Accepted Remove 22415-3 Containment Beam, or add rules regarding it.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
My suggestion is simple, remove the Containment Beam from SCP-22415-3, or add some rules regarding its usage as currently it is in my opinion very powerful. I did some research regarding the matter, and a 100% Bodymass 682 when beamed gets their movement speed reduced by 40%. And that is at full Bodymass, and seeing that 22415-3 cannot die it can simply harass the breached SCP making them unable to anything.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to specifically -3 i dont believe no.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Makes playing an SCP after the update more enjoyable.
- Makes the SCPs focus more on actually helping non-combatatives to safety instead of harassing SCPs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Reduces the enjoyment of playing 22415-3.
- Gives more work for developers to do.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As I mentioned above, I believe it is a very powerful SCP. Its basically like having a constant beam effect on you while trying to fight people. At 100% body mass, you are 40% slowed, and even if you are actively getting shot at, you will still constantly be getting beamed by 22415-3, making you even slower as your bodymass drops. For some SCPs it is fine like 173, 106, 096. But for others like 682 that is already very slow and has no other movement abilities, it is a bit unfair to the people playing against 22415-3.

(New ruling has come to my understanding that fixes most of these issues, its FailRP to chase and beam SCPs, and one should only do it to save a non-combatative in a scenario where its needed)
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Sep 14, 2022
Them using containment beams ruins the whole experience for the breached scp and it kinda unfair to them because 22415 is just an E11 that is immortal which you cant do anything about it beaming you.
- Support

One of the roles of the SCP is to assist with breaches without harming the SCP's, having only 1 of the SCP's have a containment beam is balanced and overall fitting for this role. As well as this, it does not have the ability to use cuffs or even hold cuffs used to contain SCP's and therefore is not as powerful as you may believe.

However I agree that there could be stricter ruling regarding the use of the Containment beam, such as someone with SCP cuffs being nearby to be able to take them, or not being able to use it unless the SCP is below 10%.

But having it removed completely just seems silly in my opinion
there isnt but there also isnt any counterplay to most scp breaches so whats the difference
This tbh.
What's the couterplay to a 8837 on surface?
What's the counterplay to 912 in vents?
What's the counterplay to 7722 682 and 912 camping a hallway
What's the counterplay to a a TB and 7722 teaming in a hallway.
What's the counterplay to 8837 using his blackhole/crush ability on ERT and having 076 rush them?

Thing is, there's not. 90% of the time is throw bodies at it till ert arrives or you contain it, or nuke it, and it's been like that for awhile now. Nukes had gotten way too common, surface breaches way too easy.
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Richard Patternson

Active member
Apr 6, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
My suggestion is simple, remove the Containment Beam from SCP-22415-3, or add some rules regarding its usage as currently it is in my opinion very powerful. I did some research regarding the matter, and a 100% Bodymass 682 when beamed gets their movement speed reduced by 40%. And that is at full Bodymass, and seeing that 22415-3 cannot die it can simply harass the breached SCP making them unable to anything.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to specifically -3 i dont believe no.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Makes playing an SCP after the update more enjoyable.
- Makes the SCPs focus more on actually helping non-combatatives to safety instead of harassing SCPs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Reduces the enjoyment of playing 22415-3.
- Gives more work for developers to do.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As I mentioned above, I believe it is a very powerful SCP. Its basically like having a constant beam effect on you while trying to fight people. At 100% body mass, you are 40% slowed, and even if you are actively getting shot at, you will still constantly be getting beamed by 22415-3, making you even slower as your bodymass drops. For some SCPs it is fine like 173, 106, 096. But for others like 682 that is already very slow and has no other movement abilities, it is a bit unfair to the people playing against 22415-3.

I like the idea of this SCP being made more balanced, it is new so probs needs it
What's the couterplay to a 8837 on surface?
Scrantons (Although WAYYYYYYYY harder), Staling it out of Energy

What's the counterplay to 912 in vents?

What's the counterplay to 7722 682 and 912 camping a hallway
The Rules.

What's the counterplay to a a TB and 7722 teaming in a hallway.
Scranton, Pushing in a large group.

