Denied Regarding officers switching factions.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Well-known Member
Jul 30, 2022
ISAF Bunks
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Simply disallowing regiment/faction officers to switch to the other faction, I know most officers switch to kill boredom but this could affect their faction because they were given CO rank for a reason and it is to make activities and recruit more people putting full focus into their regiment making it better and better, Or maybe make a system for them to switch with a 1 hour timer per day.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not sure I haven't checked but if this was suggested before with the same exact reasoning please remove this suggestion.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. Becoming more active and show worthiness of the position while being on their main job.
2.Should be more focused into their regiment.
3.Be there on tryouts and mainly standing next to the new recruits helping them when they need it.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
they get bored and they wanna switch and fuck around.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
On the long term this would probably balance the amount of numbers between both faction, you choose the one you like the most and join it, NOT because one faction has more members than the other as some people would recall " NATO Is better" or "NWO Is the dominating side", The amount of times of me seeing officers playing on the other faction and not mentoring their soldiers is countless which is completely fine but people might not take the regiment seriously, Check out the picture below take a look at NWO's numbers on 40 playercount.

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big - support

ok so co's switching reg have multipel reasons mainly

1. transfering to help save that reg.
2. wanting to try something new
3. all of the above , or resigned

CO's also never get a full rank transfer , they go fill in which rank is open.

getting to the rank of CO you already show that you are dedicated to your job/reg , we arent actualy suposed to do tryouts that often that is mostly the job of NCO's while we do all the paperwork and leading.

Some players , mainly co's yes becaus they want to try something new without leaving their reg so they go to the other faction to try it.

you can't force people into doing something

Co's can also go on loa/roa aswell as doing more paperwork then actualy be online. for some reg like AOR there is always 1 CO doing more paperwork then going outside (mainly me becaus of rc things)
i might repeat myself but it isn't the co's duty to actualy do tryouts , they are there to supervise once to the NCO's and then the co's do there own leading the reg or trainings.

your point of making a system that they HAVE to hop on 1 hour each day is realy redicilous mainly becaus people have irl things to do like school and work.

I think this would be much better if you asked a sc to do a call to arms by pinging them or add somethinng against big outnumberrings and not immitiatly make a suggestion about co's being bad and that becaus they arent. most of us are doing a ton of things in discord or ts aswell as encouraging our NCO's to do tryouts by holding out money things.
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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2023

As of recently and in the distant past one Faction has had a ridiculous amount of players compared to the other and it simply makes the server not fun when playing wars.

From what I've read, what you are trying to implement is a system that requires players to focus on their main Faction rather than playing on the other (not transfers). I agree a system needs to be implemented to help balance player numbers but I am unsure if this is the way to go.


Well-known Member
Jul 30, 2022
ISAF Bunks

big - support

ok so co's switching reg have multipel reasons mainly

1. transfering to help save that reg.
2. wanting to try something new
3. all of the above , or resigned

Ok transferring to help is why I would like to be a system that allows high ranked players to transfer through it and with a limited time, Whenever they wanna help they can request it from the system or something like that there's many ideas on my head I just don't know if it will be applied.

Wanting to try something new? Why can't this new something in their own faction WHAT's new in the other faction that they wanna try, Different base? oh that's really new, But maybe their friends is on the other side so they go and say hello, other than that there's not too much reasoning behind that.

all of the above, or resigned??

CO's also never get a full rank transfer , they go fill in which rank is open.

Not my main point

getting to the rank of CO you already show that you are dedicated to your job/reg , we arent actualy suposed to do tryouts that often that is mostly the job of NCO's while we do all the paperwork and leading.

Some players , mainly co's yes becaus they want to try something new without leaving their reg go to the other faction.

Both images show no proof of co's actualy switching to the other faction , it is also frowned apon but you can't force people to play something against their will.

It's not a report or a case where I'm required a proof, Its simply showing the number of players on both factions with 40 players on, How's that going to look for a new player? They will either join NATO which has more numbers or they will leave the server and think it's a 1 sided server, Talking about forcing no one is forcing anybody but this suggestion is coming from experience, But if you're talking "You can't force officers to play something against their will" Then simply don't apply for the rank, and that's my opinion.

Co's can also go on loa/roa aswell as doing more paperwork then actualy be online. for some reg like AOR there is always 1 CO doing more paperwork then going outside (mainly me becaus of rc things)
i might repeat myself but it isn't the co's duty to actualy do tryouts , they are there to supervise once to the NCO's and then the co's do there own leading the reg or trainings.

your point of making a system that they HAVE to hop on 1 hour each day is realy redicilous mainly becaus people have irl things to do like school and work.

That's not my point here I will explain it again, There should be a system for officers if they wanna switch to the other faction they only have 1 hour of playing on the other faction before force switching them back to their main job, That way they "tried something new" and went back to the something old.

I think this would be much better if you asked a sc to do a call to arms by pinging them or add somethinng against big outnumberrings and not immitiatly make a suggestion about co's being bad and that becaus they arent. most of us are doing a ton of things in discord or ts aswell as encouraging our NCO's to do tryouts by holding out money things.

I think that I'm free to do whatever I want when it comes to suggestions because there is always an idea and I would love to get everyone's opinions, We share our thoughts in this very little topic about what I just suggested above, And trust me I've been here long enough.
+When did I say co's are being bad?
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Dr Drew

Super Administrator
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MilitaryRP Staff
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Jan 29, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Bratan ,
Your suggestion has been denied.
We will not force players to only play on one side. If you see that a officer playing on the other side more than their own report it to their RC or NHC/SC. But we will not be forcing players to only play one faction.
Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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