Denied remove the link between chef NPCs and increase the restock timer(part 2)

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Jan 9, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
remove the link between the chef's NPCs and increase the restock timer for items the chef sells.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
It has and was accepted but was over ruled by NL for some reason Which confuses me as this suggestion is purely QOL improvement.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This will let people who want to RP as chefs be able to buy items that are unavailable due to like 10 people all wanting to buy the same item through the server as each chef is linked to each other which makes no sense. for example, the dough is sold out and at least 3-4 people want to cook using dough. As soon as it restocks one person instantly buys it. the other 3 people must argue and wait for the next restock which can take up to 2 minutes to get one dough. when some recipes take multiple items. It gets worse as with the new EZ update they moved the kitchen location and made it look all nice and fancy however people are still unable to buy anything as they are linked.

It also stops people from starving to death because people always buy MREs and there are never MREs in stock, so this would also allow chefs to sell their food to help people from starving. This would also help stop the MRE “meta” in a sense where people only buy MRE’s and nothing else, as MRE’s are the best food for people who don’t want to cook. With the ability to cook it will allow the chefs to actually cook and sell food items that are a lot better then the MRE’s

another problem is when the server restarts the stock that could have had over 120 items is set back to zero. As an example, sugar has 120 in stock before the server restarts, and after it restarts it is back down to zero. we then must wait multiple hours for it to be back up to 120, assuming no one buys sugar. This problem still happens and is quite annoying, when the server must be manually restarted it screws everyone who is trying to cook as everything is brought back to zero. So, in that sense if everyone keeps buying instant foods, because MRE’s are bought out it screws the people who want to RP as chefs.

This will also allow people to level up their cooking and improve their knowledge of cooking on the server.

As well this will make the server more realistic, as it makes no logical sense to have them linked. Why does Goc or surface chefs buying food take out stock in d-block for example.

With the ability to cook and RP as chefs, this would also help the situations with people jumping on chefs to just minge around and screw with everyone

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The only Negatives I can see is how long it will take the dev team to unlink everything and try and rework that system, besides that I see no negative possibilities with this suggestion.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As someone who cooks a lot on the server and has increased his cooking level to 18 currently. trying to cook with 5 people all buying the same things is hard. I once sat there for over three hours trying to buy 6 cheeses to make pizza. This is even more true now that newer people are getting on the server and trying to cook/roleplay as chefs, due to the new EZ update.

overall, I have seen many people try and get into cooking and I feel like sometimes they are put off because there is never any stock. Which actually happened a few days ago, a person who was brand new to the server was trying to cook however they were unable to due to everyone else buying the stock from the different chef NPCS.

I have put many hours into cooking and sometimes it just gets very annoying trying to cook many different things when everyone is buying the same thing. Another issue is trying to stock up on these items is hard because you must check if they are in stock before the server restarts. sometimes there is over 60 doughs in stock and if we don’t buy that 60 dough before restart, all of it is lost. With the removal of the double server restart this isn’t really affect me personally however it still does remove all the stock from the chefs which is hard for people who play around the time the server restarts.

As well, I have had multiple complaints that MRE’s are to OP or that they need to be reworked. But they wouldn’t need to be reworked if for example this would be in place and updated. This would allow us to replace the MRE meta with actual cooking and actual roleplay.

overall, I Feel like this would be an amazing change that will improve the QOL for people who want to RP as chefs. as well as maybe introduce people to the cooking on the server.
It has and was accepted but was over ruled by NL for some reason
Ehhh, I supported this in the past, but giving this some more thought, I can sorta see it? Not sure if it's my inner sycophant speaking, but generally spreaking, NL don't overrule stuff like this without good reason.

My immediate first thought is that it might be either basically impossible to accomplish behind-the-scenes without a major rework of the related VCraft systems - Or just difficult enough, that the result is unfortunately not worth the effort it would take to change them.

