medic Side Grade giving the medical department an opportunity to more fluently do biohazard related events, testing or dealing with major biohazard breaches. They will have the same information clearance as Combat Medics however they will have an higher 008 knowledge barrier compared to Combat medics. They will be the main spearhead of Medical being involved with bio related stuffs and will be our main defence against 008 as on both servers when 008 happens (on USA a lot more than UK) the entire medical department is usually trapped within their spawn Rooms due to spores being placed in front of the doors and Have to either wait or go AFK for the duration of 008 breaches. They will work along side E-11 for the majority of biohazard containment breaches but will prioritise the clean-up of 008 spores whilst E-11 are the brute force during the breaches. Medical CC will prioritise the clean-up of LCZ / EZ assisting with site safety of personnel within light containment but may assist E-11 in HCZ when requested or required.

Outside of breaches MCC Will be committed to any RP to do with the use of Medbay quarantine room whether research, GOC or Medical are the ones to use it. They will also be available to escort Researchers during tests that require special containment procedures to avoid hazards being spread such as 008, 049, 409, 427 and other SCP's that are either added in the future or are part of events. MCC May also have the base Duty of doing checks of SCP CC's during the day for any potential leaks of a hazard.

Job Requirements
Medical License
15 Support | 30 Total
Will be Semi-Whitelisted alongside Combat medics (when that eventually gets added lol)

Medical Clean-up Crew ( MCC )
Clean-up Crew ( CC )

Semi Combative status
Not allowed to seek out GOI / Human related callouts (may defend if combat happens at same location)
May respond to SCP callouts. (or maybe only being able to respond to biohazard related calls)
Medical: First Aid kit, Infection tester kit (CL4), Defibrillators
Primary: Either Karma-45 | Typhoon-12 (Typhoon can be edited due to no one else having it for balancing concerns)
Secondary: CZ75
Utility: Infection scanner (the 008 one), Decontamination foam thingy, Quarantine placer Swep.

since importing models is a hassle and will delay this addition the model would have to be the old / unused Containment specialist model until we can get around to getting a new / more specified model.

Miscellanies additions
Bio suit infection immunity
2 Slotted Role

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not for medical as far as I'm aware.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Adds more RP for medical.
Gives more opportunities for medical | Research & E-11 interaction.
Would make 008 Breaches that spiral fast a bit more bearable before ERT is forced to spawn.
Gives a miniscule sense of progression with a new in-between for doctor - Combat medic.
Easy to setup & Implement.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

could upset the balance between 008 and the rest of the server.
Players may not use the role intentionally.
Despite rules being placed Ci / GOC would end up fighting against 2 additional people during their raids.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As per the above this would provide medical with the ability to be further involved in other parts of the server that generally make sense with y'know medical and infections, this would provide a role that can work with E-11 and not directly impact the way they operate as this role is not meant to be a direct combatant but a "clean-up" crew in order to prevent infectious spores from remaining.

This suggestion would add a new exciting role to medical that would allow lower ranked players in medical to get involved in extra activities, especially of a higher clearance due to their nature to be immune to diseases, this ultimately provides a expanded experience for medical players, and pushes forward with a minor change to improve how medical operates within the server.​
idk what you do on US, but on UK, normal combat medics are not only allowed, but very much used during 008 breaches, primarily because of their infection checker

aside from that, this just doesn't seem necessary. it's just... another combat medic. infection scanner and quarantine placer would also just take away from things that e-11 uniquely have. like, i get your idea, i just don't think this will have the effect you think it will have. i do otherwise like the idea of using the old conspec model for something (although it's something that 035's mask can't be seen on because funny clipping)

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
-Support but the idea has a potential. I would strong advise making a version of this that has the combat part removed. Perhaps a unit devoted to containing hazards (like 008) or getting people to qurantine as fast as possible. That work with E-11s biohaz units specifically. Like a Qurantine unit.
I must ask, was UK Med. Leadership asked for their opinions on this new role before you posted it? Is there any potential models for this new job?
I always ask uk Medical leadership their thoughts on big suggestions like this before i go ahead and make them i believe kayla was neutral+ on it so.

Interms of models there arent many options outside of E-11 bio, GOC's biohazard suit thing, CI's Biohazard thing, Bio researcher and the Foundation hazmat suit the only viable option is Containment specialist's old model as it was removed and is already in the server as i said in the suggestion. If its accepted ill then be looking into custom / more official models for it due to the only way to get models into the server is ventz and hes real busy with the rest of the network so not something i really wanna touch unless i hafto / know its going to be for something.
-Support but the idea has a potential. I would strong advise making a version of this that has the combat part removed. Perhaps a unit devoted to containing hazards (like 008) or getting people to qurantine as fast as possible. That work with E-11s biohaz units specifically. Like a Qurantine unit.
a non combative varient of this was highly considered when thinking out the suggestion however that would make dealing with biohazardous SCP's extremely undoable as they would then not be allowed to defend themself against them despite their jobs goal in the situation to be to keep it contained. It'd be like making CI Medic non-combative but expecting him to join in raids and stay in the front lines at all times

