rivaa's SC application

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Sep 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:556534050

Discord name: le0#8656

For how long have you played on MRP: i have been playing MRP for 6-5 months and my Vtime is 1 week 6 days.

Age: 15.

In what country are you located?: south africa.

Time zone: GMT +2.

NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF SPC riva.

NWO name (regiment and rank): 1stAL LT rivaa.

Civilian name: rivo.

Do you have a mic?: yes i do.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: no, this is my first supreme council application.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i currently don't hold any kicks, bans or warnings.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: one of the leadership roles i have had in MRP was SLT and this was before the update but currently i am the company command with LT but i have had a pretty good experience with leading 1stAL i was holding the most active squad and my personnel knew what they were doing with tanks, ground and game knowledge because i helped them with training and all of that stuff.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: i don't exactly think i am the best choice neither the first but currently NWO has had a player drop and so has SC and if SC has no players then NWO crashes so i think i could help with the player drop by improving certain things in NWO, and i know i haven't had proper leading experience but when i have lead it was very good and i do think i could do well within NWO. i have had experience with a lot of regiments from ground troops to police but also tanks and air support which could give me a understanding within certain regimental issues or just understanding the regiment in general.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

-MPK SSGT riva.
-15thRB CPL riva.
-MPK PVT riva.
-JAC PFC riva.
-15thRB PVT riva.
- MPK PFC riva.
-current JAF SPC riva.

-before update 1stAL SLT rivaa.
-current 1stAL LT rivaa.

List your strengths and weaknesses:

-haven't had a proper leading experience.
-never had a SC position before.
-have had my mingy moments.

-i know almost everyone on NWO and in good terms with them.
-i am a think i am a very approachable person if there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
-i tend to be nice and be patient and hold my anger in bad moments.
-i am normally not bias is certain situations.
-i know the rules very well from studying the rule book for my Tmod test

i am sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes i do apologize and thank you for taking your time on reading my application.
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Active member
Sep 10, 2022


+Very friendly and approachable.
+Always had positive interactions.

Thank you for applying and showing intrest for High command

Hello Riva
Unfortunely after a long discussions we will be denying this application for High command we do not find you the right fit yet for SC we want to see you get more confortable within the role of reg command if you need more details of this reason contact me or SGEN Paris

Regards SCOM 'M' Hoofbabski

Reapply in 2 weeks
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