Denied Remove Crimson Blade faction

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
Jun 4, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This removes the crimson blade faction

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):[/B]
It removes a faction that does not do anything in peacetime but to annoy people who actually want to get things done in peacetime without having to pay attention every 5 minutes if their vehicles aren't being stolen or if there is a bomb being planted in one of the bases. To me it just seems like the crimson blade faction just is a legal way to RDM or just annoy the living shit out of people. The faction does not (imo) contribute to any RP since all it is is literally ''NWO/NATO Give us supplies NOW because we have SCUD/HIMARS'' or ''NWO/NATO we have a hostage we want an insanely high price for this guy or we blow you up''

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The amount of work put into this faction in terms of developing, lore and other things all go to waste.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this suggestion should be accepted because all it does is just annoy people who aren't playing the faction and actually want to get things done during peacetime instead of having to worry every 5 minutes about something being stolen or someone being taken hostage, 1 hour and 15 minutes is not that long after all. There have been many instances where I have just seen a crimson blade member drive into base and then just asking for something and if they don't get they will do some terrorism, this might be RP but it isn't fun for many people causing them to just not wanting to play NATO/NWO during peacetime.
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MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
=Neutral learning to -support
There are a lot of good points being made on both isles, but I am more swayed in the middle since I am more torn.

This faction provides a breeze of fresh air from time to time RP and IMO offer a welcoming break for the war-peace-war duopoly of MRP. It is focusing on player-based RP and encouraging specific RP scenarios that would not be possible in a based solely NATO-NWO scene.
In addition, no one wants to be implicated in their main character if they do something wrong or out of the ordinary, and it provides possibilities of some fun that would otherwise land them in hot water. Finally, this faction is an accumulation of many cries for the additional purpose to the standard Militia/PC, which, IMO, answers the shouts and the praises throughout.

I can see from a few of the concerns that the implementation of CSB was good to begin with, however, some complications surronding lack of proper RP and proper intergration which causes the idea to backslide to that of a war-time-war state similar to what happened before. This must be addressed and encourage some more RP with this opportunity.

I wouldn't remove them, but it would be nice if CSB came across as engaging RP rather than griefing. Perhaps we could find some activities for them that aren't just kidnapping or bombing.
In my opinion Merlin is absolutely right, I think having different RP scenarios for CSB would be great, for example the other day I hired CSB to guard me while NWO delivered hostages, NWO tried to kidnap me and CSB protected me and the captured NATO. I think CSB should definitely be more than just griefing and terrorising, however a balance of both would be good.