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
a non combative varient of this was highly considered when thinking out the suggestion however that would make dealing with biohazardous SCP's extremely undoable as they would then not be allowed to defend themself against them despite their jobs goal in the situation to be to keep it contained. It'd be like making CI Medic non-combative but expecting him to join in raids and stay in the front lines at all times
In a perfect world this would encourage Working with E-11. I'm imagining a scenario where E-11 units are holding off an SCP whilst you (This job, nomcomative) and E-11 biohaz are working to remove the hazard. Perhaps ajusting this to follow a "Semi-combative" rule like IA. They may only use weapons as a last resort (The rest of the E-11 they're working with have perished and they're next).
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Active member
Oct 18, 2023

Honestly Medical is not in the best shape, it's one of the friendliest departments (hope its friendly on UK side). Medical is not a combative department with all these things to add more combat medics and such really ruins the department. If the only thing about making medical is making it more combative focused. It means its already screwed up if combative roles are what makes medical good. Instead of clean up screw rather give that to techie or just bring the Maz hatter task force in at that point. Medical doesn't need combative stuff it needs something to help promote an enjoyable experience. I will say I disappointed at how medical leadership is being used to promote combative task forces instead of something that could be beneficial to everyone in the medical department.
Dec 18, 2022

E-11 already complain about not being special giving the medical department one of the only things that makes them special (to a mainly non combative department) wouldn’t really be fair. On top of this you can just grab a bio suit from the dispensers and RP that way. And personally I think that combat medics already have way to many slots
After reading the comments above it is clearly evident the micro focus is on the "biohazard" capabilities, i would like to expand on the fact this suggestion has more nuances than just "suit", I implore people to actually read the full thing rather than micro focusing on one thing, this has been adequately justified to why it will not take away from E-11, as stated within its duties, they are not to prioritise killing the SCPs, they are to prioritise the clean-up i.e. the removal of spores, the armament is only there in order to provide protection in the event for example an 008 breach and a zombie decides to spawn out of it just as they are cleaning up, they aren't going to be like combat medics who pursue the fight, but prioritise as per the name "clean-up", mainly their area would be LCZ whilst allowing E-11 to fight the SCPs but keeping infection to a minimum by removing spores.
I would enjoy seeing feedback about the rest of the suggestion outside of the obsessive focus over a minor detail and saying the job shouldn't be added "because special thing".

This whole idea of it taking away is nonsense and is just the idea that everything is special, E-11 will still retain their "special" measure, with the logic used, we might as well remove the Biohazard researchers, because their suit takes away from E-11, and they can just "get one from a dispenser", There is nothing taken away whilst also adding something to medical at the same time, this is a suggestion that adds but doesn't take away from anyone.

I implore the content team to read the comments below and then read my suggestion in its entirety, as it seems people are minus supporting this without considering the full thing, picking out key words and pulling a Pikachu face.
I really like this idea, and I feel like it adds to and encourages roleplay around this sort of thing passively, along with making 008 and other infection outbreaks more reasonable to deal with, as they're currently extremely difficult to recontain in some circumstances, especially with E-11 only spawning in HCZ.

Like was said, making them semi-combative like IA, where they should only be using their weaponry on e.g. zombies and the like would be sensible. Would also be very nice if they would be CL3 but with full knowledge of 008, similar to E-11.

A suggestion for a name for the role that is a bit more unique: Infectious Disease Specialist.

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
I don't understand why people are -Supporting this.... As stated they are to focus LCZ and EZ (possibly to allow foundation personel to escape during code blacks more quickly and reducing the threat of infected reaching surface). And people who are saying that this is the same as a Combat medic with a bio, you are way off. As clearly stated they are SEMI COMBATIVE aka. not meant to focus on combat solely and only use it when absolutely nececary.

My only down vote for this is there is no model. But as a temp placeholder the containment specialist old model could be used

PS, sorry for any spelling mistakes, i have dyslexia and my primary language is not english
Dec 18, 2022
After reading the comments above it is clearly evident the micro focus is on the "biohazard" capabilities, i would like to expand on the fact this suggestion has more nuances than just "suit", I implore people to actually read the full thing rather than micro focusing on one thing, this has been adequately justified to why it will not take away from E-11, as stated within its duties, they are not to prioritise killing the SCPs, they are to prioritise the clean-up i.e. the removal of spores, the armament is only there in order to provide protection in the event for example an 008 breach and a zombie decides to spawn out of it just as they are cleaning up, they aren't going to be like combat medics who pursue the fight, but prioritise as per the name "clean-up", mainly their area would be LCZ whilst allowing E-11 to fight the SCPs but keeping infection to a minimum by removing spores.
I would enjoy seeing feedback about the rest of the suggestion outside of the obsessive focus over a minor detail and saying the job shouldn't be added "because special thing".

This whole idea of it taking away is nonsense and is just the idea that everything is special, E-11 will still retain their "special" measure, with the logic used, we might as well remove the Biohazard researchers, because their suit takes away from E-11, and they can just "get one from a dispenser", There is nothing taken away whilst also adding something to medical at the same time, this is a suggestion that adds but doesn't take away from anyone.

I implore the content team to read the comments below and then read my suggestion in its entirety, as it seems people are minus supporting this without considering the full thing, picking out key words and pulling a Pikachu face.
I get where you are coming from but, I was mainly talking about for RP purposes that you can just get it from the dispenser but, for gameplay purposes, I was mainly against the idea that a noncombative department would get another combative job. It would make much more sense to give a (possibly temporary) “clean up bio job” to site staff or GENSEC.

Semi combative doesn’t really work and I would prolly support this if there were non combative

Also, I could care less about E-11 but I’ve seen them complain a lot about having a boring un-special job (that they chose?)
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