Denied New ways of making money

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Oct 17, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

The ways of making money on this server have always been dreadful, but now that PC and Militia have played more important roles in wars, it has become even clearer how important making money is. And yet the only ways to make actual money are: Selling food for basically nothing, making cyanide just to be arrested and targeted by police regiments, scamming people for knives or reducing activity on each side by playing pc/militia
I know the peacetime event update is coming so that will hopefully add some bonuses but there have to be actual money-making things as your soldier character in order to be able to buy things like militia

That and you get 1k for a major victory and that is silly

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More things to do in peacetime, actual ways of getting money

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Might take time to do and balance

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Makes peace times better and pc/militia more valuable so please do it!
Upvote 2
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There are already plenty ways of making money on the server, to list a few including the ones you've mentioned:
Selling food (yes it's not for much but still something)
Playing in wars
Selling cyanide
Selling high level ingredients (Exquisite seasoning will sell for up to 3-5k a piece)
Selling knives
Gambling/Wagers (Chess or /roll etc)

Currently there are a lot of ways of making money but I'd quite like to see some new ones implemented but with the current development of the server it would be a while away.
Oct 17, 2021

There are already plenty ways of making money on the server, to list a few including the ones you've mentioned:
Selling food (yes it's not for much but still something)
Playing in wars
Selling cyanide
Selling high level ingredients (Exquisite seasoning will sell for up to 3-5k a piece)
Selling knives
Gambling/Wagers (Chess or /roll etc)

Currently there are a lot of ways of making money but I'd quite like to see some new ones implemented but with the current development of the server it would be a while away.
PC/Militia can only be done during wars and it takes away from a side that actually needs people, so important people like high command and pilots and tankers usually can't do it without losing for their side.
Again, selling food, scamming people with knives and exquisite seasoning, cyanide etc isn't an actual way for you to make money without taking it off of others
Gambling is gambling and you need to be able to prop to get any attention usually it's a load of bogus and not an actual way of getting money.
Without scamming people or yourself you can't actually make money which is not fun. you get 1k for a major victory and I believe that's level 40+ time for bonus cash
So yeah like I said, the ways of getting money suck and there should be actual things to do in peacetime to get income
(although yeah it may take a while)
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