Peedudu's Moderator application

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Well-known Member
Jan 26, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): pmormo

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):104


In what country are you located?:Finland

Time zone: UTC+3

In-game name: peedudu

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:177772519

Discord ID:458168153487441920

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes, I got a kick for "rope spam" when i first joined the server and had probably less than an hour played, i also got a warning for "raid timer"/not waiting the 30minutes before raiding again, this was due to my teammate telling me the timer was 15minutes which wasn't correct, the first kick was on the day the server started and the warning is around two weeks ago


Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Yes on Rust however not on CG


Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:No i do not


How many hours can you be on everyday?:

Currently im online anywhere from 3hours to 8 hours


Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

Currently i have a lot more freetime than i know what to do with as well as spending quite a large amount of that freetime on darkrp so i might as well help the community out


What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

Im not the most creative person so im going to keep this part short. Im quite active and have a generally great understanding of the rules . I'm also able to de-escalate situations well. Even though i have a warning after that warning i spent quite a bit of time learning the rules in order to not get anymore of them lol


DarkRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 25, 2020
Hello @peedudu,

I will be giving you a neutral for the following reasons;

- I have never seen you in-game nor i interacted with you in any way as far as i remember
- I have never seen you on ts3
- Application could look better

In my opinion you need more time before applying for staff.

I think what you should do is interact with the community more, talk to the DRP staff members more often, interact and play with them, hop on ts3 darkrp channels and communicate with the people there.

I am wishing you a good luck on your application.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Feb 21, 2021
- Neutral leaning to + Support
Hello - my verdict on this application was neutral., but I'm leaning towards + Support now as I've had good interactions with you in-game. I would still recommend improving your application a bit, and adding more detail. Happy to change this to a + Support if your app improves.
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Civil Gamers Expert
May 4, 2021
Hello @peedudu,

I will give you a neutral heavily leaning towards a +support.

+ Played with you, maybe even too much. Wholesome lad.
+ You have a fairly good understanding of the rules.
+ You are very active, seen you daily.
- Never seen you on ts3
- You're application could be a tad bit better .

I wish you the best of luck with you're application :)


Well-known Member
Jan 26, 2023
Neutral leaning to support

-strange name?
-never seen on TS
-app could be done better

+the interaction i had was limited but good this is good considering that i mainly base!
+only 2 warns and are more than 2 weeks old!
i dont really have to add much more good luck!
Lol I've got a few questions before about the name as well, the beginning is basicly just something my friend saved me as on his contacts, the beginning is the same as my irl names beginning and the end i believe was his customized? Way of saying dude. (Neither of us knew English too well when the name was born as we were probably somewhere around the age of 9) should probs change my RP name to turtle/trtl as that's basically what I change my name to whenever I change it in a game
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