Accepted Reduce missile defense and SAM hacking difficulty

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Apr 2, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Many people don't know this but you can hack a missle defense and it will get disabled for 5 minutes, this hack is a "Strong" and it's just not worth it because C4ing the missle defense is a lot easier comparing to hacking
If you C4 it :
- it will (usually) take less time
- you can have a gun out and shoot the advancing enemies, you don't have to stare at a screen solving a mini game
- C4ing it will destroy it, hacking only disables it for 5 minutes

The hacking difficulty should be reduced to "average" from "strong"


Or, even better, add an additional hack that would turn an enemy sam / missle defence to your side for 5 minutes, this hack should be a strong , while disabling it would be an average

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Hacking sams or missle defence actually happening, this feature is simply not being used because c4ing it is a lot more efficient
- Gives spy and the "special operations" jobs more use in wars

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Cannot think of any

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
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Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Hoxton , Your suggestion has been accepted.

The missile defence hacking dificulty will be lowered from 'Strong' to 'Average'. As of currently, the special operations job is pretty much never used in war as a C4 can be a lot more efficient than hacking, so we hope that will make the job more useful during war.​
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