I will reply to every one of your huge paragraphs with an explanation. Also I believe your post contains a general bias against me and this suggestion purely because you are the one who wrote it.
It is incredibly funny to me that you think I have a general bias against you all because I'm a major in the GOC. I have provided facts and arguments to your comments and suggestions, there is no implicit bias against you. I, as many other people in the GOC, am capable of maintaining a neutral outlook on proposed changes without bringing any bias. Having an open mind when looking at proposed changes is what ends up making the server a better place in the quality of RP as well as other aspects. Anyway this will be my last post on this to avoid attempts at drama baiting.
1st paragraph: Seraphim, a person in the UNGOC on the USA server stooped soo low to have a guy join a civilian organization and harassing people in it this was also known as the BMART1N7 incident, its not fact however its a MIGHT, Seraphim stoops low just so he can mess with civilians, I believe he was one of the reasons of this change, either that or the staff just want to limit civilian RP on surface, your correct about fact checking myself however, but what I stated is clearly conjecture in that reguard.
2nd paragraph: When I was mayor, Seraphim and 2 other GOC guys went into ranger station, this was after me being killed from like CI or something it has been a while, Seraphim goes into town hall my office then arrests me to take me to UNGOC base, no reason for that, I called him over to town hall to do a document thing, nothing on the document was infobreachable, however take this explanation with a grain of salt atleast for this paragraph considering I don't have a clip.
First of all, dropping a players name like that in an attempt to slander their name on a
MIGHT, is completely rude and unprofessional. Here are the facts to your claims that he is the reason the ranger changes were implemented. Seraphim was not an LT until after the ranger change was put in place. There is no thread or suggestion which implies that Seraphim suggested changing the ranger and mayor rules. Seraphim has not approached the CO team about making a suggestion about changing mayor/ranger rules. A 1SGT alone does not have the power to create a change that affects a whole faction. I will not be commenting on how you claim he "had a guy join a civilian organization and harass people" since you yourself said its a "might". As for the 2nd paragraph, We have no way of knowing in character if you were already killed knowing something that we consider an info breach. Without knowing the full context of what exactly happened in this situation, I cannot tell you if what he did was right or wrong. Without seeing the actual document that you claim to have had him come over for, I cannot know for a fact there was nothing that might have been considered an info breach. This should have been something you came to someone in DMs over to discuss the situation instead of talking about it publicly on the forums.
3rd paragraph: I have read the documents, both of them, those documents are stickied, NO RP CAUSED THE DOCUMENTS TO BE THERE, and regular civilian documents are never stickied and when they are they are just took down from some regi the next day, also the part where Rangers cannot fight against like the greeners even if they are doing harmful things to civilians, or the fact they want Rangers to turn in any prisoner from any regi to them is bullshit, and if you dont follow those documents somehow somewhere your breaking failrp, its some bull shit.
You are right when you say "No RP caused the documents to be there" however, the same can be said about the initial rule changes to the mayor and rangers. The fact of the matter is, it is incredibly hard to create long lasting RP between the mayor and rangers when these positions are not whitelisted and can be accessed by anyone in a public capacity as long as they meet the requirements, which I believe are total level 50 and some sort of VIP rank. Even if RP was conducted to get the documents added with a mayor, your claim would most likely still be the same because it was not done with PAM specifically. You say regular civilian documents are never stickied, have you even asked staff members to sticky it? If you did then they said no for a reason. RP from mayor to mayor is different, and not every mayor would have the same policies and ideas when it comes to enacting law. You cant simply force a future mayor to follow your laws and policies. That is why the document we put up does not have hard restrictions on what you do and what you can enforce. You also say a regiment took it down the next day but the fact is, literally anyone can make a civilian, and guess what? Those civilians are able to take documents that have not been stickied. The fact is when we look for documents, if it is not does not have an info breach we leave it alone. I can say that because we generally inform each other on what kind of documents we find and what kind of info breaches they have on them. In no part of the briefings does it say you cannot fight the "greeners". It says word for word and I quote "Although their appearance may seem friendly at times, it is recommended you stay away and limit your dealings or investigation into the greenies, as they may become hostile towards you and the people in your town." It does not specifically say you cannot do anything with them, only that is it recommended to limit contact. CI are a terrorist group which have 90% of the time responded violently to any actions the rangers or mayor has taken with their men. If you arrested a CI for breaking one of your laws and they attacked you, you can absolutely defend yourselves and the ranger station, even get the UN involved in an attempt to conduct peace talks. If CI are trying to take a foundation member you arrested for breaking laws, you can absolutely refuse and defend yourselves if they attack, even attempt to inform foundation that you arrested someone from their base and that CI are trying to force you to give them the prisoner. You might even be able to make money out of it if you agree with extradite them back to their facility in the form of a bail. There are so many options open to you with this document, and not following it to the letter would not make it "failrp".
