Denied New War Type - [Guardian War]

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Name of war: Guardian War

Guardian war is a fast-paced war where two factions battle to protect their most important members, 1 to 3 VIPs would be selected depending on server pop per team. At the same time, they each side must go on the offensive to eliminate the enemy’s VIPs. It’s a game of strategy, teamwork, and constant action.

How it works:
  • 1 to 3 VIPs get selected randomly from each Faction
  • VIPs must be protected at all time
  • Defensive and offensive war type
  • VIPs get 1500HP so the war doesn't end in 5 minutes
  • If all VIPs from one side are eliminated or the factions with the most VIPs alive win the war
I have come up with this idea because it's becoming the same old wars and wanted to add something that all regiments could efficiently do in war as their regiment is suppose to do. For example bellow:

  • SAS/AG: Would be on offensive getting behind enemy lines to try and attack the VIPs.
  • RMP/KGB: Would be more of a Defensive protecting the VIPs and Communicating with supportive Regiments.
  • 17th/10thSD: Would be supportive in the push on the VIPs or the defence of the VIPs.
  • JAF/ABT: Would be giving Air support to Locate the VIPs or to destroy the defences.
  • ISAF/SHA: Would be maybe be supportive fire as well as attacking the other factions defences.
How would VIPs be located:

To not make it hard or easy, it could be used the same thing capture the flag uses where they can see on the map a big but slightly transparent circle on the area their at. No flashy outline would be added because people would be able to see them through smoke or walls like it used to be with Flags.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
There has been suggestions to add another war type but nothing like this war type.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • More work and strategy put into the war orders and getting prepared for the war
  • More fun with a new war type
  • Gives a chance to put more work into building defensive FOBs
  • More Engaging than a simple team deathmatch
  • Balanced Gameplay

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Hard to Recover from Mistakes – Losing even one VIP can put a faction at a major disadvantage
  • Requires Good Coordination – Without teamwork and communication, one faction could fall apart quickly

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Based on positives and negatives I know this suggestion should be accepted because other then just war types of eliminating your enemies or capturing points, this war types brings tactical thinking. Since protecting the VIPs is just as important as eliminating the enemies, each regiment must work together. By making both offense and defence necessary, Guardian war prevents each faction from simply camping or dragging the war out and becoming boring.
Upvote -5
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


Feb 9, 2025
Anyone can load up an FPS and go play TDM which most of the war types here are, There is nothing wrong with the war types that we have, but adding in something more tactical like Guardian War would not only spice up MRP it would encourage commanders to think more tactically and decisively during this war type, this is just the type of war which will show who is actually a good leader and who is sadly lacking in that department. This server already offers something different from other MRP servers, HOWEVER, This would be the cherry on top that would make this server truly unique and unlike its competition.

So please consider this war type for the future of our beloved MRP server, so that I might never die and we can finally overtake SCP.
Sep 15, 2023
Just wanted to mention if additional war types are to be suggested it would be nice for people to find ways that the war types they create can impact the way the territory works during peacetime. At the end of the day all the impactful wars will always be conquest wars so war types like these will be overlooked as they don't contribute much to the actual territory system other than giving war funds.


MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023
As long as it actually affects the territories it would make sense. Other than that I really doubt people will want to play a "filler" war

what about a war type similar to the machine destruction CMission, where players have to protect a target while dealing damage to the enemy teams target?
Replying to both, what if the point was captured by the damage you do inside of the specific point?

Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Denied

Hi Aspen,
Your suggestion has been denied. We will look at new war types, however we feel as though there's quite a few issues that could arise from this.
- Players might not explicitly want to become VIP
- Helicopters and Co pilots more specifically would just cross map m230 people
- I think it would kind of be like CTF is now where people don't exactly enjoy it as much as others.
Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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