Accepted Rebalance stingers

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Active member
Nov 16, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I expect this to be controversial, but right now stingers seem to be in a bad place. Infantry regiments feel that they're completely ineffective. Air regiments seem to feel that they're overpowered.

From the infantry side of things, general consensus is that they're simply too unreliable to be an effective counter to helis. Some basic maneuvering allows a heli to dodge incoming missiles, a co-pilot can shoot the stinger user and they have flares on top of that. When training we've needed at least 4 people firing at once to take a competent heli down, yet in the field we're limited to 2 AA jobs. Even with the 2 job slots, the vast majority of our players don't have the mastery level to use it (15). Particularly in late/low player count wars we end up with only 1 player able to deploy a stinger, and in those cases the weapon is effectively useless. The lock-on mechanics also feel extremely buggy and unreliable, sometimes it just won't start the lock-on beep sequence for seemingly no reason.

The end result of this has been infantry frustration with being constantly CASed without a proper countermeasure, and a move towards trying to use KwKs and AT4s instead. If people are resorting to unintended mechanics that usually suggests a problem. Seriously, the AT4 is seen as more effective right now.

In contrast, we often hear from air regiments that the stinger feels too powerful. I expect this is because an inexperienced pilot cannot effectively dodge missiles and that creates a steep learning curve. I've also heard complaints about the missiles being buggy in general and doing too much damage. Happy to hear input from air reg members about this.

A compromise to improve the situation might be to decrease stinger damage but increase the reliability/tracking. i.e. make it harder to dodge but less disasterous if a heli is hit. Having someone fire several missiles at a heli should not be something that can be shrugged off, and once flares are spent that should be an incentive for the pilot to back off for a while. The lower damage would let pilots RTB while giving infantry a fighting chance to actually fend off CAS, particularly when only 1 player has access to AA (a lone stinger should not be completely worthless).

Alternatively, lowering the mastery requirement for AA and increasing missile stocks per player might also help. A general bug-fixing pass over the stinger logic would probably be worthwhile too.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Less frustration among infantry provides better player retention.
- Equipment is used as intended.
- Fewer instant heli kills gives pilots a better chance.
- Smoother experience for new pilots.
- More chance and incentive to repair damaged vehicles.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- More missiles needed to down an inexperienced pilot.
- More usage of stingers in general, so heli gameplay may be impacted.
- Complaints from pilots who'd rather there were no effective heli counters. ;)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Right now I don't think anybody is happy with the system. "I fired 20 stingers this war and nothing hit" should not be the general experience from infantry, particularly when this role is so important for game balance.
Upvote 1
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el zapso

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 4, 2021
-buffs stingers
-air regiments cope
-starts training and uses common sense to not fly where ISAF is
-still wants a buff

1/2 of stinger hits are 1 tap anyway so no use nerfing the damage
Contrary to what i said, if you buff stingers but you remove the Kwk-ing helis then id be down


Active member
Nov 16, 2022
1/2 of stinger hits are 1 tap anyway so no use nerfing the damage

"Of stinger hits" being the operative phrase here - the overwhelming majority of stingers fail to hit. The entire point here is that they shouldn't 1 tap, but should more reliably hit.

Contrary to what i said, if you buff stingers but you remove the Kwk-ing helis then id be down
This is a perfectly acceptable solution and the kind of input I'm looking for. People are only trying to KwK helis because stingers are such garbage.


Active member
Jun 4, 2022
I' m not really sure if the damage affects this but
I don't think reducing the stinger damage is not really gonna work cuz alot of helis just die cuz the stinger splashes on the top rotor of a heli which either just stops it preventing you from flying or just inverts your rotor which just makes a heli plummet into the ground


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 3, 2022


- 1 shoot stingers are extremely rare
- From a main AT experience , stingers are very bad , I got 5 rockets ,80% they don’t hit hellis , better chances to kill someone on the ground when the rocket follows the flare
- The usage of the kwk against hellis started bc stingers are bad everyone hates when 4 rockets following a helli never hit it .
-The air regiments are goanna complain (cope) 1000% about this because they will lose they’r confront and a bit of they’r superiority.
-In isaf we started to render the AT useless and prefer to use the kwk because stinger are not effective.

-80% of the time you manage to shoot only 1 stinger because you will immediately get shoot and killed by the enemy .
- Now hellis mark they’r targets on the map and all they do is to get outside the base a little and long range bombing things , then instantly fly back in base , wich leads to not being able to even lock on into a helli , if in the happiest case we cold , the second shoot will never be possible because the helicopter will be in base .

Jimothy Leaderson

MRP War Veteran
Dec 11, 2021
Definitely buff stingers in their ability to track helis and hit, currently evasion is really 50-50 to be honest you could very much get hit or have flares not work. However stingers that stop the top rotor (one shot stingers) and cause the heli to crash that way should be removed or restocked as part of this. Make it a bit more skill and evasion and I'd say increase the flare cooldown to 45 seconds then that seems fair enough to me.

You get extra stinger shots with mastery level, that's how it's always been even prior to the update where it was based on levels instead.

I'd rather deal with stingers as they are something I have a chance against than KWKs which will one shot me if I don't instantly spot and take them down. So a buff for stingers in return for KWKs no longer killing helis is a fair deal and if that's what we're agreeing on then +support


Active member
Nov 16, 2022
Some good points raised. I hope that a developer could find a way to make the top rotor immune to stinger AOE damage. If tracking (and therefore hit chance) is dramatically improved then I've no objections to ceasing KwK attacks.

The point about shot count was more that right now so many miss that the default of 2 (or 3?) is simply worthless. If the devs can't improve tracking then we need to default to enough ammo to actually hit something.


Active member
Jan 21, 2023

From using the Stingers multiple times, I have noticed of the tracking towards the target is not very reliable, from start to launch it makes it fall below and has to arch upwards which slows the speed down a bit. It tends to go for the top rotor rather than go for the main body of the helo which if you roll slightly left or right, it will either miss or go through the blade doing nothing.

If we were to change its start launch where it doesn't spawn below but like shoot straight out like it normally would IRL, then I think it would be a good idea to change the Stinger entirely.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Dec 25, 2020

I feed off pilot cope


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 12, 2021
I just think if the way the stingers follow the helis better, then it would be fine. Not like the be 100% hit, but just make them slightly better

Jack G

MRP War Criminal
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi Merlin,
Your suggestion has partly been accepted. Although we will not be directly touching the default stinger, there will be changes coming in the current weeks that are going to really change the dynamic!

Thanks, Content Team​
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