Denied Remove power outages

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes the power outages that occur during breaches, where everything is shut down and nothing can be repair for a certain time.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better gameplay during a breach (no one likes spamming e on a door while techies can't physically fix it)
Assists RP all round

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Nerf for SCPs, since a major hurdle for MTFs is removed

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Power outages during breaches are a major pain in the ass. I don't mind the odd system going down, that's fair n whatnot. But when you're in the dark for what feels like forever, spamming E on a door to try and get out of spawn for 5 minutes whilst techies physically can't fix anything, to then die to an SCP and rise and repeat? It makes me want to pull my hair out. It'll also remove a major annoyance for other factions, since CI and GOC both draw their power from the same grid as F.

EDIT: Small clarification in case people get confused: This is a suggestion to remove the random power outages that typically occur during long breaches. The ones where EVERYTHING goes down for ages and nothing can be fixed. This is NOT a suggestion to remove triple breaches nor the triple breach alarm, I love those.
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I think some of you are a bit confused on what we mean by "Power Outage", its a random event during a breach which shuts off the power completely for almost 10+ minutes, keypads and all, it is not the triple breach outage which lasts about 30s.

-support it's fucking epic when all the lights black out i dont see how you guys don't like it, it forces you to do something unnatural and uncommon (having to door fault doors and getting NVGs)
why remove one of the few interesting things that randomly happens in the site?
"Having to door fault doors" when we cant grab TE-5s, also 30m cooldown if we die.
Also we do not mean when the power is turned off by the reactors, that is fair game as it is 3 CL5 hacks.
I think some of you are a bit confused on what we mean by "Power Outage", its a random event during a breach which shuts off the power completely for almost 10+ minutes, keypads and all, it is not the triple breach outage which lasts about 30s.
Nope, that's exactly what I mean.
It's one of if not the only random event, I personally think it's really cool when it happens. It forces tech experts to go and repair (and if they don't, then MTF SPCs who have repair tools need to) etc etc
Nope, that's exactly what I mean.
It's one of if not the only random event, I personally think it's really cool when it happens. It forces tech experts to go and repair (and if they don't, then MTF SPCs who have repair tools need to) etc etc
MTFs do not have repair tools, there is no job which has a repair tool which is MTF. Tech Experts cannot repair outages, as it is time based on how long it lasts. if lights/turbines could be repaired instantly then I would not have a problem with it.
MTFs do not have repair tools, there is no job which has a repair tool which is MTF.
IIrc Nu7 SPC had a repair tool, vehicle repair tool, and technician tool but that's beside the point

ok, sorry that I was wrong about them being repairable but anyway, why are you guys asking for the feature to be entirely removed? as I said it's probably the only random event that ever happens on site, at least just ask for its time to be reduced rather than outright removing it because you dont like the dark
IIrc Nu7 SPC had a repair tool, vehicle repair tool, and technician tool but that's beside the point

ok, sorry that I was wrong about them being repairable but anyway, why are you guys asking for the feature to be entirely removed? as I said it's probably the only random event that ever happens on site, at least just ask for its time to be reduced rather than outright removing it because you dont like the dark
Nu-7 had a repair tool at one point (Like the CI Operative), however it was removed nor could they repair boxes with it (Like tech experts can)
E-11, whenever the outage occurs, is completely immobilized due to it taking a long time to even reach the breach location, added on with the keypad loss. If the outage did not destroy keypads it wouldn't be a problem.
What makes no sense is the random outages if rector is hacked fair enough but when the lights just go off for no reason and the reactor is still working it makes no sense
-support i kinda like the outages builds to the worldbuilding
the request is the removal of the random outages as it just slows everything but SCPs down in a breach. Or at the very least remove the keypads going down as that is the worst part of it just not being able to get anywhere cos keypads are down


Jun 14, 2023
What makes no sense is the random outages if rector is hacked fair enough but when the lights just go off for no reason and the reactor is still working it makes no sense

the request is the removal of the random outages as it just slows everything but SCPs down in a breach. Or at the very least remove the keypads going down as that is the worst part of it just not being able to get anywhere cos keypads are down
i think the reason your making this suggestion is to make E-11 jobs easier that shouldnt be a reason to remove it entirely i like the lights and power going off i can quickly if lucky can sneak past gaurds in the confusion and bolt to surface if its during a scp breach and power goes out + cards

i can grab a CL3 of a dead body and bum rush surface this is the only time i can really escape it also feels immersive that the powers goes off so do the doors you can still open them it usually only takes me at the MOST 20 seconds


top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
I think the power outages aren't too bad and add an extra layer of potential to the server for extraneous situations that you otherwise wouldn't face. Especially all the lights going out. However, I'm not against changing up key card scanner faults as it's unbearable when you're just stuck in a room spamming E on a keycard scanner.

Adding more fluidity to movement in a blackout may add a more fun horror atmosphere as you're more likely to bump into an SCP scurrying around in the dark than you are rotting in a room or stuck in doorways for 10 minutes bored out of your mind.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over that aspect even getting removed.
It makes no sense with the generator keep it so if generator is hacked then power outages but remove the random power outages that just happen in breaches
loser lol
I wouldn't worry about what Darren says too much, he's just an annoying child who never has anything meaningful to contribute.

Hearing the fucking triple breach alarm is so cool, its something that none of the other servers have
This isn't a suggestion to remove the triple breaches btw. Like I said, I am fine with the odd system going out. Right after the triple breach alarm is over too, techies can immediately get to fixing stuff. I love a good triple breach too and don't want that to go.

What I am suggesting to remove is the random power outages that happen during the middle of a breach. These are completely unannounced and they last for ages since it's physically impossible for techies to fix the power boxes.
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