Accepted Progression and Player Retention

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Improves Mastery or at least changes it to have a deeper meaning within MRP. Realistically, we need a new system or to change the current system to allow for a real meaningful reason to build up XP in your mastery tree to make it some what beneficial to Grind the current content that we have in the server as well as looks at the new/previous player experience and how it can be improved (ranks, meanings and improvements)

As it stands right now, you join the server, get trained, join the USSR Infantry/NATO Infantry regiments and then... that's it. There realistically is no progressive gain or incentive for new players to continue to play the server UNLESS there's a war active as they join, in which they likely won't be trained because that's what it's become. The fix ISNT making sure they're being trained during war, it's giving them something to progress towards even when war isn't active, or there's not people on the server.
Our player retention is fucking abysmal to be quite honest. Using Battlemetrics, we received a total of around 140 new players between October 6th and October 21st. Despite it being high, that number may be slightly off, if not completely, let's say 2/3 of these aren't genuine. That's still around 45 players that we SHOULD be attempting to retain but simply aren't. Why?
Well how do you convince a Private that participating in a long peacetime, building FOBs is worth their time to contribute to potential warfunds that even they themselves can't use? How do you convince a Private that YOUR server is better off playing than others.
In my eyes, the Unique Player count shows that MRP is in a salvageable state, even if it's been looking under the weather lately.

Realistically, you want to look at the New Player Experience.
What can we do to improve it?

First off, you need to make it entirely clear what the goal of the game mode Military Roleplay is. As far as it stands, there's more talk about Combat in the Trainee room than there is actual Roleplay and what they need to do to be a better soldier, so how is it that it always comes around that there's no one that wants to roleplay/incentive roleplay if the very first thing they see on the server is WAR WAR WAR. Then, when there's suggestions to change war, fix war or increase the frequency of war, we deny it on the principle that it's not in the interest of a Roleplay server.

So we add more information about what they're meant to do, how they join a regiment, HOW the Infantry system works, when they can join a regiment. Great. Next, you need to make the new player experience more enjoyable and rewarding at first and build up to the blocks where they have to wait such as promotions, when they're established into a regiment. We need to get rid of the Promotion cooldown for newly recruited Trainees. It's damaging, and the only thing that I disagree with about the Infantry update. If someone is playing for 6 hours on the server, knows how it works etc. then why are we not incentived to get them into a regiment straight away, where they can build them valuable connections with people to make them think "you know what, this guys pretty cool I might rejoin the server to speak with him again". It's why whole reason that Isaf had numbers. It wasn't because they were the best regiment, or had the greatest weapons. It was literally because everyone was homies, chilling and just vibing playing a game where they had people like themselves that just wanted to chill with others. Remove the promotion cooldowns for privates, let's get it incentivised to promote them once they understand the server and then Special Forces and RMP (which realistically is the main regiments that the cooldown is there for) can make their own decisions on whether to let the Privates into their regiment of if they want to see a little bit more from them. Privates don't want to have a cooldown just to join a regiment, TO THEN have a cooldown once they join the regiment AND then go back down to Private, it seems to ridiculously backwards??

So far, we've updated the Trainee room to have more Roleplay, server progression based questions and incentive's towards Privates building those important connections to people in the regiment.
We need to give them something to work towards that isn't building war funds. This (partly) should be 'smoothened' by the Campaign system as the whole progression is towards a base raid which gives them a lot of money, XP for winning as well as server achievements which will be nice however, we need to make XP have a bigger influence.
Let's be honest, you're not living long enough during a war to use your entire stamina bar and even if you are, it just slowly starts to reset over time.
Make the Private Contractor and 'some' other Civillian jobs based on Total Level. This follows SCP's successful style of requiring XP to join regiments AND to play certain jobs. Sure, they can still either 'refer' or Donate via VIP however, I think that giving them access to a whole new style upon reaching total rank X would be really cool, especially when all the current players would likely already have access to the job, it just helps them have something to look forward to.

