Denied PC/militia spawns

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Trevor Philips

Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 20, 2021
Name of suggestion: PC/Militia Spawns (Being able to spawn with whoever hires them, example NATO territory if they are NATO)

What does it do?: Changes the spawning location or giving protection to the neutral jobs when they spawn.

How does it benefit the server?: So, currently the way PC/Militia are spawning they have a chance of spawning ontop of someone for example when I spawned as a PC and moved to the stairs of the building to leave spawn and found a NATO officer stood right there (I was hired by USSR) so I felt bad killing him because he didn't know about my possible spawn however it causes a lot of backlash especially when trying to leave and getting a random bombing run or having a NATO/USSR PVT run past stop mow you down and leave again after leaving so by fixing that issue it means that once hired they can spawn with their faction.

Workshop Link (if any): N/A

Anything else?: It's just a idea/theory for the devs, no idea how it would work but it's just something I would put forwards.
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Brian Bell

MRP War Veteran
May 14, 2021
Suggestion Denied

Hi Trevor, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to the buffs this would provide to militia making them too powerful for the service they are able to provide. Their balance is currently in a good place controlling the center of the map​
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