Content Suggestion Remove OOC 2: Electric Boogaloo

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
Jun 4, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove the usage of // and /ooc entirely. Players can only communicate in an OOC manner through /pm or /looc.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Similar suggestions:

I vaguely remember a very old suggestion with the same title but I can't find it (I looked all the way back to Nov 2023 with "OOC" as the keyword search)

My suggestion is different as both the other suggestions don't suggest for the outright removal of OOC, just the ability to toggle it or swap to a different tab.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Easier to resolve issues of "metabaiting" and "metagaming" and it prevents people from discussing ongoing roleplay scenarios outside of their teamspeak channels or through /pms.
Prevent OOC from being used as a way to complain or be toxic towards other players when something is "wrong" is done to them in either IC or OOC.
Allow for more immersive gameplay without the constant disruption of the chat channel with OOC messages unrelated to any ongoing roleplay.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
It may prevent people from being able to have conversations with other players when they're not right next to each other even when in an OOC manner. (Although, this can be remedied by using /pm, discord, or TS.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
To me, OOC has been a blight in terms of removing immersion from the server as people discuss ongoing roleplay scenarios in OOC. While yes, the new ruleset will help with the problem using the new "metabaiting" rule, but I don't think it will resolve the entire issue. It also breaks immersion frequently and (in my eyes) takes people out of the experience. I don't see the negatives outweighing the positives in something like this.
Jun 4, 2023
OOC is the #1 most detrimental factor for RP on this server.
The ability to simultaneously communicate with every single player at all times, without consent, is massively immersion breaking.
Not only that, it clogs up the actual, useful, in-character communications that players need to see in order to actually RP.
We send OOC messages to each other person, all the time, for no reason. It's prison - it's horrific.
And it only gets used for the following reasons:

The discussion has been had many times, and the suggestions are accepted.
It just needs to be implemented.
And for the server's health, I would hope actions are currently being taken for this process to implement the changes AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Any solution even if it's a partial one would be a step in the right direction. At the very least if this suggestion gets denied, I sincerely hope that the other two previously accepted suggestions are implemented slightly sooner. I'm not exactly holding my breath through (see previous example above.)
Jun 4, 2023
I 100% agree, it'd be a wee bit of a struggle at first, but I think what actually helps with that rule though to stop the spamming of sits, is couple it with the addition of liaison channels, let people try sort out their issues (which could just be added to teamspeak), so OOC more becomes "Hey Nu-7 SGT Nuts can you come liason about that please?" and yeah. But that requires ensured maturity which this player base does not have at all.
A mix of that could work but if OOC remains a toggle I don't see that being used a whole lot. Most of the people who use OOC to callout "rule breaks" or just complain aren't going to go through the effort of actually resolving their problems. It's a thing on the US server to just callout these people and tell them to make a sit and keep it out of OOC but unfortunately there's only so much you can do. That's part of the reason why I want it outright removed and if these liaison channels are put into place alongside the removal, I could see them being used by people to hopefully work out any issues they have without making the entire server witness the toxicity.


Active member
Apr 13, 2024
While I do agree it would be nice if there was an option to turn OOC off or on, to remove it completely is just overkill