Furthermore, I think we should add Unique rewards to certain BIG mastery ranks. So for example, mastery 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 etc. Right now, I think the only actual additional thing you get 'extra' is the one extra grenade slot. Why not incorporate a Nice looking UI which lets you see what you can unlock in the Future as well as add unique rewards such as a Skin Crate or Knife Crate upon reaching LVL X. It's just something to look into, again. Making an actual progression system where you can see what your XP is going towards would be really cool, especially from a new player point of view where they don't really get an explanation as to what XP does.
I'll put an example Image BELOW of what I mean.


Finally, and this is one for Server Leadership, High Command and Regimental Commanders
Stop giving people ranks just because they're old players. This one is VERY hypocritical and an example of why it sucks.
When I was SGT or something in SWB, I was instantly rank skipped to CPT in Shock Army, granted it was in a TERRIBLE situation of it having 11 whole members you don't feel like you earned the rank and regardless, it puts such a bad example on the lower ranks where you've just sky rocketed above them and took their time towards ranking up in that regiment and shoved it down the drain. Fair enough, there ARE examples of 'good' rank skips, 90% of the time it just demotivates lower ranks from playing as well as just because you're an old player, you shouldn't get special treatment.
Same way that instantly promoting someone off cooldown 'can' be a good thing, it shouldn't be an every promotion type thing. If it gets a consistent thing, people expect a promotion and then aren't happy when they don't receive one OR again, become demotivated. If someone is actively helping the regiment more than another person, why should they both be promoted at the same time?
Give ranks meaning again... This one is literally only up to regimental command and high command however it NEEDS doing to be honest. You can't respect the person in a high position if you can't even respect the rank.

Also, I think a questionnaire for unique players should appear after 2 hours where they can complete it for $ or leave it where they can leave feedback on what they like, want or don't understand.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably not

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
New players are the life of the server, the only reason the server isn't on its knees yet is because old returning players keep coming back. What's the point having a high rank if you have no one to roleplay with? A CO can't command with no men. A high command can't command with no army.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Realistically, the only negative would be the PC being introduced to Referrals OR Mastery as well as giving Knife Crates and increased money from Mastery.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think we really need to get a hold of the current issue. The last week, we're barely peaking over 40 players and I just can't see the lack of action by Server Leadership justified. Take initiative, run money roulette's, run XP roulettes, get a questionnaire out for the players for actual constructive feedback, ask for another town hall, see if we can have a questionnaire for new players to answer once they reach 2 hours playtime where if they complete it (min words), they receive something in return.

I don't know what's being said from Server Leadership and it's a very fair observation that maybe they're keeping track of the issues with MRP and maybe they're planning on how to fix it. But right now, from a player side and point of view, we're being neglected and it shouldn't take people like myself coming forward to bitch and moan about these concurrent issues for something to be done.
You see us complaining in mess hall but don't give us any comfort in that you're trying. You see these suggestions we're making but it never ends up going anywhere. Give us some clarity, something to hold onto because you're all good people up there. I don't dislike any of you, you're in your position for a reason and you've earned it. All we're asking for is help.
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i completely agree with this outlook on MRP's progression, however i'd like to know a few bits..
- considering the additions to the TRN area, do you think a new test should be made that goes into more detail and is overall more difficult? what type of questions do you think would be suitable to ensure people actually know what to do when they pass their test?

- do you think newer players should be more encouraged to join TS channels and meet more people? e.g a recently trained NATO PVT could join ISAF comms freely to learn and speak with more experienced players? (ISAF and SHA comms would be made free to access / would be given to you during your training) (new additions to these regiments would be some sort of NCO comms so ppl can still speak privately if need be)
- i remember playing MRP a little bit before i moved onto it fully, and i was completely hopeless without the help from some of my SCP-RP friends, so i understand how it feels to be a newer mrp player, i feel like this would very much help as just speaking to somebody in-game doesn't really help imo.

- do you think new conditions need to be met for rankskipping people? what could these conditions be? perhaps similar to SCP-RP where all rankskips are reviewed by SSL / or possibly Senior Admin+ on MRP? rather than just running some form / asking people to dm a certain hc and they get accepted/denied


i feel like these changes would need to come into play ALONGSIDE a major update to the overall feel of MRP, new rules to ensure that roleplay is being followed, updates regarding building FOBs to not make it such a tedious and boring task etc.

overall +support good suggestion mr jackg...
When I came on a while back to test the new player experience with a few people it was ok, minus a few glaring issues I passed on to your SSL and NL at the time.

