Oceanus' Returnee Application

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Dec 21, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62866848
Discord name: oceanus.savitar

For how long have you played on MRP:
I first started playing from the 21st of December 2021, until around August 2022. Then I played from about November 2022 until Mid 2023, and then came back for about a month at the start of 2024.

Are you a returning player?: Yes, I'm now starting to play again.
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: My last active time playing was at the start of 2024.
NATO name (regiment and rank): Oceanus - N/A (Got up to SAS/SOTF 2nd Lieutenant in the past)
USSR name (regiment and rank): Savitar - N/A
Civilian name: Apollo

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
I had a few AFK kicks before, and had a warning for accidental base-camping, and then I did receive a temporary ban during a point in my life I'm not proud of, back in mid-2023, where I was having a heated discussion with a player named Artemis, and ended up shouting at him an egregious amount. I went over the top, and quite honestly, went way beyond what was reasonable. I have since apologised to him for that, and made reparations, but I would still like to apologise to others who were involved in that debacle for the stress caused by myself.

Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?:
I reached the CO rank of 2nd Lieutenant in SAS/SOTF back in 2022, where I remained for some time before resigning.
List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP: Trainee.

What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: The Special Air Service Regiment
What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: 2nd Lieutenant — First Sergeant
What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment? What makes me the best candidate for the regiment is that I have a wealth of knowledge of how the regiment worked in the past when it was active, and I can bring that passion to the regiment, to nurture it back to life.

List your strengths and weaknesses:
+ A strong leader
+ Proficient with Documents
+ Passionate about SAS
+ Good at planning out and building FOBs

- Not the greatest driver
- Availability can sometimes change due to work
- Used to get annoyed easily, but is something that I've been working on

Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it:
Accomplishments I achieved in SAS include climbing up to 2nd LT, earning the "Victoria Cross" NATO Medal for SAS, earning the "Military Cross" SAS Medal, earning the "Mention in Despatches" SAS Honour, and earning the "Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service" SAS Honour.

What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?:
The responsibilities of the position are to help the COs lead the regiment, provide a good example to lower ranking members of how to conduct themselves inside the regiment, and in general help members with anything that they may need help with, including training sessions if so needed.

What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?:
Problems I saw in the SAS in the past, were that people got quite lazy with how they conducted themselves. They would break PTS, or go against orders from higher-ups, but wouldn't get any repercussions from that, so they would keep doing it, until eventually the SAS became quite a "mingy" regiment so to speak. They also wouldn't do many team exercises, which meant that when push-came-to-shove, and they needed to work together, they were unable to, and therefore unable to succeed and secure us victories where needed.

Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?:
My plan to address these problems, is to reiterate the SAS procedures where needed, as well as crack down on strictness to ensure that people aren't just taking the piss out of their higher-ups in their behaviour. I would also bring back the old SAS Training Instructor positions, and get knowledgeable people into those positions where they can help properly train newer members, or even older members who need a refresher on things.

Many thanks for reading,
Dec 21, 2021
@Hamood Ironically, I don't even remember what I said specifically
@Rainbow Dash Indeed I do
@harvey That's fair, started doing that after the ban anyway, I was always going to continue that haha

@Mr Wonderfool While yes, crashout of the century, it's practically been 2 years, no need to post the link itself anymore. That's just beating a dead horse. We've all seen how I crashed out, and it's still time to move past the file itself, like it was a year and a half ago. I would just like to prove that I've changed without having it thrust in my face again and again. I only made this application because I was asked if I wanted to rejoin with these applications going on, so I rolled the dice expecting this very outcome, because what I did was reprehensible.

Now that aside, I'm going to be doing whatever it takes to prove myself to everyone, so again, thank you for reading, and I will be seeing you all on the battlefield.
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
After reading through the replies, reviewing clips, and speaking with fellow SL, I believe you are unsuited for the Returnee Program. Please spend more time righting the wrongs you left after your departure. Only then will an application be considered.

Your application is therefore denied.

  • Haha
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