Rule Suggestion Remove Rule 3.1(d) Chaos Deep Cover and move the job to Beta rank.

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove the rule:
3.1(d) Chaos Deep Cover - Chaos Insurgency deep cover may only enter the facility or UNGOC base when authorised by a Chaos Commanding Officer. Entering either as a deep cover requires valid reasoning, e.g., A member of chaos has recovered a foundation keycard, allowing the deep cover to enter and retrieve files. Deep Cover may not re-enter either location after death unless a separate infiltration mission is approved by a CO after cooldown.

Increase the rank requirement for the Deep Cover job to Beta.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I do not believe this has been suggested before.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
. Will put less restrictions in front of playing a donator job
. Will give CI players better access to their passive gameplay/RP loop outside of main raids
. This rule is an OOC staff ruling and enforcing it requires monitoring of Deep Cover activity by the CI's CO team as Foundation players have no real way to know if a Deep Cover mission has been authorised - an OOC staff ruling should not have to be enforced by non-staff players, removing it will lift this burden from the players and correctly allocate it to the staff team
. Increasing the rank requirement for Deep Cover to the Beta rank will help mitigate any ignorance of Deep Cover raid cooldowns by newer entrants into the CI roster as these players will have undergone at least some level of vetting in order to get their first real promotion

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
. Some CI players will be tempted to ignore the Deep Cover raid cooldown
. Some CI players who are more interested in murder hoboing than Deep Cover RP may use the job to go on an assassination spree rather than do anything productive

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
. Deep Cover missions are a fundamental part of playing the Chaos Insurgency and are bread and butter for the CIs passive RP outside of main raids, improving access to the Deep Cover job will improve CI passive RP
. The CI has all of the necessary tools at it's disposal to punish misuse of the Deep Cover job (PTs, strikes, demotions, removals) which means a staff ruling such as this should not be required (even if staff decide that the raid authorisation from DELCOM+ should remain in place - there is still no reason to enforce this as an OOC staff ruling)
. CI players who want to dedicate their efforts to creating genuine Deep Cover RP are having their ability to do so restricted by this ruling, especially if they want to play outside of peak hours when a DELCOM+ is not available
. Due to recently combined efforts between SL and the CI's COs team Deep Cover infiltration is much more focused on covert ops RP such as intel gathering, kidnapping and VIP assassination - the days in which the Deep Cover job was used as an excuse to RDM Foundation players are long behind us and I believe we are in a position now where RP will benefit from having less restrictions on the Deep Cover job
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