Accepted Rework FOB's

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change the way deployment works for FOB's, previously, the more power FOB had, less the spawn time there was, now its 20secs for each FOB, no matter the power of it.
Make it so that the more power FOB has the less should deployment queue be.
( suggesting the times, it doesnt have to be like this specifically)

At 100k power deployment queue should be reduced to 16~18 sec

At 150k power deployment queue should be reduced to 13~15 secs

At 200k power queue should be reduced to 8~10 secs

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-gives reason to actually build up fobs to full power, rather than just building it up to 200k for the sake of it
-it will motivate more people to build it
-and most importantly if fob is scudded/himarsed and then replaced, it doesnt have same deployment time as before

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: literally none

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: it changes the combat system by a lot for the better. its mostly annoying waiting 20 seconds to spawn on the FOB. Accepting this suggestion will lead to people actually buildling FOBs once they learn that there is now a huge positive effect of it.
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Delta Molfar

Well-known Member
May 23, 2022
+ Support
I have no idea why it was not implemented at the first place, but making 200k FOB 8 seconds respawn is a bit OP. What i would do is | 10k-50k - 30 s | 50-100k - 25s | 100k-150k - 20s | 150k-200k - 15s |


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
I like this idea personally this if how I thought FOB's were going to be in the first place so people still have a reason to go and build FOB's instead of building them to 10k each and going AFK again. The times you have given are a bit to good 8 seconds to spawn on a FOB would be to little seen as building it to 200k is very easy but overall seems good.
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