Denied Redo infantry rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jul 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Changes current infantry system back too the old system

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Less confusion on new players (same with returning older players)
regiments that are struggling both on NATO and USSR have a chance of getting more members

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

got people used too a new system for a few months just too revert back too the old one.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

The infantry rework should be changed back too the old system simply because it would cause less confusion, many times ive had too explain too new players or old players returning that they are already in SHA and have too wait too CPL too choose a regiment too join or carry on in SHA (im sure the same thing has happened with ISAF). many times telling new people they have too get too CPL too make their decision and they will be demoted back too private in their new regiment they have just up and left since its just a massive waste of time just too end up back where they started. Going back too the old system would allow regiments that are struggling or low on numbers a chance too get players without having too wait days just for some infantry too leave because how long it takes, Again with simplicity i believe its better too just keep things simple. when the rework was implemented SHA had an influx of players going up the ranks really quick and as a CO this isnt good for us as its good for us too have a decent relationship with our peers but with however many players coming into the reg its difficult for us. On the roster as well there is a recruit requirement which i dont believe has any use since we cant train new people considering they are already technically in our reg so if this suggestion gets denied i wouldn't mind if someone can either explain what that requirement is for or just remove it and add a different one.
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Jack G

Senior Administrator
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MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
"have to wait too CPL to choose a regiment too join"
"they will be demoted back to private in their new regiment"
"when the rework was implemented SHA had an influx of players going up the ranks really quick and as a CO this isnt good for us as its good for us"

Just to fix up confusion.
Anyone can join the server and be promoted ON THE SAME day.

17th/10th = PVT
Special Forces = PFC

This means the only limitation they face when joinin the server is that they can't instantly be transferred into a Special Forces regiment.
As for being demoted when they join the regiment, they aren't "demoted", instead they are put to the first rank in that regiment. For example, if they choose to excel in SHA/ISAF they are kept as a CPL. If they choose to go from a LCPL to Special Forces, they then transfer as the lowest rank required to join that regiment, so it would be PFC.
Same for Police, they would be transferred in as a PSC.
The promotion one isn't really a server issue if people are promoting a SHA members too fast, then that's a SHA issue, in which if you mean other COs from other regiments, then speak to them directly. As for the promotion from PVT-CPL it shouldn't be "fast" but it certainly shouldn't be slow.

^ Just to clear up any confusion.
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