Partially Accepted Rule change for ABT/JAF

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Senior Moderator
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Event Team
Mar 23, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Allows JAF/ABT to take up 2 helis during certain wars by allowing both side to take up 2 helis with the current numbers we have, its unfair for JAF or ABT that they are limited to only 1 heli even tho its 30vs30? (change rules on how many territories are needed for 2 helis up)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that i know off

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Allows More Chances of Helis having an impact on wars
Make ABT/JAF think about stocks alot more
Makes JAF/ABT more appealing and allowing newer players to co-pilot or even pilot

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
NATO/USSR Will have less ground?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe it should be accepted due to currently the server pop if alot higher then normal meaning theres more people to do more "regimental jobs" like JAF/ABT by flying but with current rules restricting pilots depending on how many points they have it makes it less appealing to newer players being on the ground all the time like any other Regiment with less benefits
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Mar 15, 2023
I don't believe people are understanding what the idea is of this suggestion. He is most likely referring to the wars in which there are 25+ people on both sides over 3 lanes but 1 side is limited to having 1 heli up due to territories, not that there should be more than 1 heli up when its a single lane. Currently, NATO have been able to take 2 helis against 1 for almost the entire week while USSR has been limited, making it much less enjoyable since both the heli and tank regiment will do considerably worse, causing an easy win for the other team with so much support. The point Skyric is making in this suggestion is that it is unfair how one side is given limits on what they can do based on territories captured as it makes future wars so much more difficult to do, meaning newer players won't get opportunities and player retention will go down as you need the best people up in a 1v2 situation.
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I have a question for you

Why should we give the dominating team an even bigger advantage over the team that is losing?

If the opposing team is already in a situation where they do not own sufficient territories for the other team to take up 2 CAS, why should we help the winning team even more? (Excluding factors such as Stingers, AA support or hell even IFV support (Like BTR 80A, BMP) and ofcourse FLAK support.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Mar 23, 2021
I have a question for you

Why should we give the dominating team an even bigger advantage over the team that is losing?

If the opposing team is already in a situation where they do not own sufficient territories for the other team to take up 2 CAS, why should we help the winning team even more? (Excluding factors such as Stingers, AA support or hell even IFV support (Like BTR 80A, BMP) and ofcourse FLAK support.
Its not a massive difference as currently lets be real NATO is getting shafted yet they normally have more players on and i swear too god 90% of NATO have fucking stingers and theres legit NOTHING that helis regs can do (other then to try and cas them) but atleast allowing both sides to have 2 helis up in certain situations like 25vs25 and 3 lane war makes flying regs more engaged as currently JAF/ABT ground is useless with 99% of wars being boring as hell basically being a second rated KBG/RMP and even then RMP/KGB have better stuff for the ground, so all i mean by the suggestion is that during 3 lane wars where theres alot of people on 2 helis should be up giving both sides the same amount of help via air for tanks,IVFs and INF, as currently JAF always have 2 helis up and its boring as hell since ABT can only take 1 up meaning the other heli can legit "shit on" 10th for example or INF

Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi Skyric,
Your suggestion has been Partially Accepted. We are going to partially accept this suggestion and change the way that helicopters work alongside the territories owned.
"if a team owns 2 or fewer territories, the opposing team may choose between having 1 CAS Helicopter or 2x SOLO Helicopters in the sky."
Solo helicopters refers to either Commanche, Gunship, KA-50 or KA-52 and this does not change or affect anything to do with Single Lane wars.
Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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