Whilst I did enjoy the combat and the fighting over the points on the map, some players just outright refused to roleplay and it was concerning when we captured a Captain of NATO to interrogate who then went on some mingefest. If the server is advertised as roleplay, then roleplay. SL need to clamp down on it more.

I also think MRP is vastly outclassed as a gamemode compared to Arma 2/3 which is easily accessible and of a far higher quality. Whilst the gmod engine can give quite creative avenues of gameplay, it just doesn't compare to a proper military simulator game.

Another issue I ran into was some childish behaviour I'd expect from a middle child about SCP players playing on MRP, seriously grow up. Whilst the content itself is average, you, the player base, need to take some serious reflection on your own behaviours and actions. You could be the ones causing lack of retention too.

Good luck in your endeavour to fix MRP, I do hope you succeed.
  • Cool
Reactions: Stealth
Jul 16, 2023
When I came on a while back to test the new player experience with a few people it was ok, minus a few glaring issues I passed on to your SSL and NL at the time.

Whilst I did enjoy the combat and the fighting over the points on the map, some players just outright refused to roleplay and it was concerning when we captured a Captain of NATO to interrogate who then went on some mingefest. If the server is advertised as roleplay, then roleplay. SL need to clamp down on it more.

I also think MRP is vastly outclassed as a gamemode compared to Arma 2/3 which is easily accessible and of a far higher quality. Whilst the gmod engine can give quite creative avenues of gameplay, it just doesn't compare to a proper military simulator game.

Another issue I ran into was some childish behaviour I'd expect from a middle child about SCP players playing on MRP, seriously grow up. Whilst the content itself is average, you, the player base, need to take some serious reflection on your own behaviours and actions. You could be the ones causing lack of retention too.

Good luck in your endeavour to fix MRP, I do hope you succeed.
scp players take rp too seriously then come over to mrp and expect it to be the exact same


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
scp players take rp too seriously then come over to mrp and expect it to be the exact same
An RP server, with an expectance to RP, both servers are RP servers, hence the RP in the names. They have a quality or standard they get on their relevant servers they come from, so the only logical thing they assume is that the RP is of the same quality on the other server within the community regardless of the Gamemode.
Especially at your rank I'd assume you would understand that
An RP server, with an expectance to RP, both servers are RP servers, hence the RP in the names. They have a quality or standard they get on their relevant servers they come from, so the only logical thing they assume is that the RP is of the same quality on the other server within the community regardless of the Gamemode.
Especially at your rank I'd assume you would understand that
different server, different community, different roleplay, same network
people who think that because MRP has 'RP' in it means it'll have the same quality as scp are clearly not looking at the mass amount of differences between the servers

"Especially at your rank I'd assume you would understand that"
read his name
Jul 16, 2023
An RP server, with an expectance to RP, both servers are RP servers, hence the RP in the names. They have a quality or standard they get on their relevant servers they come from, so the only logical thing they assume is that the RP is of the same quality on the other server within the community regardless of the Gamemode.
Especially at your rank I'd assume you would understand
and you assumed wrong? we dont have an rp centric server where its the only way too have fun, if you've actually played befour NATO is the rp faction and USSR is the more fun faction, and whats my rank got too do with this? being captain doesnt mean i know what scp players are gonna assume of MRP. if you dont have a good rp experience on MRP stick to SCP, simple as. and the argument "they both have RP in their names so you'd expect a similar experience" is the weakest point you could say
This is honestly one of the best well thought out and well written suggestions ive seen in a long time and addresses alot of the main issues MRP is facing.

