Accepted Rally point rule

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Active member
Aug 1, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It removes the ability for players to place rally points inside enemy base.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- No more spawn abusing in places where you need to hack a door first. (video available on how for SL, send me a message on discord Smevon#6043)
- More chance of stopping warfund stealing.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Harder for spy to get in base.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because it would allow both sides to benefit from more real experience with spys in base and not lose warfunds the second someone swaps to spy and spawn in the room they need to be in.
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Super Administrator
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Jan 1, 2021
Both sides can do this i don't see an good reason why they should remove this. Also hacking(ik this is not about hacking really but it sort of is with the warfunds thing) has been nerfed to shits so i think this would again be an nerf for it so one side that isn't sub optimal in hacking make it harder for the ones that are good at it


Active member
Aug 1, 2022
Both sides can do this i don't see an good reason why they should remove this. Also hacking(ik this is not about hacking really but it sort of is with the warfunds thing) has been nerfed to shits so i think this would again be an nerf for it so one side that isn't sub optimal in hacking make it harder for the ones that are good at it
Thanks for you view but this isn't about skill. Instead of hacking this would just be spawning inside the room where you can steal warfunds/other stuff instantly without even going through prior defenses (the door). What is the skill in learning how to hack fast instead of being able to take your time by just spawning (through walls as the rally is placed outside of the building) onto the terminal and stealing warfunds within 80 seconds.


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Jan 29, 2021

Rather than nerfing hacking yet again, why don't UAN just improve their base protection protocols. This rally point thing has never been an issue for NWO so it comes down to MPKs base protection skills and yous not sweeping the base properly after a spy has been caught.


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Jan 1, 2021
Thanks for you view but this isn't about skill. Instead of hacking this would just be spawning inside the room where you can steal warfunds/other stuff instantly without even going through prior defenses (the door). What is the skill in learning how to hack fast instead of being able to take your time by just spawning (through walls as the rally is placed outside of the building) onto the terminal and stealing warfunds within 80 seconds.
Fair I understand your view on it more now but still in general you lot can do the same and also if we implement this base raids will also be harder i just thought about this like it would be almost impossible to even push the base( ik this sorta off topic but if we remove the use off rally markers in base this will affect base raids massively).


Oct 8, 2021

Another unnecessary nerf to hacking, As I have said in previous posts, in the nicest possible way SOTF either cba or don't know how to hack and if they took the time to attempt/ learn it it they would do the exact same thing.

This is not an attack on UAN or SOTF it is simply from what I have observed.



Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 16, 2021

Still tissue. Just find it and destory it...
hacking is already hard, the ammout of stuff that got removed from hacking because ppl complained about it is too much
i recommend sotf to start hacking and see how hard it actually is already, the other day i was playing sotf and wanted to do a hacking mission but a co told me we were not doing it because we were gonna do killhouse training... i feel like sotf has abandoned an amazing feature exclusive to them
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I'm neutral on this issue, I see the points made on both sides but one key thing.
so it comes down to MPKs base protection skills and yous not sweeping the base properly after a spy has been caught.
MPK do a lot of work to protect the base and today alone destroyed multiple rally points and captured a fair few people. It gets exhausting to do so when we have to do other things like tryouts or we want to do things like searches but instead have to chase down spies for the whole peacetime. It also is starting to take a toll on MPK members as some are getting burnt out from being able to do nothing but deal with problematic spies. It is just a fact that rally points are extremely frustrating to handle and also in a large base with plenty of buildings or storage areas to put a rally they can be a pain to locate and destroy.


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Jan 29, 2021
@Jimothy Leaderson I couldn't agree more. Everything you said makes complete sense. In that case it should be up to AC to designate a few people per peacetime to do a patrol around key areas and then swap in a rotar system kinda thing. Obviously I'm not specifically blaming MPK or anything, only mentioned MPK as it's technically your job (within RP).

Delta Molfar

Well-known Member
May 23, 2022
It's not about UAN being un-skillful. Enemy that have possibility to respawn on your base just doesn't seems RP even a bit to me. Yes i know RP on this server has gone to shits, but that's not the case to completely forget about RP, isn't it? For example - as playing RP server - you can assign some of men to guard walls, passages, etc., what's the point, if enemy can just spawn inside. If that's the case, you tell your man to go sweep the base to find rally points which is totally fucked up from a perspective of a player that want to bring back a RP element into a game, so this server isn't yet another PvP with lore and peacetime duties just to keep it working.
From almost all the point i've seen above, in my opinion, people don't like this idea just because they want to hack easier, but not thinking about overall gameplay for all the players (Especially a new ones). Not meant to insult anybody tho.


Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 17, 2021
blah blah UAN cope but this argument was made before from NWO when hacking nerfs were first discussed. If spies are supposed to add rp by making people have to patrol base and what then fine, yes I agree. But having people spawn in the base non stop for well over half an hour is disruptive to everyone's experience because no one can go and get things done and it's a hassle to find a tiny fucking rally point that could be hidden under chairs let alone in rooms that a handful of people can even access.
Yes yes UAN cope but having to look for spies for half a peacetime is not fun for anyone other than the spies and it ruins the server experience since trainings and tryouts are put on hold and that is basically the entire peacetime experience outside of FOBs.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 17, 2021
+ support, Rally markers within bases are far to over powered for what they are and far too abused. It is almost impossible to measure every person who changes a job to spawn on their rally within the enemy base aswell as using them to get through walls. Ontop of them being over powered which allows 6 attempts without even walking into the enemy base.
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Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022
+ Support
Rally in bases are unfair for both factions it makes no sense that a Spy can respawn in NWO/UAN base after being killed even though it isn't super hard to find rallys
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