Denied Reload for helis during war [depending on vwar]]

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[Heli reload time to depend on vwar and if 1 side is low numbers all helis reload time is reduced also if possible if 1 side has no jaf the reload time of helis is dramaticly reduced]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[Dont think so]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Puts less stress on ground when one side has no cas support this would make helis less constant ]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Heli regiments would not be able to bomb solo inf and tanks constantly]
Upvote -1
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Nov 12, 2022
- support
I myself dont like the way combat is currently when a heli is in the sky but it is just a matter of the regiment not having active members.
As Aleem has already said they could just lower stock amounts or another was is to buff stingers a bit more.
Most likely this wont happen just because it will make the ariel regiments less atractive.
Another good way to counter helis is getting more AA Arti's out on the field but it always has the risk of getting AT4ed or getting attacked by tanks.
You all seem to have miss understood my suggestion. Im suggesting the maitainance bay for helis are reduced so if you make a heli rtb gives ground chance so not constant bombing
yeah still a bad suggestion ngl why would a regiment be nerfed because the other is inactive? also you could just reload faster by using the repair tool, this suggestion just seems like an excuse to nerf helis because you dont like them
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