Denied Revert Snipers to not need combat score

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Allows someone to use a sniper without the need to combat score

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably, I love the sniper always have; however, recently, I have hated using the sniper as I can only get 3 kills before getting double d'ed by a PVT with a laser

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
I get to be a sniper main again, don't waste hard-earned combat score, and add another role.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Non, literally no negatives

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The job is fun, meaning I will have fun more during the war, though it isn't due to CS.
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This suggestion is really badly argued and will negatively impact the server. Highlands was already a horrific cesspool for snipers and will only get worse. Killing a sniper that's killed 5 friendlies and knowing they might not instantly go back on the job gives a player a sense of accomplishment, and people can still regularly play sniper (getting 3 kills is not difficult) so it's not damaging.
I get to be a sniper main again
So you get to sit on a hill and kill everyone without 0 risks? How is that a positive? It means 1 player on ground has fun while another 5-10 have to deal with a constant and undefeatable problem.
don't waste hard-earned combat score
It's not a waste, you get a 1 shot rifle and a good CQB weapon. It just means you have to use your job more strategically rather than rushing in. By your argument a flamer and juggernaut is a waste because you'll eventually lose them.
and add another role.
It already is a role, just not one as easily accessed.
Non, literally no negatives
Literally so many negatives that I've pointed out.

I will have fun more during the war,
Just in case I haven't emphasised this enough only 2-3 sniper mains will have fun in a war under this suggestion. Nobody else will.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021


This suggestion is really badly argued and will negatively impact the server. Highlands was already a horrific cesspool for snipers and will only get worse. Killing a sniper that's killed 5 friendlies and knowing they might not instantly go back on the job gives a player a sense of accomplishment, and people can still regularly play sniper (getting 3 kills is not difficult) so it's not damaging.

So you get to sit on a hill and kill everyone without 0 risks? How is that a positive? It means 1 player on ground has fun while another 5-10 have to deal with a constant and undefeatable problem.

It's not a waste, you get a 1 shot rifle and a good CQB weapon. It just means you have to use your job more strategically rather than rushing in. By your argument a flamer and juggernaut is a waste because you'll eventually lose them.

It already is a role, just not one as easily accessed.

Literally so many negatives that I've pointed out.

Just in case I haven't emphasised this enough only 2-3 sniper mains will have fun in a war under this suggestion. Nobody else will.
I Agree with everything you said so its a:

Rice Cooker

Well-known Member
Mar 20, 2022

Admittedly, my feedback is incredibly dated as it has been quite some time since I have played MRP consistently. However, the conversation regarding snipers, albeit long winded, has been somewhat consistent.

First, it is important to recognize that there are quite a few players on the server, each of whom have their own experiences to consider. In the past, snipers have been more favored in that consideration, and the game play was very sniper focused; this is the game play that you wish to return to. Unfortunately, snipers are a minority of players, and allowing them to operate freely with very little opposition creates a difficult experience for other players to enjoy.

Next, looking toward your balance of positive and negatives, you have omitted a number of concerns that Jimothy had already mentioned. Snipers are incredibly powerful, both at range and close quarters. This is just the reality of Garry's Mod's limitations, and any alterations to weapon damage make snipers impractical. There have been changes to other weapon states like fire rate, but there is only so much that can be changed before encountering the previous issue of impracticability. Thus, rather than changing the weapon itself, access to the weapon has to be changed, i.e., the introduction of the combat score. You express concerns that using combat score for snipers is a waste, but that is what they are expressly meant for. They are there to reward players who are participating in war with occasional access to more lethal jobs, e.g, juggernaut, flamer, sniper, etc. Removing the combat score requirement has an incredibly negative impact on the game play for many other players at the expense of a more positive experience for snipers--there is little justification to revert it back.

I certainly don't mean to say that the server is meant to completely ignore snipers' game play experience as they are also players. Similarly, I very rarely have the opportunity to access combat score jobs as I can not aim for the life of me, so I don't have many experiences accessing a combat score job just to be killed moments later. Still, it is important to recognize that while your experience as a sniper may be a little more difficult and annoying, it creates a more enjoyable for many other players because of how one sided snipers must be to be practical on the server.
Jan 2, 2021
/ Neutral

I think lowering the war score cost wouldn’t hurt or like having one sniper for the frontline regiments like Infantry, MP, and SF. But having max 2 for each regiment is gonna be hectic so I’m more of having a revert but different system.
- Support
they make the game so unfun when your killed by them they encourage passive boring gameplay its not fun to play against especially on maps like backwater and highlands where theres thousands of trees and bushes which completely block your vision the job should be hard to get and definitely not free

its never fun dying to a pixel on your screen 2 miles from where you are

Deleted member 1078

+ Support

I am not able to play MRP atm but I would assume that the nerf to snipers means a decline in the few good snipers farming 100+ kills in a war. I hate getting sniped but honestly most people who used them were really trash (bad), and the few good people deserve to to be allowed snipe because they put the time in to get good with them.

Also from what I remember ARs were literal laser beams so snipers got nerfed by this change intended or not. Like if u take a second or two to get your sight on target it's just a left click to kill a sniper. From an infantry pov this suggestion makes things less fun, but dealing with snipers is usually comes down to spotting the sniper and left clicking.

Also I've never actually used a sniper before for context, I wasn't bothered to get MSGT in a regiment.
+ Support

I am not able to play MRP atm but I would assume that the nerf to snipers means a decline in the few good snipers farming 100+ kills in a war. I hate getting sniped but honestly most people who used them were really trash (bad), and the few good people deserve to to be allowed snipe because they put the time in to get good with them.

Also from what I remember ARs were literal laser beams so snipers got nerfed by this change intended or not. Like if u take a second or two to get your sight on target it's just a left click to kill a sniper. From an infantry pov this suggestion makes things less fun, but dealing with snipers is usually comes down to spotting the sniper and left clicking.

Also I've never actually used a sniper before for context, I wasn't bothered to get MSGT in a regiment.
Snipers can still rack up a lot of kills especially on Highlands (18 million hills to shoot from) and this has been proven I think. Why should a few good snipers be able to get 100+ kills in a war meaning 1 guy with a big rifle can do more damage than heli and tank regiments combined arguably.


Oct 8, 2021
Suggestion Denied

Hi @AS3MAN , Your suggestion has been denied.

We're happy with the current gun balance, while I agree a lot of the ARs are "lasers" most players only run 1x sights meaning that over vast distances they're extremely hard to aim. Snipers on the other hand require virtually no skill to use and can turn the tide of a war, this is why we added the 300 CS minimum to counteract people dying on sniper with no adverse effects.

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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