What's the counterplay to 8837 using his blackhole/crush ability on ERT and having 076 rush them?
Nerve gas will force 076 to run away - 8837 cant crush ERT unless they are at 100HP (Might be 150-250 idk)

Every single one that ive mentioned a counterplay for doesnt mention AA btw (except for the last one, but you specifically mentioned ERT)

there isnt but there also isnt any counterplay to most scp breaches so whats the difference
See above.
Also for SCP breaches you can actually do something about them. Shoot the SCP, nerve gas it, etc. You cannot do anything to 22415-3 unless you have a 035.
Scrantons (Although WAYYYYYYYY harder), Staling it out of Energy
Scantron vs 8837 does near nothing
Don't protect you from a 912 in vents with more than 2 braincells. Also you can't damage it near at all with a sheild, good luck firing around a shield in a 1 person wide vent.
The Rules.
Rules don't say you can't sit in a hallway, just no longer than 5 minutes and there's PLENTY of hallways.
Scranton, Pushing in a large group.
You have to get close enough to place it+Scantron have a smaller radius+a 30 min (or 15? I don't remember.) Delay to placing another. Easy to counter. Also doesn't remove their sanctum thet materialized.
Nerve gas will force 076 to run away - 8837 cant crush ERT unless they are at 100HP (Might be 150-250 idk
8837 can crush anyone, just won't kill unless below (I wanna say) 150. But there's plenty of SCPs you can combo with this to kill the ert with.+just black holing a tesla gate to kill them all.

Every single one that ive mentioned a counterplay for doesnt mention AA btw (except for the last one, but you specifically mentioned ERT
To get AA you have to get authorization which by rules requires 2 scps confirmed breached (fair tbh) and can only br grabbed 1 per person every 120 seconds, and only 2 per player for 30 minutes (1800 seconds... why is this a thing?) And doesn't protect you from instant kill attacks you'll be targeted by for having it. Plus not everyone in the facility can have it (normally) just SCU and MTF NCO+ which sounds like alot till you realize in down times that's normally like 8 guys. So normally it doesn't play a role in the breach beyond delaying (if lucky) scps like 076.

Add all of that onto the fact that most of the breaches of 3~ scps were going for 30 minutes to a hour or more/nuke especially if it included meta scps like 8837, 076, 7722, TBs, and 049. Follow that by another breach by DC, D-Class that excaped, or the (around 1 hour 30 minutes after breach if lucky) breach queue.

Overall I standby what I said before. Rules against-3 acting combative against a breach not in LCZ is preferred, or a beam that only works on 1% bodymass scps. (Also remove his collision box for other SCPs.)
dear lord this is going to get off topic

Scantron vs 8837 does near nothing
hes a reality bender, yes it does.
if you're talking about on surface - if you go out in a large group you can pretty easily deal with it.

Don't protect you from a 912 in vents with more than 2 braincells. Also you can't damage it near at all with a sheild, good luck firing around a shield in a 1 person wide vent.
are you talking about the train station or the actual inside of vents
im assuming its the inside of vents - which if they're camping you can wait 5 minutes, as by then the SCP will have to push

Rules don't say you can't sit in a hallway, just no longer than 5 minutes and there's PLENTY of hallways.
What's the counterplay to 7722 682 and 912 camping a hallway
"camping a hallway"

You have to get close enough to place it+Scantron have a smaller radius+a 30 min (or 15? I don't remember.) Delay to placing another. Easy to counter. Also doesn't remove their sanctum thet materialized.
A. If they're chilling in a hallway you could just wait 5 mins for them to move, B. If you go in a large group you can flush them out and C. a Scranton would force the TG to move from its current spot.

8837 can crush anyone, just won't kill unless below (I wanna say) 150.
no he cant lol, it just doesnt let you select the person if they're too high of a HP
if you get a clip of it that proves me wrong post it - but you cant crush them if they're above 150~ HP

8837 can crush anyone, just won't kill unless below (I wanna say) 150. But there's plenty of SCPs you can combo with this to kill the ert with.+just black holing a tesla gate to kill them all.
Blackhole has a long ass cooldown and a high energy cost for a reason, if ERT all push together and get blackholed all at once thats on them imo.

To get AA you have to get authorization which by rules requires 2 scps confirmed breached (fair tbh) and can only br grabbed 1 per person every 120 seconds, and only 2 per player for 30 minutes (1800 seconds... why is this a thing?) And doesn't protect you from instant kill attacks you'll be targeted by for having it. Plus not everyone in the facility can have it (normally) just SCU and MTF NCO+ which sounds like alot till you realize in down times that's normally like 8 guys. So normally it doesn't play a role in the breach beyond delaying (if lucky) scps like 076.

Add all of that onto the fact that most of the breaches of 3~ scps were going for 30 minutes to a hour or more/nuke especially if it included meta scps like 8837, 076, 7722, TBs, and 049. Follow that by another breach by DC, D-Class that excaped, or the (around 1 hour 30 minutes after breach if lucky) breach queue.
"dear lord this is going to get off topic"

I mean. All part of making big change suggestions.

"hes a reality bender, yes it does.
if you're talking about on surface - if you go out in a large group you can pretty easily deal with it."

I mean the overall range, unless you're hugging him when you slap it down it doesn't have that large of a area, add that to being in one of the hundreds of close quarters halls and one person wide doors in all of the site, it doesn't do much.

