Olegi Game Master Application*

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Active member
Jul 20, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):datgun3 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198987697787/
For how long have you played on CG MRP: 1week 1day and 20hours (ish)
In what country are you located?: Englend
Time zone: British Summer Time (bts)

NATO name (regiment and rank): Ologi pvt
USSR name (regiment and rank): Olegi SSGT
Civilian name: Ologe
Steam ID:1027432059
Do you have a mic?: yes but it only works on team speak cos I am bad.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:4 warnings 1 toxicity 2 fail rp nd 1 vdm and 2 bans for MRDM.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: not really but on an old server i use to hold mini events.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: yes this survey and a few others as well as playing some wargames IRL.
How many hours can you be on everyday?: about 3-6 but when I go to college it will be 3-4 probably.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: because I wanna hold epic events such as the one on Syria or even mini-events such as little flying courses for abt and jaf .
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: because I really love the survey and I love making strange events which helps people not get burned out of the server.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): well fore 1 we could have an rc tank/heli event using the remote controllers that are already in their game this would be a nice change of pace from actually fighting but using tanks and helis to have a proxy war,

17th and 10th could have the power of all the regiments and span helis and tanks whilst being able to do raiding this would mean that any regiment could use tanks and helis and it would be a complete cluster fuck of fun for an hour or 2 also fore those 2 hours along as your CPL + you can span any tank - heli, a small event where its only infantry vs infantry with no tanks helis or snipers so it's a fair fight.

Please List a Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server) not to sure on the map but an invasion on Normandy type thing where nato have to spawn at the beaches and make their way up past the USSR and get on to the "mainland" at what point nato would win they would have to build a Lil base (bigger than a fob) once they fully push back the USSR to win and if nato win they get medals and promotions and the win condition for USSR would be to hold them back for 5 hours so the map would have to be pretty large to stop nato outnumbering USSR 4:1 and killing them on hour 1, also the wars would last an hour-ish and piece time would only be 30 mins but supply trucks Helis and shovels would have 10x the storage and speed, the map wouldn't have cap points other then the fortifications that the USSR put down which could be called "strongholds ", trenches would be a part of the building sweep so they could be put in the ground and stay until it gets bombed or filled in.
in the event certain factors will change eg if one side has low numbers they will get more combat scores the more outnumbered they are so if it's a 2:1 they will get 2x etc, but if you are on the side which is outnumbering them you will have a slower fob build time with the shovel being able to build /remove less depending on how much you outnumber them.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
MP/KGB: they would have to keep nato/USSR climbing up/down onto an owned bit of land and them claiming it, as well as normal police stuff.

10th/17th: fortifying defenses by building fobs and trenches as well as making those trenches stronger against bombing attacks, they could also use tanks in pre-war to make a foot hold before the war this means that nato/ussr would have to actively defend their land so 17th or 10th don't just climbed far on to enemy territory giving user /nato a huge advantage

SAS/AG: sending a raiding party to steal other teams items fob supplies as well as kidnapping and attempting to get a vantage on the other team by pushing forward with a small radio which would act as a fob but only last for half a war or something (tac insert)

Abt:Jaf:spot and fined potential enemy strongholds and killing any enemies near /on the territory
from the sky, as well as supporting ag/sas in their raiding parties.
Sha/Isaf: these lads are normally infantry but better to improve on this in the event I would give them special roles such as placing land mines near nato/USSR land to stop an early advance they could also help defend ag/sas in their attempts to steal nato/USSR supplies and information this would indirectly harm nato/USSR bye weakening them.
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021
Hi, I will be going for a -support. Your maturity is questionable and from what I have seen is that your ruleknowledge isn’t so good either.
List an example mission for each pair of regiments
For this one you have completely forgotten 17th/10th and SHA/ISAF which makes me believe that you have rushed this application. To be completely honest I see no originality and creativity in your event idea’s you’ve mentioned in your application one example is this small event idea of yours below.
or an event with 17th and 10th where we use the tiger and Shurman to do tank v tank

Nonetheless best of luck
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Reactions: CL4P-TP
+Active TS3/In-game
-questionable maturity
-Basic small event ideas(like the JAF/ABT one sounds more like a flying training.)
-mediocre reg event ideas and forgot to put a ISAF/SHA mission ( like the 17th/10th one sounds like a normal peacetime where we build fobs)
-Mic that doens't work in-game
-Rushed application

Hello olegi im giving you a -support. reasons listed above.
Good luck

17th MAJ


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020

Rushed app, had to demote you yesterday which indicates me to believe that you have questionable maturity, Below mediocre event ideas, Good luck.
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