Denied New Spy metagame rule

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Makes it metagame to look at a spy's name above their head to figure out if he is a spy or not. (if they are disguised) (Also they cannot use the excuse of "looking" similar as its unrealistic to "Copy someone's face")

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I think not.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. More realism, as it is not realistic atm for spies to "Leave" their ID badge on them to get spotted and then killed/captured
  2. Adds more roleplay as currently, spies have to avoid and hide most of the time and if this is removed then they could try to blend in and interact with people.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: I can think none except finding spies is now harder.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: I think this should be accepted as this could improve spy roleplay to blend in and make their chances of being killed/captured lower and more realistic as it is kinda of unrealistic at the moment.
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even if looking at someones name it says the same as the one you are disguised with so only way to figure out if you are a spy is by actualy checking the ID. this will not actualy add roleplay because you already have to id check to see if he is a nwo or a spy. AOR and RMP already checks ID's to make sure people are not spies so this would be pointless
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- support when someone sees that your disguised as someone else as much as they might try to avoid metagaming in these situations its just going to lead to them doing things like 'random id checks' on you and things like that, people arent just going to notice that ur a spy and let you roam around the base it just wont happen its just going to lead to more metagaming sits
even if looking at someones name it says the same as the one you are disguised with so only way to figure out if you are a spy is by actualy checking the ID. this will not actualy add roleplay because you already have to id check to see if he is a nwo or a spy.
I can disagree with this as at the moment they can just walk past you and immediately know who you are and check where the other person is that is why RP is avoided and Spies try to hide all the time the current gameplay is just hide bleach hide and repeat until you get into CC/NHC.
Some rules are already weird, I got called out cause I put in comms there was a spy near me, he was disguised as me... Seems like I'm not allowed do that? Spies are good, play TF2 to know how to be stealth and trick the enemy, or if u going spy, try kidnap someone, disguise as them, then go back to base and pretent like u them
Some rules are already weird, I got called out cause I put in comms there was a spy near me, he was disguised as me... Seems like I'm not allowed do that? Spies are good, play TF2 to know how to be stealth and trick the enemy, or if u going spy, try kidnap someone, disguise as them, then go back to base and pretent like u them
1. Yes Spies are a bit weird but you only knew the spy was you because... not because look the same but realistically a name tag which doesn't make sense as realistically they would tear it off 2. TF2 System works differently instead of names you just pick what you wanna be an they dont know if you are a spy unless you act differently / sabotage which in my opinion should be same for this server to find a spy you gotta find them acting suspiscous and doing something which isn't their duties.
- support when someone sees that your disguised as someone else as much as they might try to avoid metagaming in these situations its just going to lead to them doing things like 'random id checks' on you and things like that, people arent just going to notice that ur a spy and let you roam around the base it just wont happen its just going to lead to more metagaming sits
I can kind of agree with this, however there might be a fixed example: your name will be presented with rank and regiment of the person instead of the person whose disguise you stole from, but I've discovered that this will be "too" difficult.
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