There's also the fact that a minge could just start running from NPC to NPC, buy up a bunch of stock and immediately drop it on the floor for some very funny performance issues, which I believe is mitigated by the despawn timer? But potentially not enough that it'd still be a concern.

But then I started thinking about the implications of how this could affect player behaviour and I'm somewhat compelled here - While it's good QoL that not all chefs will have the same stock; For starters, without some kind of buff or major cooking QoL improvements to the cooking gameplay loop to encourage chef roleplay, MREs will probably still remain on top with this change. Not only that, but the chef NPCs unique to certain locations for specific regiments/departments (E.G. E-11 Bunks chef), while they are already just MRE dispensers right now, they'll be improved MRE dispensers to their respective groups - If their specific NPC runs out of stuff and they need food, only then would they be encouraged to go to another NPC or engage with chef RP. Usually ends up being more the former than the latter, and while that's still activity around the site - That's not great activity. They're just going to the next nearest chef.

-/+ Neutral
Jan 9, 2024
Ehhh, I supported this in the past, but giving this some more thought, I can sorta see it? Not sure if it's my inner sycophant speaking, but generally spreaking, NL don't overrule stuff like this without good reason.

My immediate first thought is that it might be either basically impossible to accomplish behind-the-scenes without a major rework of the related VCraft systems - Or just difficult enough, that the result is unfortunately not worth the effort it would take to change them.

There's also the fact that a minge could just start running from NPC to NPC, buy up a bunch of stock and immediately drop it on the floor for some very funny performance issues, which I believe is mitigated by the despawn timer? But potentially not enough that it'd still be a concern.

But then I started thinking about the implications of how this could affect player behaviour and I'm somewhat compelled here - While it's good QoL that not all chefs will have the same stock; For starters, without some kind of buff or major cooking QoL improvements to the cooking gameplay loop to encourage chef roleplay, MREs will probably still remain on top with this change. Not only that, but the chef NPCs unique to certain locations for specific regiments/departments (E.G. E-11 Bunks chef), while they are already just MRE dispensers right now, they'll be improved MRE dispensers to their respective groups - If their specific NPC runs out of stuff and they need food, only then would they be encouraged to go to another NPC or engage with chef RP. Usually ends up being more the former than the latter, and while that's still activity around the site - That's not great activity. They're just going to the next nearest chef.

-/+ Neutral all they said was this was uneeded, however with your point of lag that is a possiblilty however I feel like they could implement ways to dectect people dropping food and trying to lag the server, such as the people lagging the server with printing paper.

now with your point of the mres they could also decrease their timer so it doesn't restock as fast as the other items.

I have also wished to rework and introduce more cooking items using vcraft systems however I am thinking that I would have to talk with a dev on that and get a actual list of items that could make recipes and such, I wish to imrpove the QOL of cooking and chefs lifes though
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where even are chef NPC’s? If it’s just 1 per GOI, sure who cares, if F have multiple then no
F have several, yes. Granted, they're pretty spread out, but there's at least three I can think off of the top of my head - E-11 Bunks, D-Block (Although the D-Block one is for D-Class as it is literally in the area IIRC), Cafeteria. Fairly certain there's others, but can't remember where they are off the top of my head.
F have several, yes. Granted, they're pretty spread out, but there's at least three I can think off of the top of my head - E-11 Bunks, D-Block (Although the D-Block one is for D-Class as it is literally in the area IIRC), Cafeteria. Fairly certain there's others, but can't remember where they are off the top of my head.
why does E11 have one


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2023
F have several, yes. Granted, they're pretty spread out, but there's at least three I can think off of the top of my head - E-11 Bunks, D-Block (Although the D-Block one is for D-Class as it is literally in the area IIRC), Cafeteria. Fairly certain there's others, but can't remember where they are off the top of my head.
there was one up in f3 dont know if its still there


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @deathspike123 ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: This would be hard to implement on the server with its current configuration, but also we believe that it is not needed.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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