Pacino MacTavish's NHC App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:108117118

Discord name: Nauras#8122

For how long have you played on MRP: Since August 20th 2021

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: Sweden

Time zone: GMT +1

NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF SGM Pacino MacTavish

NWO name (regiment and rank): PVT Pacino Tavish

Civilian name: Pacino

Do you have a mic?: Yes I do.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first app.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I received no warnings.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:

Yes, in the past I was ISAF 1st Lieutenant back in 2021 and was always active and assisted in any way I could whether it was wars or not. Now that the mastery update got added I am currently serving as ISAF SGM so I am fairly active and dedicated to assisting/leading wars as much as I can whether a high rank is or isn't present.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

I personally think I am fit for NHC due to the fact that I always strive to assist in wars and aid in any way possible. Not only that but I am very active throughout the days and usually don't see NHC on when they're needed which can be of great use to me if my application gets accepted.
Now currently as SGM I am limited to what I can do but regardless I always go above and beyond trying to lead ISAF and whenever needed NATO as a whole.
I am dedicated to NATO/ISAF as a whole and am showing my dedication by always being leading/building FOBs making sure people are safe and sound and socialising with others ensuring a good friendship along with others.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:



List your strengths and weaknesses:


- Taking the initaitve,
I always strive to take the initiative such as give orders when none are given or tell people to build fobs and ensure that we are on the path of success or at least trying to whether it may be on a downpath or not. Not only that but I familiarise myself with people and talk to them ensuring a stable and healthy conversation/friendship.

- Active in TS3/in game,

I am always active in TS3 and ingame meaning that you can see me everyday actively playing and helping people out.

- Honesty,
People that speak to me know that I am always honest about how things go about mainly in ISAF but also throughout NATO in general. So if someone causes something then I always tell them with all honesty what has happened what they should do to prevent things from happening like that again.

- Feedback,
There is always negative and positive feedbacks throughout debriefs. Nonetheless I'm always open to hear them out whether it may be about me or someone else to see what I can improve on or what not whether they see that I perform badly or whether it may be someone else that could be in ISAF.

- Professionalism,
As a Commissioned Officer/Company Command I hold a lot of responsibility and with that comes professionalism. I always strive to act professional during times of true pressure which can happen during wars. Nonetheless I must uphold professionalism and show that I am not just some dude who you see come and go. I make myself recognised by being professional and listen to orders no matter the outcome.

- Accountability,
I am always honest when I do something wrong. And even if no one notices it I bring it up because I don't like lying on when I do something wrong or realise that I have done something that shouldn't have been done. Despite that no matter what rank I hold I bring my issues up and ensure that I am the one that messed up and should be held accountable for it.

- Weaknesses:

- Strict,
I can be strict when I see someone do something wrong or minge when they have been given out multiple verbal warnings not to do such. My strictness obviously comes at a cost. I normally don't show that specific side but if I have to then I deal with it accordingly.

- Frustration
There are times when frustration comes to mind and those times can happen during war or when there is a lot of tasks at hand while being the only one performing them and can be frustrated most of the times. My set of example of frustration is perhaps when we are at war at everything is going downhill, That's one prime example.

- Forgetful,
When I'm given a task or told to do something it can happen that I forget what I'm suppose to do. I forget things sometimes and usually need to be reminded on what I was suppose to do which happens mostly under stress or pressure.
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