Denied Rule change suggestion

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Apr 2, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/B]

Currently STS and SOTF may base raid every hour, during this they may kidnap or hack warfunds
If they decide to kidnap, they will bring the hostage to the base and then AOR / MPK are allowed to take the hostage off their hands that sts / sotf costed a base raid attempt that they otherwise could've used as an attempt to steal warfunds, because of this no one really does base kidnappings (and also the fact base kidnappings are a lot harder to do since the NWO update because bases are more secure than they used to be)
(You can kidnap AND steal war funds in one base raid but this is pretty much impossible)

Suggestion 1: Make base kidnappings and hacking 2 different types of base raids instead of it just being 1 type of a raid
Suggestion 2: Make it so STS / SOTF have authority over the hostage negotiation over AOR / MPK if the hostage was obtained through base kidnapping

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More peacetime activity for everyone and less boredom

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
More peacetime activities because more base kidnapping

Rules in question:

- Interrogation Rules - Interrogation Rules - MPK/AOR have control over an enemy prisoner within their own base and have the power to delegate interrogation or negotiations to SOTF/STS

2.11 - Base Kidnapping Rules - Players cannot be kidnapped within their own base unless in accordance with this rule. If there are at least 15 players on both teams (30 Total) SOTF or STS may enter the enemy base once every hour during peacetime or pre-war with the intent to kidnap members of the enemy team. During a base kidnapping, the regiment entering the enemy team's base must take reasonable action to prevent bloodshed. I.e. only returning fire on confirmed hostiles. You may also choose to hack the enemy team's server(s) as part of this kidnapping attempt.
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Suggestion Denied

Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been denied. We have combined the base kidnapping and hacking cooldown to prevent players constantly dealing with large groups of enemies in the base so this will not be changed as for the STS/SOTF authority, it was previously decided that hostages belong to AOR and MPK for the purpose of holding. Any other issues regarding payment for hostages and protection of hostages should be dealt with in RP​
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