Denied Non-combatives only spawn with perma secondaries (not primaries)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Roles that do not spawn with a primary as part of their job also don't spawn with their perma primary. However, they can always spawn with their perma secondary (plus perma extras). This applies to any role that spawns with no weapons at all, and any role that only spawns with e.g. a pistol for self defense.

EDIT: The specifics of which jobs would continue to spawn with primaries would be up to SL/CT - I'm fine with e.g. an ECA having one to use as part of their disguise, as they are experienced enough to be sensible and have a good enough reason to have it and explanation of where they could have gotten it. Jobs like chef, E&TS, doctors, etc. though don't make sense to have primaries.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I could find.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Removes the incentive for non-combative roles to enter combat deliberately
  • Prevents a random techie or something from being a significant threat to multiple armoured combatants, so they're not as big a problem if they attempt RDM, or decide they're going to fight CI
  • Still allows use of a perma, so people would hopefully not be as salty that they don't have an MSBS as a chef
  • Still allows use of a perma for self defense, but not using something powerful enough that somebody would feel like they can be combative when they shouldn't be
  • Encourages people to buy perma secondaries, which are currently not well-loved, and most people go without - makes more money for the server/the owners
  • Encourages the use of a secondary in self defense situations, which takes less time to pull out, which is a sensible choice
  • They can still use the primary on any combative role

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Some people cry that they can't have an ARX as a researcher, because they need it for all of the around 2 times they ever actually use it legitimately
  • People that buy perma primaries may just generally not be happy that they can't always have it - I'd say overall game balance and discouraging non-combatives from entering combat is more important

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It is (in my opinion) a good compromise in that people can still have self defence weapons, and still access some of their permas even on non-combative roles, while discouraging common situations where players decide to look for combat as a non-combative. It would bring better game balance and discourage some currently quite common rule breaking. Meanwhile, it would also encourage people to buy perma secondaries that wouldn't previously have done so, which means more money for the server/owners.
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Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023

As a CL5, to reply to the above message, we make 250 from our pay in game, meaning a measly 1500 is nothing compared to our massive wages (We have an armoury at our spawn)

I support this from a Role-play leader standpoint due to the incentive of server health, why do non-combative's spawn with a standard issue weapon, is it Rp friendly, definitely not, it gives Non-combative's the easy option in any situation, becoming "Combative" which is unrealistic due to the nature of why would a tech expert pull out a full customised ARX that they retrieved from the mirror dimension to combat and IA arrest causing them to RDM in the process and also FailRp as a Non-Combative.

if everyone has experience an issue with Non-Combative's being armed with their perma weapons, then it is time for a change, this will help IA not caring about seeing weapons cause they are sick of being shot and killed (RDM/FailRp), or simply seeing a swarm of 7 IT Technicians armed to the teeth causing a severe erosion on the Rp in that area, and dropping motivation levels (Server health impact)

The only time I see or have been RDM or have made a sit for RDM or FailRp, it has always 99% of the time been by a Non-Combative and their perma weapon that they shouldn't be using.
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Jun 18, 2023

Non-combatives being combative? Call staff! Chef running around with ARX out? Seems combative, call staff!

I paid 12 whole USD for this ARX and since Site-65 is based in the American Colony of Canada, we should all have assault rifles on us at all times. ??
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Jul 30, 2023
tbf, this isn't much of an argument, this is a bit of an extreme example, but i should pay for access to the nuke room and be able to set off the nuke whenever i want. like there is a limit to what your money should allow you to do on the server
That example has just confused me. Having a perma primary weapon as a non combative isn’t a bad thing and can be useful for roles such as assistants as it allows them to blend in whilst disguised as O-1 and A-1 as well as just general self defence for any role. It’s just a gun not a nuke ?.
That example has just confused me. Having a perma primary weapon as a non combative isn’t a bad thing and can be useful for roles such as assistants as it allows them to blend in whilst disguised as O-1 and A-1 as well as just general self defence for any role. It’s just a gun not a nuke ?.
Like I've said in a previous reply, it'd be up to staff to decide which roles should/shouldn't keep them specifically, but I don't see why e.g. an ECA or anyone with a disguise card shouldn't be allowed to keep them, it's just most other non-combative jobs like E&TS roles, chef, doctors, etc. don't need them and it:
  • Encourages them to enter combat, as they have a whole ass rifle, so why not
  • Makes them an active threat all the time even when it doesn't make sense. IA and the like shouldn't need to worry that every CL1 chef they try to arrest for being annoying in medbay is going to pull an ARX from their arse and fight them - they should at least need to go to an armoury and steal one, creating evidence/more crimes to charge for.
    • This also doesn't help e.g. CI and other invaders - they shouldn't have to worry that every tech expert they come across is also going to pull an ARX out of their arse and mow down half their raid out of nowhere
  • Feels out of place in RP - why does this random engineer have a powerful rifle, it feels like they just pulled it out of their ass. At least a pistol makes sense, they could have it on their hip or something.
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