"im assuming its the inside of vents - which if they're camping you can wait 5 minutes, as by then the SCP will have to push
A. If they're chilling in a hallway you could just wait 5 mins for them to move,"

Putting those together because it's the same argument.
Having to wait for a technicality made to stop a otherwise unstoppable thing doesn't make it a counter. Especially when the counter to this rule is "Oh I can't be in this vent? I'll just move out of it for 5 minutes aaaand straight to the D-Block vent!" Plus I limited the vent to 912 when arguably any jumping SCP could accomplish the same goal. Then there's also the fact D-Block vents has 6 sections you can wait the 5 minutes out at (7 if you hold the door choke point) adding to be 30 minutes.

"camping a hallway"


B. If you go in a large group you can flush them out and C. a Scranton would force the TG to move from its current spot.

B. That works if the large group is possible depending on the time/mtf activity but if the scps are smarter than your average bear they can likely hold off against it.
C. You have to get close enough for that to be placed and effective without getting killed, and some hallways are long enough you can hold off through it.

"no he cant lol, it just doesnt let you select the person if they're too high of a HP
if you get a clip of it that proves me wrong post it - but you cant crush them if they're above 150~ HP"

I'll dig through my clips and see if I can find it. If not it's nothing to test it, may need to get some GM help though. A way I thought of testing it was to just stick a D-Class Brute in and have 8837 try. But Brutes have base set 250, while ERT has base 100 and spawns with a 400hp overheal. (This is in the list of dev changes to fix BUT has been there for awhile now. Difference in base and overheal is base you can heal back to, overheal you can't heal back.)

"Blackhole has a long ass cooldown and a high energy cost for a reason, if ERT all push together and get blackholed all at once thats on them imo."

Suffering a cooldown to wipe out even 3 ert is worth it to take down forces that can stop a bad breach is a great trade. Wouldn't call it a counter.
"dear lord this is going to get off topic"

I mean. All part of making big change suggestions.
we went from 22415-3's beam getting removed to SCP balancing and counters tf u be meaning

"dear lord this is going to get off topic"

I mean. All part of making big change suggestions.

"hes a reality bender, yes it does.
if you're talking about on surface - if you go out in a large group you can pretty easily deal with it."

I mean the overall range, unless you're hugging him when you slap it down it doesn't have that large of a area, add that to being in one of the hundreds of close quarters halls and one person wide doors in all of the site, it doesn't do much.

"im assuming its the inside of vents - which if they're camping you can wait 5 minutes, as by then the SCP will have to push
A. If they're chilling in a hallway you could just wait 5 mins for them to move,"

Putting those together because it's the same argument.
Having to wait for a technicality made to stop a otherwise unstoppable thing doesn't make it a counter. Especially when the counter to this rule is "Oh I can't be in this vent? I'll just move out of it for 5 minutes aaaand straight to the D-Block vent!" Plus I limited the vent to 912 when arguably any jumping SCP could accomplish the same goal. Then there's also the fact D-Block vents has 6 sections you can wait the 5 minutes out at (7 if you hold the door choke point) adding to be 30 minutes.

"camping a hallway"


B. If you go in a large group you can flush them out and C. a Scranton would force the TG to move from its current spot.

B. That works if the large group is possible depending on the time/mtf activity but if the scps are smarter than your average bear they can likely hold off against it.
C. You have to get close enough for that to be placed and effective without getting killed, and some hallways are long enough you can hold off through it.

"no he cant lol, it just doesnt let you select the person if they're too high of a HP
if you get a clip of it that proves me wrong post it - but you cant crush them if they're above 150~ HP"

I'll dig through my clips and see if I can find it. If not it's nothing to test it, may need to get some GM help though. A way I thought of testing it was to just stick a D-Class Brute in and have 8837 try. But Brutes have base set 250, while ERT has base 100 and spawns with a 400hp overheal. (This is in the list of dev changes to fix BUT has been there for awhile now. Difference in base and overheal is base you can heal back to, overheal you can't heal back.)

"Blackhole has a long ass cooldown and a high energy cost for a reason, if ERT all push together and get blackholed all at once thats on them imo."

Suffering a cooldown to wipe out even 3 ert is worth it to take down forces that can stop a bad breach is a great trade. Wouldn't call it a counter.


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 19, 2023
+ Support, after thinking about it for a while -3 is by far the most useful against most SCPs which are currently Breached the most, he is essentially a Immortal E-11 which Increases the Damage Output others can do by a Lot.
The Slow, he does is a lot. And you cant kill him, so other E-11 members can do 40% more Damage, so if he is in a Group with 3 E-11 they Essentially do 120 % more Damage with him. Since they die a lot Slower.
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