Rogues CSB App

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Nov 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:610726313
Discord name: _scp682.
For how long have you played on CN MRP: 8 days and 4 hours
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: North america
Time zone: CDT
Character name(s): Nato: Rogue jeremy, USSR: Boston rogue,
Civ name: Photon
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all NATO or USSR Roles/ranks that you have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM warns beacuse i was messing around outside sim room, and a ban for minor glitching due to a visual bug. makeing me outside the map.
Why are you interested in joining CSB?:
After playing NATO and USSR/NWO For a while and getting bored of the 1 hour no Roleplay peactimes, i would love to enjoy a new roleplay in CSB during peactime
Why are you the best candidate for CSB?:
Ive had lots of experience on and off the civilnetworks servers that relate to fun RP scenarios and id think id be great at rolpelaying on CSB
Please create some lore for your CSB character
Abdul Muhamad- Was born in a town in Poland, He had a father he love so much for teaching him how to use weapons after days and days of learning. His dad got drafted for war. Abdul watched his father in combat get a sniper bullet Straight bewtween the eyes from a SAS Sniper, Ever sense then hes wanted to fight in memeory for this father
Do you understand that CSB is a RP faction and caught not doing so will end up in you being removed?
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