Content Suggestion Remove OOC 2: Electric Boogaloo

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
Jun 4, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove the usage of // and /ooc entirely. Players can only communicate in an OOC manner through /pm or /looc.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Similar suggestions:

I vaguely remember a very old suggestion with the same title but I can't find it (I looked all the way back to Nov 2023 with "OOC" as the keyword search)

My suggestion is different as both the other suggestions don't suggest for the outright removal of OOC, just the ability to toggle it or swap to a different tab.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Easier to resolve issues of "metabaiting" and "metagaming" and it prevents people from discussing ongoing roleplay scenarios outside of their teamspeak channels or through /pms.
Prevent OOC from being used as a way to complain or be toxic towards other players when something is "wrong" is done to them in either IC or OOC.
Allow for more immersive gameplay without the constant disruption of the chat channel with OOC messages unrelated to any ongoing roleplay.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
It may prevent people from being able to have conversations with other players when they're not right next to each other even when in an OOC manner. (Although, this can be remedied by using /pm, discord, or TS.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
To me, OOC has been a blight in terms of removing immersion from the server as people discuss ongoing roleplay scenarios in OOC. While yes, the new ruleset will help with the problem using the new "metabaiting" rule, but I don't think it will resolve the entire issue. It also breaks immersion frequently and (in my eyes) takes people out of the experience. I don't see the negatives outweighing the positives in something like this.
That’s not what is being suggested. He even mentions the suggestions that ask for a toggle. This suggestion that he’s made asks for OOC’s complete removal, not just a toggle.
Outright OOC turn off is never going to happen, hence the toggle being introduced. Lets be real, current SCP isn't a serious RP server anyway nor will it be maintained as such going forward. Just got to wait for Site-9.
If you look on the public Civil Networks development tracker:

A toggle has already been confirmed and just needs dev work done.
Jun 4, 2023
Jun 4, 2023
Another negative would be that the toggle system is already in the works, so this change could be seen as overkill.
Either way I like this change a lot, and this definitely sounds like it would make RP a lot more immersive as you aren’t distracted by an entire chat that is unrelated to RP.
Yeah but a lot of things have been in the works a while lets be real cough cough cough cough, I was hoping the outright removal of it would be tad easier to implement (I've done this before and it isn't hard)
  • Haha
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Jun 4, 2023
I'll be honest I didn't read the suggestion but from an SC perspective I would like it if I could toggle OOC on or off. Having almost every comms line + OOC makes it easy to miss comms from people.
I share the same thought process to a degree (we have the same problem) however, I have further problems with it's usage of OOC about ongoing roleplay but not necessarily in a way that would "lead to metagaming." We have very different ecosystems on both servers so there's a very real chance that both servers are differ in this manner but: most players that I've interacted with regularly speak about their ongoing roleplay scenarios in OOC even if it isn't in a manner that would result in metagame. It leads people to hover around areas they wouldn't normally go to in an attempt to find out these scenarios IC so they can gain an advantage (and these are notoriously hard to get people warned for, I've tried.)
Feb 24, 2023
I just think it being toggleable would be best.

OOC is useful at times, and can be good. But it isn't always needed. /Csays can be used for anything important by most staff, and even higher the announcements.

Removing it entirely is just a bit overkill.

I've been in RP servers before where OOC exists, you can turn it off, but this rule really helps: Extended Interactions or Discussion of Ongoing RP in OOC is punishable by a ban. Which with that, you kinda hit both birds one stone.

-/+ neutral, leaning -support
Jun 4, 2023
I just think it being toggleable would be best.

OOC is useful at times, and can be good. But it isn't always needed. /Csays can be used for anything important by most staff, and even higher the announcements.

Removing it entirely is just a bit overkill.

I've been in RP servers before where OOC exists, you can turn it off, but this rule really helps: Extended Interactions or Discussion of Ongoing RP in OOC is punishable by a ban. Which with that, you kinda hit both birds one stone.

-/+ neutral, leaning -support
Provided something like this would be enforced by staff, I could see this being more amenable to the general playerbase. I still personally want to outright remove it but this as a compromise along with the toggle option (whenever that comes out) would be more popular.
  • Love
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Jul 1, 2023
OOC is the #1 most detrimental factor for RP on this server.
The ability to simultaneously communicate with every single player at all times, without consent, is massively immersion breaking.
Not only that, it clogs up the actual, useful, in-character communications that players need to see in order to actually RP.
We send OOC messages to each other person, all the time, for no reason. It's prison - it's horrific.
And it only gets used for the following reasons:
1. To ask a blatantly in-character question and recieve an in-character answer.
2. To laugh at something funny (which should be done on the discord).
3. People accidentally sending OOC messages with IC information, that cannot be unseen and must be willfully ignored.
4. Arguments between factions/groups over things that should be resolved in a staff sit.
5. Sending out IP Grabbers to the whole server.
The discussion has been had many times, and the suggestions are accepted.
It just needs to be implemented.
And for the server's health, I would hope actions are currently being taken for this process to implement the changes AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Feb 24, 2023
Provided something like this would be enforced by staff, I could see this being more amenable to the general playerbase. I still personally want to outright remove it but this as a compromise along with the toggle option (whenever that comes out) would be more popular.
I 100% agree, it'd be a wee bit of a struggle at first, but I think what actually helps with that rule though to stop the spamming of sits, is couple it with the addition of liaison channels, let people try sort out their issues (which could just be added to teamspeak), so OOC more becomes "Hey Nu-7 SGT Nuts can you come liason about that please?" and yeah. But that requires ensured maturity which this player base does not have at all.