Denied Reduce the 1000lb bomb Cooldown & Cost

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Apr 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Reduce 1000lb bomb cooldown to 45 Minutes from 2 Hours & Reduce the cost from $2,000,000 to $1,000,000

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More use of it on SCPs
- The suggestion would make it a viable option for us to use in combat.
- Leans more into the Air Support Element that GOC has.
- Does not take up any precious Dev time as it can be configured in game.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- CI Base could be hit every Raid during a war which may become tedious but due to the UNGOC Raid Cooldown of 60 minutes it would not be too much of an issue.
- More for SCPs to fight to get on and stay on surface.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
In it's current state the 1000lb bomb really holds no use in actual Combat. It takes too long to deploy, it costs too much and you can only use it once every 2 Hours. In only other way I could think of balancing the 1000lb without buffing it is adding more items such as Napalm, Mortars & Artillery. However I am not sure these would be agreed to.
Cooldown yes, cost no, make it hurt more against SCPs or make it deploy faster.

Also, move GM plane so it doesn't land on GM plane instead of intended target.
+Support if this

Otherwise -Support.
It's an instant kill large zone item that yall love dropping right on your fence as soon as you start to get raided to wipe out most of the people inside because of the kill zone. The cost is extremely reasonable. But I do agree the deployment time and low dmg to scps [Should be main target] is a bit much, if you manage to hit a moving target like a SCP with the 1000lb they should feel it.
Sep 10, 2023
+Support if this

Otherwise -Support.
It's an instant kill large zone item that yall love dropping right on your fence as soon as you start to get raided to wipe out most of the people inside because of the kill zone. The cost is extremely reasonable. But I do agree the deployment time and low dmg to scps [Should be main target] is a bit much, if you manage to hit a moving target like a SCP with the 1000lb they should feel it.
There's barley any reason to use the 1,000lb because of its long deploy time. Like, even the slow ass motherfukin 7722 can make it out of the damage zone, even if it was right on top of him.

Hell, during a test there was more damage done to an SCP by just mag dumping an AKZ into them than by wasting 1Million and nearly starting a war because DEA Agent "DEAington" ran right into the middle of the called out zone
Sep 10, 2023
it still is a powerful weapon tho. what do you want it to do? insta explode as soon as you mark the spot?
Ok so I'll put this into perspective.

Say, there are several SCPs in Foundation courtyard, even slow SCPs such as 7722.

GOC calls in the 1,000lb bomb.

Even SCP 7722 could easily make it from the Surface lifts to exiting courtyard in the 30 SECONDS the bomb takes to hit.

It'd be like if your Factions most powerful weapon was a Freedom, but the bullet moved at the same speed someone moves at while crouched, and needs to travel for at least 30 seconds before it can do damage, how tf you gonna actually hit something with it?
Nov 20, 2023
I believe my first comment was deleted due to its lack of critical feedback. I apologise for this and will now thoroughly write my new critique.
-I believe the poster of this suggestion, Cheesy, should relinquish his right to speak after the creation of this suggestion. This is due to a multitude of reasons, such as the cool-down reduction to 45 minutes - The same as a Main Raid cooldown, which would allow persistent use of the 1000LB bomb each raid they conduct. This would be especially detrimental to the Chaos Insurgency, as the bomb would atomise their base.
Furthermore the GOC already have trillions upon trillions in their war funds as of current, and as such a price reduction would be a pointless buff with no reason to it but to keep the rich afloat.
Overall I disagree with Cheesy’s suggestion, and believe he should cease communication before reading the communist manifesto as to readjust his current view points to the times.
No.1 The GOC MR cooldown is **60** Minutes and we are forbidden to use it on bases as shown here
Nov 20, 2023
GOC MR cooldown doesn't change anything. They can still use it on CI every time they MR lmfao
second point valid
But why would we if we did im sure SL/SSL would tell us to stop because that halts your roleplay loop hurting server health its the same reason why CI dont 008 raid every 45 mins it would be good for CI but damage server health.
But why would we
Because it would be during war?

if we did im sure SL/SSL would tell us to stop because that halts your roleplay loop hurting server health its the same reason why CI dont 008 raid every 45 mins it would be good for CI but damage server health.
I assume you're referring to raids, but GOC call out CI raids already, so either way no, they wouldn't.
Sep 10, 2023
Honestly it'd be off cooldown if y'all stopped bombing compound so much 💀💀

But realistically, if it is hindering you guys even if used properly this should be looked at. But not cost. Time and SCP damage 10000%
I mean. Here's the thing
Let's say that the 1,000lb covers all of plains area.

7722, the slowest damageable SCP, can make it fully accross plains in just under 30 seconds. And it takes the 1,000lb 30 seconds to hit.

Even fukin 7722 can easily escape the blast radius.

Not to mention, one time I was goofing with Astra as a surface scp. I stood still and let both the 1,000lb and airstrike hit me head centre. It still did less damage than 2 or 3 ARX mag dumps (Post-nerf)

I have straight up NEVER seen the 1,000lb be useful in any capacity
Aug 27, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Ronin ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

After multiple discussions with Content team members. We currently believe that no changes are needed for the 1000LB bomb regarding the Cooldown and the Price. The usage of the 1000LB bomb will be too much and lowering the price wouldn't impact the amount of usage as the current "War funds" are too high making it so it can always be used Money isn't the issue.

Changing the Cooldown will impact Raids/Surface combat too much as you can call them in every time you get raided or you are going to raid another faction. Furthermore, we are still in the progress of discussing the damage and stats of the 1000LB bomb regarding usage against scp.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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