Accepted Rule addition

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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MRP War Veteran
May 14, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Making a rule that prevents any spy or SAS/STS to enter enemy base to steal warfunds during war time

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Will make the process for stealing warfunds more realistic. (Sneaking and actually putting effort into infiltrating enemy base rather than walking in when its empty)
Its gonna make it more fair for everyone.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
It may be more challenging to steal warfunds

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
People love going 2-5 minutes before wartime ends into base, hacking their way into the CC and waiting for war to end just to instantly steal warfunds 20-30 seconds into Peacetime. It's completely unfair and while we can go and check the base before peacetime we are actively leaving the battlefield in the last moments when it is the most crucial to be there.
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bruh whats the point in losing a cap point or getting a stalemate instead of minor victory cuz we had to pull RMP out of the war early to stop someone hacking warfunds?
also just annoying for AOR/RMP to have to sweep the fucking base at the end of every war. spies shouldn't be in base during war as it defeats the purpose of using skill and being stealthy enough to get past the guards and into the CC.

They cant start the hack during war time/steal it during war time. I think its better to have AOR/MPC/RMP (Police Regs) or SAS/SFOD/STS (Spec ops Regs) pull out of war 30-45 seconds before war and sweep CC/High Command bunks. for the US server at least its become a habit for them to do and its worked out great.
we sit near the CC /HC bunks till the war starts we also always have 1 dude near it even during war sometimes


MRP War Veteran
May 14, 2022

They cant start the hack during war time/steal it during war time. I think its better to have AOR/MPC/RMP (Police Regs) or SAS/SFOD/STS (Spec ops Regs) pull out of war 30-45 seconds before war and sweep CC/High Command bunks. for the US server at least its become a habit for them to do and its worked out great.
It shouldn't be our job to pull out of war during the most crucial moments being the last minutes. It defeats the purpose of spys actually trying to infiltrate and putting in effort. Its just a cheap tactic to get some easy warfunds.
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Active member
Nov 16, 2022

This sort of thing continually disrupts debriefs and also cheeses much of the infiltration aspect of spy gameplay. Ideally spies should only be allowed to enter the enemy base after their own faction's debrief has finished.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
Massive -Support
the server needs to always be in a roleplay situation.
and for those who say it disturbs Db how are spies able to know when you guys are finishing and would make the concept of as SPY useless.
Massive -Support
the server needs to always be in a roleplay situation.
and for those who say it disturbs Db how are spies able to know when you guys are finishing and would make the concept of as SPY useless.
Spies wouldn't need to know when you finish debrief, they would simply have to not enter the base until war ends. very simple
it wouldn't at all make spies useless... if the only reason spies are useful is to enter the base when nobody is there and steal warfunds i think that completely destroys the RP of entering the base trying to avoid RMP/AOR, get a disguise and hack without anyone finding them.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
Spies wouldn't need to know when you finish debrief, they would simply have to not enter the base until war ends. very simple
it wouldn't at all make spies useless... if the only reason spies are useful is to enter the base when nobody is there and steal warfunds i think that completely destroys the RP of entering the base trying to avoid RMP/AOR, get a disguise and hack without anyone finding them.
No no you're supposed to hack w/o anybody knowing and DB dosent have to be after war immediately.
A spy is supposed to hide identity at all costs dosent mean he has to interact with AOR/RMP.
Massive -Support
the server needs to always be in a roleplay situation.
and for those who say it disturbs Db how are spies able to know when you guys are finishing and would make the concept of as SPY useless.
also if you where on during your own war you should go to db on your respected side not just go hack during war or just prewar


Well-known Member
Feb 28, 2023
this just seems like spys abusing loopholes to hack it
Spies will often camp right after DB in order to hack, and I've heard of spies in the past that sit inside CC through long durations of wartime just to wait for the chance to hack into warfunds. At the very least, specify what a spy can and cannot do, because it seems unfair that they are able to hack into CC during wartime and squat till war ends, because that is one less door for them to hack during peacetime, when they are most likely to be detected as a result of their sounds.


Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2023
Seems like a bit of a grey area at the moment, also as just disrupting war for people to come back and have to deal with a spy on base.
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