Denied No more "Red Ping", be more aware (Sniper Mark Change)

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I think most people that play sniper, find it annoying going in sniper, shooting once, getting spotted, and dead, even if nobody saw you, so why not make so other people need be more aware? This should be implemented in DMR too, since they use more or less the same scope (I think), the addon in question is for people that play/ed COD know that the only way to know when u getting sniped is the light u can see in the distance, and it works really well for that, also it's much better than a server wide red ping that even people in base can see it, even if no were near it

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't think so, but London, Merchant... has suggested realistic looking stuff for the server, and I think this would fall well under that

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Snipers having more a chance at defending themselves
+ More comms
+ Easier to spot them without getting killed/shot

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Snipers may become more OP
- May not work the best on some places?
- Light might affect it a bit

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently the Red Ping is really annoying for snipers, giving them a chance to kill once, and depending how alert others are, they tend die quick, also requires changing of positions everytime, which is not really accurate to real snipers, since they don't really move every kill, as that would be too much time waste (having pick up the sniper, remove bipod if they have it, find a new location and etc), and also the chance of getting killed during the move, in real life they only do it if they need get a better position, if they been spotted
Also I think DMRs should have this glint, seeing how they a lot of time use same scope as Snipers, and also can be a lot more annoying, cause while not 1 shot, they are direct hit too, and 2 shoots is all u need a lot of time
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Apr 2, 2022
sniper job is now shit, the aor / mp marksman job is 100 times better (lower damage but shoots faster, no ping, no combat score requirement, gets more combat score per kill)

when they originally added sniper it was 1 slot and it had no combat score requirement and to balance it out they made it so you get pinged after every kill, and now they made it so you need to pay combat score but also the pings are still a thing and the job is now straight up garbage

medic jobs and marksman jobs are 100 times better
Last edited:
Apr 2, 2022
As someone who plays snipers i dont see an issue in the red pings.
Just shoot them before they can shoot you (kinda obvious)
Mate your job doesnt cost combat score? its different lol
I wouldn't mind pings if you dont have to pay combat score to get on the job and then also get 50% less combat score for every kill you get
no combat score and 1 slot is how old sniper was and it was fine, combat score and ping is overkill
Would be too easy to play sniper, you just stay on the same position without people even knowing you are there.
I mean, it's easy to hear shots, and see, with this would be even easier to spot them I think, cause personally the red ping sometimes is kinda hard for me to see in some places, if I saw a bright light, I'd know something there for sure
that is the whole diffrence between dmr's and snipers
you one shot but get pinged while dmr doesn't one shot and don't get pinged
U don't one shot all the time with sniper, on normal situations, u may 1 shot, if they have ceramic, u won't tho, also I don't think other snipers such as SAS/STS? Snipers are 1 shot too, also DMR can be worse, as u can shoot multiple times, without getting spotted at all
sniper job is now shit, the aor / mp marksman job is 100 times better (lower damage but shoots faster, no ping, no combat score requirement, gets more combat score per kill)

when they originally added sniper it was 1 slot and it had no combat score requirement and to balance it out they made it so you get pinged after every kill, and now they made it so you need to pay combat score but also the pings are still a thing and the job is now straight up garbage

medic jobs and marksman jobs are 100 times better
Thank you Hoxton, I even forgot to mention the no combat score cost, and not getting the tax on kills when playing DMR

Personally, I'd prefer 1 slot for sniper, and 2 slots for DMR, no combat score for both, cause 300 is a bit dumb ngl, u get it so easy, it's like, just there to be, but the pings might be the most annoying out of everything ngl, requires no skill on enemy side to know where you are
Mate your job doesnt cost combat score? its different lol
I wouldn't mind pings if you dont have to pay combat score to get on the job and then also get 50% less combat score for every kill you get
no combat score and 1 slot is how old sniper was and it was fine, combat score and ping is overkill
Pay 300, get some kills, let's say 50% of the combat score needed, die, kill 2 people, and go back into sniper, most pointless thing ever
And I agree, 2 slots per sniper can be broken, cause I'm guessing it would be, 2 ISAF/IVG Snipers + 2 SAS/STS Snipers, + 2 DMR JAF/SWB + 2 DMR RMP/AOR (idk if 17th/1stAL get DMR/Sniper), in total that would be 8 snipers per side?

When MRP first started there were unlimited sniper slots and no red mark. People would work as a team to kill snipers and would actively avoid known sniper spots. SAS/AG would purposefully go secure said spots as the war started. The balance was (mostly) fine and wars still fun.

The issue with sniper balance is people have complained to no end and it's ended as a fix upon fix, basically a tower of duct tape. Best balance would be rmeove the ping (or like introduce it after a certain amount of kills within the same quadrant or something) and keep the sniper numbers limited.

It's meant to be milsim, people face a challenge and immediately cry 'too OP' until it is nerfed to the ground. Countering snipers really is not that difficult if you do what you are meant to do which is communicate and use squad tactics.
huge -support

I Have played MRP For quite a while and here are my thoughts about your opinion

1. Snipers should not stay in the same spot after firing more than 2 shots at best cause thats how you get found, pinged and killed.

2. The best ways to counter a sniper is to Find them which is via Ping which makes a spotter's life alot more easier and then lay down overwhelming fire onto them

Deleted member 1078

- Support

"shooting once, getting spotted, and dead"
You may only be able to maintain a 1.0 KD on sniper, but there are currently plenty of better players, especially in SAS and STS who are able to lock down entire points and get 5.0 KD's consistently. Maybe try contacting them and asking for advice.

I like Hoxtons idea of at the very least lowering the combat score cost as I feel it's a little ridiculous to have to pay to use your regiments weapon. Also nerfing DMR's like other people have said would be a benefit too. Just move a bit.
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