As it stands right now, you join the server, get trained, join the USSR Infantry/NATO Infantry regiments and then... that's it. There realistically is no progressive gain or incentive for new players to continue to play the server UNLESS there's a war active as they join, in which they likely won't be trained because that's what it's become. The fix ISNT making sure they're being trained during war, it's giving them something to progress towards even when war isn't active, or there's not people on the server.
This is one of the most pressing issues, to the point where me and jack were going to make videos in order to help new players understand what to do on the server, for a start the training room is awful, regardless of how much you change it a new player joining for the first time when they dont even know if they wanna play the server is NOT going to read through 50 slides of information most of which is extremely niche or just obvious, they want something easy to understand and to the point. When i first joined the server i just did /test straight away i didnt read through the countless slides because i wanted to experience the game straight away.

I know the point will be brought up of 'But thats what trainers are for!' and yes while that is true, whats the actual point of training new players anymore? there are hardly enough new players to reintroduce the requirements to train trainees to achieve ranks anymore and on top of that, the player retention is so bad that while there is no incentive to train trainees, why would the members of our community who joined 3-4 years ago decide to take time out of their day to sit in a room with someone who likely is either a minge, doesnt speak english or someone who will leave almost immediately after for no reward? They wouldnt and thats why the trainees get neglected so much. While things like the trainee programme do help to remedy this it is still an extremely long and tedious process which is alot of the time much more effort than it is worth, if something like that was automated and accessible for everyone, people would be fighting to train trainees rather than actively avoiding it (this is not a permanent fix just a short term remedy.)

Then, when there's suggestions to change war, fix war or increase the frequency of war, we deny it on the principle that it's not in the interest of a Roleplay server.
NL have denied the suggestion to reduce peacetime more than once for the idea of 'it will harm RP' If they actively played the server theyd understand, wars increase the servers activity massively and get people actively excited and engaged. MRP does NOT encourage RP and in fact actively discourages it, on more than one occasion when people engage in peacetime activities they are actively punished for doing so put SL and above, prime examples being USSR doing peacetime activities such as spy missions, pathfinding missions and fob assaults during peacetime, all to be given a permanent halt to reducing peacetime because it 'causes to many complaints and USSR disrupt NATO's peacetime while begging for war' despite war being the only thing keeping the server alive at the moment.

Another example being on the final day of vietnam during a peacetime before a map change, when many people on the server were active with almost nothing to do before the next war, I as leader of the USSR marched the faction to NATO base to try and engage with them in some way, i had no real plan or intent to do anything but i just wanted to keep my faction interested for the remainder of the peacetime while we had such a high player count. Because of this i was shouted at in staff chat and SSL got on all voiceamp and shouted at USSR to leave and threatened to hand out warns if they didnt? How is this a server in which we can effectively RP? When any situation is created which could create SOME form of RP or at the very least peacetime engagement gets shut down by staff?

Another example of this is the absolutely awful standard of RP from our GM and event team, on more than one occasion the event of 'Base Inspections' has been done, with no real goal or objective other than annoying the playerbase? during one said event as leader of the USSR GM's came to my base asking to inspect it, i of course oblige and get people along with myself to follow them around the base, creating some form of RP at least, they then approach one of my men and say something like 'Your uniform is wrong' and then just kill him??? (Which lead to everyone in my base killing them) How is this at all RP or something players should look forward to or being engaged with?

Furthermore, I think we should add Unique rewards to certain BIG mastery ranks. So for example, mastery 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 etc. Right now, I think the only actual additional thing you get 'extra' is the one extra grenade slot. Why not incorporate a Nice looking UI which lets you see what you can unlock in the Future as well as add unique rewards such as a Skin Crate or Knife Crate upon reaching LVL X. It's just something to look into, again. Making an actual progression system where you can see what your XP is going towards would be really cool, especially from a new player point of view where they don't really get an explanation as to what XP does.
I'll put an example Image BELOW of what I mean.
This is an amazing idea, the first person ever to reach mastery 40 in a tree which was iluvkebabs, was annoyed when he saw he got 0 reward other than some more ammo and some stamina for reaching such a high mastery. The current rewards are ammo, stamina, rockets and grenades, which are all cool but for the absolute grind it is to get XP outside of war, it is not encouraging enough at all.

