Denied Rule Suggestion Change

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Active member
Oct 29, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change the rule so you can airstrike , napalm , b2 base

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More Role play friendly
Makes good use of war funds to defend your base from hostile invaders.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Maybe used too much maybe?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Makes more role play sense in RP. For example IRL Nazi Germany sent bombers to destroy their own bases on their border to try to hault the allies advance. Same with other communist country they would rather destroy their stuff then give it to their enemies.
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neutral this will help with some places when you are absolutly over runned and the baseraid is one sided at that point but
- becaus you kill soo many friendlies it will count as mrdm if you use IRL then you could see that this happens sometimes and mostly by the more "evil" side of a war. this is what russia and the no no germans did during wwII but not even that hard (the sovjets mostly even)
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I mean u can B2, Napalm and PA right outside of gates, to prevent them from coming in, anything inside should be somewhat easy deal with seeing how u spawn near it, I can imagine a Napalm inside CC or something would ruin the BaseRaid for everyone, seeing how it last quite the time, and would prevent people from doing anything for some time, and at same time, killing a ton of friendies depending on where it's used


Active member
Oct 29, 2023
-Support just dont think it should be a thing for the side attacking or defending its a stupid idea and would ruin alot of base raids
My only argument to this is war isn't fair. Irl
The use of assets is unfair in itself same with scuds base raid should be seen as a point to capture or hold not seen as the only only place nwo or nato has left in the world tbh
May 14, 2022
you can use all the assists outside of base but inside base just seems unnecessary and a waste of warfunds and not alot of people going to be happy that they spawn then get killed from war assists because some HC decided to use a B2 to stop the enemy as there no way to escape it if you spawn in where its going to hit.


Active member
Oct 29, 2023
you can use all the assists outside of base but inside base just seems unnecessary and a waste of warfunds and not alot of people going to be happy that they spawn then get killed from war assists because some HC decided to use a B2 to stop the enemy as there no way to escape it if you spawn in where its going to hit.
Why isn't it unnecessary outside of base same thing applies to what your saying . If you b2 us on mosque there is no escape . I think it should be used since we have them and irl they use them on their own forces aswell to obtain victory
May 14, 2022
Irl what you refering to is broken arrow and that is not even consdered a victory, the reason for calling in Broken Arrow is because a US position is being overrun and can no longer be defended, you getting bombard by your own aircrafts, artillery and whatever else is on hand to point its not even consider danger close because its being drop where you are position.

But anyway Mosque is a point that you can push from base or from AF to cap and you can escape from Mosque if it was being B2 because your team going to be spread out through WT, ET maybe MT but base you can destroy all your own heils and vehicles that regiments deploy and heck some new player finish training and spanws at base during base raid then is B2 because he spawn at the wrong time, its going to have a bad first impression for them.
Also there is nowhere else to really spawn but main base that is going to be B2/ Nep and airstrike just going to annoy people as FOB can be spawn at then kill but base its not that simple because its your main base.
Suggestion Denied

Hi @ShockDragon ,
Your suggestion has been denied.
If you B3 your own base during a raid you will kill move of your own units that the other side. As for the RP reason of not waiting your base to fall to the enemy you also want to stay within the area of operation blowing up your HQ would not be wise.
Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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