4th paragraph: You proceded to tell the most common thing that happens on surface dude, do you play as civi? Unique doesn't mean do what everyone else does, it means doing something nobody has done before, being a freethinker for starters, those documents give you a massive limitation for what you can do, its like you are immobalizing the government of Pinewood for whatever reason, it makes no sense, and plus the guy was warned for Failrp, even if its fun someone somewhere will get butthurt from it, also if the UN runs into Pinewood for whatever reason (Canadian soil, OFF THEIR BASE) and kidnaps a Mayor or any person of interest for the sole reason of information, that breaks a law in any western country, kidnapping? Stealing a person for no reason at the time? If your motives aren't shown because you run in without saying a word to kidnap someone that means everything to the civilians on surface and expect to have a "oh well i guess i gotta wait" response? Thats some bullshit, plus if the mayor is smart he'd gun all those dickheads down but prolly get banned for RDM even though its self-defence.
I never said unique means do what everyone else does? GOC is a surface faction that I have been part of for many, many months, and in those months I can tell you that majority of the RP is some kind of attempt to info breach information, or rangers starting a war. I don't need to play on a civilian 90% of the time to know what happens on surface. As I said before, those documents are to give you more information than what is outlined in the job descriptions, and more to work with in creating rp. The GOC is in no way immobilizing the Pinewood government, the tldr of what the job description says is "The mayor has been briefed by the GOC to assist them in suppressing info breaches and information relating to the supernatural." A side effect of this is that yes, the mayor does partially work for GOC, however he is still his own person who is trying to ensure the safety and prosperity of his town. The fact is that if the mayor knew something even the tiniest bit anomalous before, he would be taken and given amnestics. With the way the mayor is now, we give them a little leeway in what information he figures out. If the mayor figured out that greenies are actually CI, or CAF was actually foundation, they would most likely not be given amnestics. If he found out foundation houses anomalies dangerous to civilians and kept it quiet, he would likely not get amnestics. With the current ruleset the mayor is outline to know about the anomalous world at a very low clearance level, thus giving more RP opportunities. Your claim of the UN violating laws when kidnapping the mayor for knowing information he shouldn't, while valid in the aspect of breaking laws yes, however you fail to consider the fact that we are in the SCP universe, and every powerful faction who knows about the anomalous has some sort of tie to the government in the way of secret agents embedded within the government. This is why both foundation and GOC is able to suppress information about anomalies from getting out into the world. As to your comment about "If the mayor is smart he would gun down all those dickheads" realistically, the mayor would have at most a pistol for self defense, not a giant one shot energy weapon from the local MC&D dealer. Realistically if the mayor knew something he shouldn't know, he would be called to the GOC embassy, and kidnapped quietly there and given amnestics. This is a gmod server, not everything is realistic on a 1:1 scale, if it was then parawatch wouldn't have a gameplay loop, and CI's terror cell would have likely been bombed to the point where CI hill is a crater.
5th paragraph: Theres been more than hundreds of people that know what I am talking about, and many people on this suggestion post in the replies I believe know about this issue as well, it shouldn't be against the rules to not be buddy-buddy with another GOI, you are an LT in the UN first of all, and second of all you created these documents, what the hell caused this to happen? Did you puppet the entirety of Canada? Did you take over the world as UN? This wouldn't happen, it isn't crazy it is logical.
