Denied Remove power outages

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes the power outages that occur during breaches, where everything is shut down and nothing can be repair for a certain time.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better gameplay during a breach (no one likes spamming e on a door while techies can't physically fix it)
Assists RP all round

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Nerf for SCPs, since a major hurdle for MTFs is removed

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Power outages during breaches are a major pain in the ass. I don't mind the odd system going down, that's fair n whatnot. But when you're in the dark for what feels like forever, spamming E on a door to try and get out of spawn for 5 minutes whilst techies physically can't fix anything, to then die to an SCP and rise and repeat? It makes me want to pull my hair out. It'll also remove a major annoyance for other factions, since CI and GOC both draw their power from the same grid as F.

EDIT: Small clarification in case people get confused: This is a suggestion to remove the random power outages that typically occur during long breaches. The ones where EVERYTHING goes down for ages and nothing can be fixed. This is NOT a suggestion to remove triple breaches nor the triple breach alarm, I love those.
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
keypads being down and having to sit and try to open them for minutes on end sucks, but, something about the blackouts are just so appealing it would be weird to see them removed.
i think the reason your making this suggestion is to make E-11 jobs easier that shouldnt be a reason to remove it entirely i like the lights and power going off i can quickly if lucky can sneak past gaurds in the confusion and bolt to surface if its during a scp breach and power goes out + cards

i can grab a CL3 of a dead body and bum rush surface this is the only time i can really escape it also feels immersive that the powers goes off so do the doors you can still open them it usually only takes me at the MOST 20 seconds
Yes but it just slows everything down and even then it’s not like after 20 seconds the door will open it’s a probability thing which by definition means it can never open whilst admittedly very unlikely. I don’t mind the blackout just the keycards going down but also it makes no sense for the random ones to occur specifically during breaches like why don’t they happen at other times or just removed the random blackouts and at the very least remove the keycard scanners going down
Apr 6, 2023

- With the addition of the turbines this feature is all around a left over of when the turbines were not around
- The outages grind gameplay to a halt and is all around annoying to deal with

- A fix for this would be to make it very much less of a time its down, say 1-3 minutes instead of 10-15 minutes

- SCPs would probably not like this suggestion for obvious reasons
I would say that the keypads breaking should be removed from the random power outages but as a whole they aren't too bad, keypads should only break from turbines going off.

Alternitavely the random power outages could be reworked due to the addition of the turbines to where the turbines randomly break over time inside and outside of breaches and tech experts / engineers need to repair them when it happens, something like theres a chance for one to break every half an hr to an hr.
+/- support

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi Skittles,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
We believe it would take away From SCP breaches RP - Granted they can be annoying and we will look into decreasing the Blackout Timmer
But for now we believe its more fun to keep - especially for the Fear Factor when running inside of HCZ in the dark

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.
Thanks Again
  • Cool
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