- Feb 19, 2021
- 340
- 108
- 111
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Some Rules!!
Simple things, much like hacking, where there has to be a Specified amount of people on each side for 'something' to happen. For example, I think it's fair that a Private Contractor may be hired to destroy an FOB if there are 4 people on Both sides. This could be edited to be 4 people on the side that's FOB is being assulted however I'm just generalizing a premise that I believe should be in place.
I know this one will most likely get downvoted/not approved however I think Militiia should be able to do a Base Raid on either NATO or USSR base where it works like claiming towns. They have to advert that they are attacking the base, 5 minutes minimum for them to announce in OC with an announcement having to be made Every Minute. Rules could be that helicopters on helipads and vehicles in garages/vehicle spots aren't allowed to be destroyed however, vehicles actively used to defend the base raid can be engaged. Furthermore, it WOULD require a numbers implementation where there must be X amount of people on the side you are raiding. Finally, the only other thing that should be added is EITHER one of the two.
a) You can not do back to back base raids on the same base. 1x raid per peacetime.
b) You can raid both sides during 1x peacetime
Regarding Mayors, Police etc. They're not used right now. However, we could again implement something where Militia are automatically AOS and Police may sell the Militia off to NATO/USSR where they can then be used against the opposing faction. Furthermore, Police (it's not explicitly wrote in the rules) should be allowed to KOS Militia during a Town Takeover.
Honestly, if it were up to me, you'd have a counter militia style team and allow secret negotiations between factions and mayor to take place and allow police to act as a combat role during war however, this is not part of my suggestion, more just an idea that might be worth thinking of.
Civilian cooks can be hired during peacetime
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I'm not sure, just adds some rules that allows for more gameplay that is funner. It happens on both sides where NATO will hire a PC that magically appeared from nowhere and destroy an FOB when there's like 1x USSR on that's afk. We do the exact same thing, however there's near enough 0 counter play to it.
As per the other rules, I just want more roleplay orientated rules where they allow jobs to do certain things that keep factions ready/active during peacetime.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Some more stuff to do in peacetime regarding roleplay.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There's not rly a negative to the PC one.
Militia might take the piss and destroy vehicles however, just take a screenshot of where vehicles are before and after the base raid and get stuff restocked. No need to baby wah wah.
Mayor one, i'm not 100% on however it is a whitelist only job. I think something should be implemented with it though
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think some of the ideas aren't quite ready to be implemented and need some work however, the PC one I believe definitely should be implemented.
Some Rules!!
Simple things, much like hacking, where there has to be a Specified amount of people on each side for 'something' to happen. For example, I think it's fair that a Private Contractor may be hired to destroy an FOB if there are 4 people on Both sides. This could be edited to be 4 people on the side that's FOB is being assulted however I'm just generalizing a premise that I believe should be in place.
I know this one will most likely get downvoted/not approved however I think Militiia should be able to do a Base Raid on either NATO or USSR base where it works like claiming towns. They have to advert that they are attacking the base, 5 minutes minimum for them to announce in OC with an announcement having to be made Every Minute. Rules could be that helicopters on helipads and vehicles in garages/vehicle spots aren't allowed to be destroyed however, vehicles actively used to defend the base raid can be engaged. Furthermore, it WOULD require a numbers implementation where there must be X amount of people on the side you are raiding. Finally, the only other thing that should be added is EITHER one of the two.
a) You can not do back to back base raids on the same base. 1x raid per peacetime.
b) You can raid both sides during 1x peacetime
Regarding Mayors, Police etc. They're not used right now. However, we could again implement something where Militia are automatically AOS and Police may sell the Militia off to NATO/USSR where they can then be used against the opposing faction. Furthermore, Police (it's not explicitly wrote in the rules) should be allowed to KOS Militia during a Town Takeover.
Honestly, if it were up to me, you'd have a counter militia style team and allow secret negotiations between factions and mayor to take place and allow police to act as a combat role during war however, this is not part of my suggestion, more just an idea that might be worth thinking of.
Civilian cooks can be hired during peacetime
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I'm not sure, just adds some rules that allows for more gameplay that is funner. It happens on both sides where NATO will hire a PC that magically appeared from nowhere and destroy an FOB when there's like 1x USSR on that's afk. We do the exact same thing, however there's near enough 0 counter play to it.
As per the other rules, I just want more roleplay orientated rules where they allow jobs to do certain things that keep factions ready/active during peacetime.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Some more stuff to do in peacetime regarding roleplay.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There's not rly a negative to the PC one.
Militia might take the piss and destroy vehicles however, just take a screenshot of where vehicles are before and after the base raid and get stuff restocked. No need to baby wah wah.
Mayor one, i'm not 100% on however it is a whitelist only job. I think something should be implemented with it though
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think some of the ideas aren't quite ready to be implemented and need some work however, the PC one I believe definitely should be implemented.