Denied New SCP: Surface TB

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Add a surface TB. Would use the existing mechanics for surface SCP breaching.
It would be significantly weaker compared to other surface SCPs and have a worse version of the thaum/TG reality bending SWEP, with fewer abilities (so for example, no inversion, manifest, detain or escape card - don't have the strongest, most used stuff). The intention is for this to be walled off only to high SCP level - No VIP or dono packages.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

DIrect re-opening of Jack Manning's suggestion from June on the same subject.

Denial reason -
We have some new surface SCPs already planned.
However, we do not see giving a surface SCP a reality-bending swep as a good idea.
There are too many jobs with the reality-bending swep.
I imagine the surface SCP is, at least in part, referring to the upcoming 3199 - There may be others.
Additionally, I find the idea of too many jobs having the reality bending SWEP at that point in time particularly amusing, considering that this was before both 8837 and 22415 which are forms of reality benders with their own unique SWEPs - Although admittedly, 22415 has a specific and expressly non-antagonistic purpose.

I agree with the prospect that a surface SCP w/ reality bending SWEP is not a good idea; My thinking here being that what this would have would be significantly underpowered enough to hopefully not upset things too much.

The original suggestion also puts forward some objectively bizarre ideas such as giving it O-comms, which... The RP reasoning is understandable, but with the way the server works, under no circumstances should any SCP have any form of comms.

I also go at this from a different angle, instead of appealing to opportunity for RP - I aim this more at NL, as the idea involves aiding the monetisation of the server with the use of a simple and fairly understandable tactic.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • More variety of surface breaches for all players.

  • Potentially more sales of XK/TG/8837 packages.
  • Does not need mapping changes or even any new models - Can use existing models.
  • Potentially creates surface RP.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Needs development, testing and balancing of a watered-down reality bending SWEP
  • Potentially interferes with surface RP - Which to be fair, is non-existent anyways.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

So now I've got the obvious out of the way, let me talk about how this would benefit the server overall and potentially result in more XK Vip/TG/8837 package sales.

You know how sometimes at the shops, you'll get those little taster stands, with the free samples of something, to try and get you to buy that thing? That. I mean yes, D-Class TB kind of fills that role anyway? But like, I think having a very weak surface TB that gives you an idea of what playing any of the reality bender roles are like, without giving too much and might get people interested in getting the reality bender packages.

Worst case scenario, this backfires and gives people the wrong impression - Making them less likely to buy.
Last edited:
Jan 27, 2023
+Support nice little thing to add to a very stale surface and doesn't seem terribly hard to make since it would just be modifying already implemented stuff.

Only concerns would be the model and gameplay. Like Zen brought up, would it look like an ordinary civilian or have a unique model? If it looked like a civilian that would give way for a crazy amount of mass RDM accusations from the three factions trying to kill a reality bender but accidentally killing innocent civilians instead lmao. That would be a lot more fun for the player though, maybe if they had not a lot of health that would balance out.

Also, if the intention is giving a test-run for reality bending for new players, the only issue with that is, this role offers a rather underpowered version of what it might be like to play as TB or TG, so it is not an exact "taste test" but rather a different thing entirely. Nonetheless it still is something new, definitely more exciting than skeleton left-click-spam rp.
how is this relevant when i literally said to not have the strong stuff on a surface TB ?️

ofc it wouldn't have instakill
Most of the swep is insta kill or a guaranteed kill. The burn effect (iirc) kills people guaranteed, and that's about the only killing power TB have, other that materialize which is either extremely op or worthless.

Also I'll be honest I only skimmed your suggestion because you write enough for a video essay most of the time. That's my bad honestly.
So what are the weakened abilities? Barring those you have stated, this is a surface SCP that lights people on fire.
honestly have no clue how to properly water this down. i know that the good TBs don't often use the fire or instakill because they're super expensive energy-wise.

...i wonder if giving it some flavour of 8837's little zappy blast thing is a potential idea here? the little energy projectiles it can shoot.
Feb 29, 2024
+Support bro wants to be Gordon Ramsey so bad CAUSE SHE COOKED
But nah fr though , I as a GOC AND Nu7 would honestly love another surface SCP , I feel like this TB would be a nice addition amongst the other Surface SCP , considering 323 is just dog shit and 8854 is hella strong , a TB would fit nicely in there as some sort of balance to the surface anomaly's.
Also , Idk if you had anything in mind when it comes to chems but it'd be nice to see some new chemicals
Idk if you had anything in mind when it comes to chems but it'd be nice to see some new chemicals
honestly, i don't see how the chem system can be expanded right now - which is worrying because we have a 7722 chem planned, as well as a few non-sampleable SCPs that could do with a chem to get from them, but it's hard to figure out exactly what

very unsure how to tackle it
I forget about this so much, it’s honestly just a myth at this point
i think it's just stuck in balancing hell. it's hard to make what is basically armour immortal flesh without it being broken

or whatever effect it will have, it was never confirmed, i don't think. there were suggestions accepted for it but yeah
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