Denied Pathfinder

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Response here]
change or remove the pathfinder.

why realy? mainly becaus it hurts server health people stop building fobs becaus why should they build something when it can get destroyed during peacetime/ prewar? also placing a c4 and at the last second say oh yeah we killing ya fob ain't fair to the opposite side(seen it happen to both nato and nwo). so make it that they have to announce it 10 minutes before attacking (like er). pathfinder job also favors the more active air reg. the pathfinder job right now feels realy unbalanced in each side.

So Remove it fully or change the rules. replace pathfinder to this new job:

also kind of weird that a scout class in the airborne units goes full demolition? (see and google scholar pathfinder) i suggest a full reform of the pathfinder job.
the kit would be :
depoylbe shield
a spawn rally with more spawns for the entire side. (but can get shot like the rallies, with like 20-30 spawns)
normal reg gun or shotty.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[Response here]
not that i think so.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Response here]
+well encourage people to build fob's becaus it won't get killed instantly.
+all the special combat score classes will feel still diffrent but more balanced to eachother.
+will be historical accurate aswell as fair to both sides.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Response here]
-bad becaus to op (the spawnable thingy)
-to much dev work.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Response here]
will help server health, there won't be abuse made of the pathfinder job. helps encourage people with building fobs. early wars are more fun aswell as my suggested pathfinder would be good for pushes and flanks without being unbalanced
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Deleted member 1078


Seen someone insta announce a fob attack and it was gone within 30 seconds with not enough people active to counter it.
+ Support

- Pathfinder was an unwanted addition that no one asked for
- It adds no real benefits to either side other than trolling as if one side pathfinders a fob to steal it, then the other side can just do the same thing and get it back

Note: I just want the feature of blowing up any fob removed as its a weird exception that doesn't really make sense for swb. I'd prefer an AT-4 job
Last edited:
Oct 5, 2023
- Support
1. the pathfinder job is fine atm there is nothing wrong with it just get better at defending your fobs and not stay afk in base during set times they can fob assault.
2. giving the other side 10 min to just camp their fob in advance is too much as JAF/SWB cant defend against the whole of NATO/NWO alone.
3. Changing the pathfinder to a scout class would be fine but also useless at the same time, since what is there to give him? a shield or a shotgun?.
4. Giving a rally point that has 20 - 30 spawns on it is too op as its just a mini tac insert then except only for that fireteam.

Next time maybe talk to other people about your idea before posting and asking for a OP class or class change in general.
+support (changes only)
I agree, Pathfinder seems to broken and easily exploitable, especially since all SWB/JAF can help on it, so 1 can announce it, place a C4, or not even, and the rest shovel, and in 15s the whole FOB is gone, not giving time for NATO/NWO to respond

Also the name doesn't seem to make sense with the function it has on the server, I do agree giving it some sort of function would be better, and possibly encourage more paradrops, since it's a rarely seen thing in wars, a mini tac insert I agree, probably less HP/time, and/or limited spawns, but make it emit sounds, as Rally Points are broken already since no sound is given

A possible loadout could be
Reg Kit A/B
Deployable Shield?
Flashbang + Smokes
And possibly a shotgun, not a broken automatic one?

If not a whole class change, then a rule change, where the assault needs be announced way early, enough time for the defending side to get to the point, (spawning on the FOB shouldn't be allowed) and only SWB/JAF should be able defend it to give a easier time defending a FOB, since SWB/JAF alone vs a whole faction is impossible, at same time, for a FOB Assault to be performed by a Pathfinder, the defending side must have more than 3 (or more) active JAF/SWBs, in order to attempt a defense,

This is my personal opinion, cause everytime I see a FOB Assault by Pathfinder, the defending side never manages to defend
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