Accepted Peacetime, High Command and Wars

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Okay, so basically right now there's people that want Peacetime extended, people that don't want peacetime extended, people that don't like the way wars are currently done/worked, people that don't like the current war types/how often some appear more than others etc.

What this suggestion does is a few things.
Peacetimes remain the same time as they currently are. They are currently 1 hour 20 minutes. We integrate a system that after 40 minutes, High commands can create a 'Draft' where they negotiate with the opposing factions high command to basically start a war. In this draft, they include their Name, Signature and the war type they want specified. Depending on how far you would want to go with this, you could have high commands to come to an agreement to create certain Roleplay rules such as if there are No JAF/ATR to have a declaration that High Command would not Fly helicopters or that if for example if USSR is outnumbered by 3:1 then they can draft an exclusion to the destruction of a certain FOB.

If high commands agree on the draft, they sign and war is declared. We then enter pre-war and the war state that was on the Draft would happen.
If high command disagree on the draft, they can negotiate or terminate the draft. The draft can be recreated or reinstated later in the peacetime or if not accepted at all, the full peacetime would continue as though nothing happened and would continue as is now.
Once peacetime is over the Natural way, High Commands can still agree on the war type, however if not agreed then it would be randomised to how it is now.

I want to re-iterate that this change would be purely High Command. If there are no High Command or only One Faction has High Command, nothing happens at all and it continues EXACTLY how it is now.
Furthermore, I want to also say that the termination of the draft could be because you still have tryouts going on or there's trainings that need to be done and you want to set a motion to show your side that if these trainings are done, you can be rewarded. Things such as Events, FOBs needing building, CMISSIONS needing completing or just feeling as though your side is not ready means you can terminate the draft or simply sign it later on at any point during the peactime.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Never. This suggestion was purely on a basis that it was mentioned in the Townhall by myself briefly and there was a LOT of people that wanted to see it. I had pokes from High Commands on both sides and after speaking briefly to some other high commands not present in the town hall, they also like the sound of this system. It's completely different because so far, the only ideologies that have been mentioned to help peacetime activity is to shorten peacetime, include more peacetime content however this integrates commands already in the game that are currently VWAR commands that could be integrated into a small UI system fairly easily that gives more power to high command.
When I was High Command, we were seen as the Server Leadership equivalent of an in game rank with the ability to seriously affect roleplay, POSITIVELY. I feel like giving them more freedom means we can be stricter with each high command that's accepted as well as give it a more prestigious meaning to be the highest ranking members of an army. Right now, they're tools with a voice amp.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
It means that if there are the Peacetimes where people are bored, there's nothing to do (no events, fobs are already fully build, all the tryouts are done and there's no privates etc) then there's a reason to actually stay on the server instead of leaving and playing a different game for 40 minutes and then logging on as soon as there's 10 minutes til' war which I must agree - LOTS OF US DO THIS.
If the negotiations of the draft also came along with this, it fixes the number issue to an extent if they agree for a S+D war because realistically - there's nothing that benefits having less numbers in a S+D war right now.
It means that high command is seen as a more hands on role with declaring the wars that they are having men fight in, as well as helps give realistic roleplay scenarios where Events can have rules integrated into them without breaking immersion

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There are very little negatives other than that High Commands may purposefully just terminate the contracts because they just don't think they'll win the war to which it's basically like nothing changed as it would be exactly how it is now.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think it's something new that uses content that's in the server already and establishes more of a hands on role to both high command teams. It also helps with balancing during wars and means that we don't see domination over a smaller faction as well as means that we see more people on during peacetime. 10 minutes for a debrief, 5 minutes for another regimental debrief. People WILL stay on for the extra 25 minutes for the chance that there 'may' be another war and can entice their high command into doing one by performing well during peacetimes.

If you consider denying this, I genuinely believe that this should be at least taken to a vote to see what the players think. The commands are already in the game. The draft can be drafted on a clip board and sent/uploaded to the VCOMPUTERS where they can be logged. NHC War Logs/SSHC War Logs can be removed OOC and can be brought in character.
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