Accepted Remove excess circles from the map

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Active member
Nov 16, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Currently the map is plagued by large circles drawn around several object types, which makes it more difficult to read than it should be. For example:


(This is a very outdated map, before anyone thinks of metagaming ;))

It's even worse on the night map because the underlying detail is already washed out. This could really do with a cleanup. I'd suggest that the radius around held territories is dropped entirely, and the radius around missile defence, HIMARS and another such entities be shown only when hovered over with the cursor (if possible). FOB radius is exceptionally useful and so should be maintained.

Rumour has it that most of these regions are related to an old radio system, if that's true it may be worth removing that feature - assuming nobody uses it.

If there's already a toggle somewhere that I'm missing, please let me know and consider making it default to off.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More legible map
- Less confusion for new players
- Decreased map clutter
- More visually appealing

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Some loss of information

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I can barely read what's on the map because so much is drawn on top of it.
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Active member
Jan 21, 2023
The excess yellow circles cluster up the maps like if we're looking at BNK Hill or Radar hill, you can't see the grid number properly. Plus with no use of the handheld radio, the yellow circles serves no purpose but to cluster not only grid numbers, but the SAM ranges, FOB radio and relays.
Feb 20, 2022
They are used for the current radio system as the yellow circles represents the range of your radio and if you leave the circle you won't be heard I think. Radios are still cool to use sometimes and are relatively harmless so -Support.
+Support, they clutter the map especially when they get layered over each other.
Also Jimothy, 99% of players don't even use the feature, and we have TeamSpeak for comms anyways, L reason for -Support, also according to a change vote from a while back, the radios are laggy so there's also that
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