Ive made this suggestion before and while it is not a fix for the lack of reward for mastery also does help, which is to in some form reintroduce mastery back for jobs, it was much more rewarding to be a high mastery before as in certain regiments being mastery 30 would unlock some unique and very powerful jobs (Such as covert ops) which gave a small but very meaningful reward to old and dedicated players who reached the level. It was also locked behind a rank which meant old players couldnt just join the regiment and instantly have access to the job if they had the mastery, which in my opinion was an amazing blend of the two systems which worked extremely well and made me feel rewarded for being that rank and mastery.

All in all jacks idea to add other unique rewards like the ones he listed and possibly more is definitely a good idea which should be looked into.
Make the Private Contractor and 'some' other Civillian jobs based on Total Level. This follows SCP's successful style of requiring XP to join regiments AND to play certain jobs.
On SCP your total level is displayed, it would be really cool to also have that on MRP.
  • Haha
Reactions: Kvalax
Jun 3, 2022
This thread has become a massive argument over how the servers are ran on the service.

If you plan to put a reply on the suggestion, it should be thought out and relay your support whether it's a positive or negative. Seeing the arguments in this thread and various other ones is beyond a joke at this point and will be deleted.
i feel a part of keeping player retention should start with looking after new players and actually welcome them in whilst giving them the information they actually need.

from my personal experience on a multitude of occasions when i am not in a regiment i am usually aggressively poached in as an attempt to recruit me which deters me from wanting to join a regiment. even getting past that i received no actual training or information gaining. i have played several times for a lengthy time frame and i still have yet to know what i actually get to do or what some of my tools are & how to use them.

on an outside perspective i have also seen super admins + NL actively attempt to get involved but are usually pushed out when they attempt to make an effort within the server. There have been several meetings with the playerbase and fireside chats to which they only receive the information that the playerbase constantly contradicts whilst asking for shit.

the mighty midget himself (yeke) has also attempted to interact with the playerbase taking control of a war due to all the higher up at the time "rage quitting" the war. He was only met with toxicity and constant verbal attacks upon himself because he was using assets to which USSR had in abundance (which was 39m in warfunds and he used 1 UAV which alone sparked the toxicity).
from my personal experience on a multitude of occasions when i am not in a regiment i am usually aggressively poached in as an attempt to recruit me which deters me from wanting to join a regiment.
People do this to try and actually give players a purpose on the server, i understand it can come across wrong or as overbearing but without it people will likely wander around for a time and then leave thinking theres very little to do, when you are actually in a regiment people can be there to help you and give you guidance however i do agree there should be more accessible ways to find out what to do on the server rather than it being purely based on the players online at the time.

on an outside perspective i have also seen super admins + NL actively attempt to get involved but are usually pushed out when they attempt to make an effort within the server.
I have personally never seen this other than when its a change which is blatantly out of touch with the community and what they want, from an MRP POV, we have very little interaction or intervention from any NL, with the only exception being yeke who will often join meetings (i understand this is only seen from a staff POV) and also host fireside and townhall events which are always appreciated by the community regardless of how it may look.

There have been several meetings with the playerbase and fireside chats to which they only receive the information that the playerbase constantly contradicts whilst asking for shit.
Without you giving examples i dont know what you would be referring to here.

the mighty midget himself (yeke) has also attempted to interact with the playerbase taking control of a war due to all the higher up at the time "rage quitting" the war. He was only met with toxicity and constant verbal attacks upon himself because he was using assets to which USSR had in abundance (which was 39m in warfunds and he used 1 UAV which alone sparked the toxicity).
After asking the people online at the time ive heard completely conflicting arguments, people have stuck to the same story of it was a capture the flag war (A war type in which win or lose there is virtually 0 difference for a faction) and tac assets were being used like b2's napalms and airstrikes despite it being a pointless war and warfunds being something we try to hold onto. Either way this doesnt change that people shouldnt be acting that way and should try to be more respectful when addressing the issue rather than dealing with it in a toxic manner and i can understand why from an outsiders view it might make MRP look the way its being portrayed.
Sep 15, 2023

Currently the server is very lackluster and has one of the most painful new player experiences. This would definitely incentivize people to grind the game more which overall will allow for more player retention. Keeping note that every level would have to take more experience than it already does.
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