Denied Remove the mega bases and go back to the standard bases that used to be on highlands.

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B]What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/B]
As the title states, remove the mega bases from nwo and nato and go back to the standard bases that highlands has to offer.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don’t believe it has been suggested recently but I know players have disliked these bases since the uan/nwo days.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. improves baseraids, I have never played a base raid with these bases as I did not play during last highlands but it seems to me that having these defences will make it much harder for the enemy team to gain entry to the base.
2. It is very unnecessary, I do not like driving for much longer to go and resupply a fob, it has always been liked when it was just driving through two gates and you were out. Made the game a lot quicker.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Ventz and the mappers probably spent a lot of time on these bases and they do look pretty cool so it would basically be their time wasted.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Makes the game a lot more quicker and easier having to navigate through the maze to get a supply truck out of NWO base. Every other map had normal doors and nobody complained.


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largest base and gives aor/RMP the ability to easly pull a full lockdown. , also for both sides

you have your main gates who are unbreachable (for nwo it is the elevator and the big chunky gate and for nato it is 2 airlock big gates) so intotal 4...) you need to enter the gate controles on both bases to open these... , both tunnels are easly defendable /holdible if you know how to..
-supprot baseraids on this map are almost impossible
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I've played on this futuristic highlands since it was released by civil networks back in 2022.

-All i can say is that the good side of it it'll make easier to defend and better cover since people could snipe individuals from dome and the mountains outside hilltop and the hill right outside the base next to the train tracks.

same thing at the NWO base, people could get snipe from from train yard mountain and water tower hill both side would be in a disadvantage during base raids, hell put tanks and Bradley's/K17 on those hills and could wipe out the base with no worry that's why its needed, imagine this during a Base Raid right the NWO base is reinforced to the teeth better than NATO with double doors on both elevators that you need to hack to get into the base and only one entrance you could go through since the vehicle elevators would take time and you'd easily be mowed down from above the elevator hell throw a nade and you good, same goes to NATO they have perfect cover from both mountain and both gates have reinforced double doors that you to activate from the gate rooms And they have a hallway with door leading out and into the base, the outter side of the base it has minuguns from west to Northern side to use in self defense. And i see it as a good thing for both side's to have such defense, hell you'd see people complaining about if they removed the big walls.

-the bad side of it is that the big doors which you have to operate it from a far is very slow and it's very harder to get into both base's themselves same way goes to getting out.
And side note on the NWO Base, The NWO IFV/tank and vehicles elevator on the is very slow and not used much since i could from south gate be on my way, it's way faster than the elevator. Thats why i majority of NWO are complaining on their own base since it's harder to get in and same as getting out, also during base raids it gives you a headache from trying to get into both NWO/NATO Base's hell I've experienced it from both team's on NWO and NATO.

I stated everything from my experience that i had on this modified Highlands.
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I'd like to offer some input here as someone on the original NWO team when switching campaign.

The current base designs are exceptional, a LOT of work went into them and they are genuinely incredible in size and in scale. The NATO base especially is very well balanced as it sits at ground level.

However, the main problem is the lack of activity around the base exterior. The thing that made the smaller bases more appealing was that you could run up to the wall and someone would be there, it's why Afghan/Backwater bases seem more fun.

It's also impossible to get into as a civilian, which was an aspect of old MRP that was really fun (trying to sneak into bases as a civ, there were even props put in place to try allow it).

I think perhaps creating a second highlands with the older bases and placing it in rotation would work nicely. Maybe switch the towns up etc.
The Mega bases aren't the issue, the problem is mainly NWO Base, NATO Base u can breach Secret Tunnel, N Gate and E Gate, meanwhile in NWO u can't breach E Gate too strong, and N Gate is not possible push, since it's a elevator, so they can just camp up there with a BTR80A or BTR90 or even K17, the sewers is only openable by hacking, and it's easy asf to defend, since they can shoot through the "door" since it's jail bars, meanwhile NATO one is a full on double Metal door

Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
+ massive support

Don’t even really play much anymore but felt it necessary say that the mega bases are nowhere near as enjoyable as the old more simple bases, same goes with keypad doors. There was never any problems with the old bases and doors, they worked well and served their purpose.

(If I had it my way literally everything after and including the NWO update would be removed and we would go back to NATO vs USSR but thats just what I think would be best ?‍♂️.)
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  • Wow
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(If I had it my way literally everything since prior to the NWO update would be removed and we would go back to NATO vs USSR but thats just what I think would be best ?‍♂️.)
Thats asking for too much ? ( as in return all the guns/rocket launchers & 2 map rotations between afghan ans highlands until a better map actually comes forward cuz lets face it.. Shitwater is bad..) the golden times..
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Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2024
I think it is really cool, yeah it be hard with vehicles. Everything has a give and take and i like this one.

Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
Thats asking for too much ? ( as in return all the guns/rocket launchers & 2 map rotations between afghan ans highlands until a better map actually comes forward cuz lets face it.. Shitwater is bad..) the golden times..
Probably yea, but i can dream
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