Denied Restock helis on bugged stingers

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Oct 17, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Clarifies rules on when helis should be restocked when bugs are involved, in this specific case one shot stingers

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Heli stock timers are very long and losing a heli because one singular stinger hit you and knocked your top rotor to a halt is not fun and is very tilting, especially when silent stingers occur.
Makes it so staff as a whole know if this should be a restock or not

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Some people will be upset that helis are harder to kill and "oh it's always been like that" doesn't mean it needs to stay like that

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
In this clip we can see Hydro explain that one shot stingers that stop your top rotor are a bug

He goes into further detail about why it is a bug and that it's a problem that should have been looked into ages ago but it never really came up as a priority. Until this bug is fixed I believe that helis that die in an unfair manner/in a way out of the pilots control should be restockable as helis are very precious, there are not many and the stock timers are very long. Doing this will make things clearer for rules and fairer for pilots (especially new ones).
I know everyone not in heli regiments (and possibly two specific really good pilots) will not be happy to hear this and say shit like "skill issue" but do consider the perspective of the pilots, especially new ones, as well please thank you.
Alright cool quirky edit here: After the very useful "feedback" I think a good compromise can be made. Buff stingers but allow restock for glitched stingers. That way if you are unable to stinger a heli more than once that is YOUR skill issue for not being able to literally hold right click for like 3-4 seconds. Stingers get an overall buff and we don't get punished for bugs that are out of our control.
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Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022
bugs should always be fixed

Yes heli's IRL dont have a "lock-on warning" but a bug is a bug and should be fixed to bring balance and fair play.
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