Again, like I said those documents were created as the result of the rule change, not before. As I initially said those documents were created to build RP. If you want me to be frank, majority of the powerful governments, like America and Canada are in fact puppeteered and manipulated by both the GOC and Foundation in the SCP universe. Do you honestly believe that containing the spread of information containing the anomalous was done without some influence in governments? GOC is a detachment from the actual united nations, which in fact has ties to almost every country in the world. In a way, the GOC does control the world in order to protect humanity. This is entirely logical in the SCP universe.
6th paragraph: There is still wars between all of those people, this didn't make a damn change nor did it make it more peaceful, to be honest, the documents being on surface probably creates more war than peace, imagine waking up as a civilian, town hall wide open, you read these documents and see how weak your government is, you denounce it and stop believing in it, you get silenced by being kidnapped by the UN and being executed or amnesticated, and you get thrown back out to be killed from some ass 3 minutes later, this happens all the time. They added this rule to limit what roleplay civilians can do, clear and cut, it limits civilians, first they say civis cant have guns, nobody listens, second they say that civis cant make groups, again nobody listens, so now they pull this, look at it third times a charm, and they subjigated you in such a way you would do it for people that dont care about you, man I have sympathy for you.
There are still wars because people ignore the fact that rangers are a small faction and would be immediately wiped out by the group they start a war with. You say the documents cause more war than peace but where is your evidence to back that up? I have seen how rangers start wars, and usually its started because "Oh you killed this ranger who was a disguised CI or Foundation, we're going to war!!!!!!1!!!111!!" While yes a civilian can walk in to read those documents, which is why I wanted to have those doors spawn in locked, or give the mayor and rangers low level GOC keycards with GOC keycard scanners to add more security to the ranger station, the latter requiring the UK server to agree to the change, most civilians don't actually care about the existence of those documents because they don't contain info breaches they would be interested in. I have not once seen a civilian try to start a coup against the UN because of those documents, nor have I been told that it happens by other GOC. If you have any evidence proving otherwise then I would be happy to look it over. There is no rule stating civilians cant have guns, civilians are non combative meaning they can only fight in self defense and cannot start conflicts. You can put in character laws about civilians not being able to carry guns, that is completely different. There is no rule that civilians cant make "groups", nor does the GOC not "Care about the civilians" GOC's whole goal is to protect humanity from going extinct by the hand of anomalies, however conflicts that are created by rangers are not anomalies. GOC will sacrifice a life if its for the greater good of humanity, but avoid sacrifices wherever possible. But at a point we cannot protect the civilians of Pinewood when they're constantly causing war after war with not even an attempt at peace. We are willing to be the middle man of peace talks, which has happened literally yesterday when Nu7 shot CI in an amusement park, with rangers almost declaring war again for shooting into the amusement park, but we were able to deescalate and actually get each other to talk and not instantly go to war. War is not RP, Conflict leading to talking and dealing being made is RP.
I have spoken and dealt with these kinds of people for 2 years, in 8 months it would be 3 years, ever since October 17th 2022 people kept trying to destroy civilian RP and kill surface RP by making the regis super overpowered and denying all civilian suggestions for something new when they put something in the game when there was no suggestion in the first place being accepted or denied.
"With these kinds of people" is just a wild statement. You don't know me one bit and you are already attempting to lump me into a group of people without any actual interactions with me on the server. I for one am open for change and suggestions, but a suggestion to "Remove this because I don't like it" is not a proper criticism, and constantly fighting with GOIs on surface as rangers is not RP. If SL or content team have an issue with the documents, they can remove or have me change them however they wish. The documents don't flat out outline any sort of rules to rangers or the mayor, they simply provide information that expands on their job description, nothing more nothing less. If you have an issue with obtaining more information I don't know what to tell you.
Oh and before you say I'm defending this change, I couldn't care less if the change to mayors get reverted or not. Changes were made, I provided more information to RP off of, I provide the facts as they are. I am neutral when it comes to the actual suggestion.